4 Zodiac Signs Best For Your Top Emergency Contacts
No matter how many cautious steps you take to avoid them, emergencies can happen at any point in time, typically taking us by surprise and forcing you into a blind, anxiety-riddled panic on how best to proceed. As everyone can hastily admit, nothing is more stressful than an unexpected trip to the hospital, a sudden mechanical problem on the highway, or a random stomach bug that crops up when you least expect it. Fortunately, some signs seem better equipped to handle these nerve-wracking situations, making them an ideal fit for everyone’s emergency contact list (preferably on speed-dial near the top).
You’re someone able to roll with the punches when it comes to unexpected events in your loved ones’ personal and professional lives. If an acquaintance learns they need surgery, you’re the first to show up with a bouquet of flowers and a “get well soon” card. If a coworker gets laid off, you instantly offer to help them fix up their resume, fine-tuning their professional portfolio and helping them polish their interview skills. You may hate sudden changes, but your flexibility gives you a much-needed edge when it comes to these random life-altering events, allowing you to adapt to any emergency imaginable with little to any hesitation.
You not only have a set plan for when things go wrong–you have a backup plan for that initial plan in case things somehow get even worse. Possessing a tactical mindset that would make Napoleon himself envious, you have a literal notebook of worst-case scenarios in your back-pocket, allowing you to react accordingly to any situation. If your friend gets a flat-tire, you show up with emergency flares, a first-aid kit, and a premium spare tire in the back of your trunk. If someone falls and gets a nasty cut on their knee, you roll out a healthy supply of Band Aid brands they can choose from. A precocious busybody in every sense of the word, you have a plan worked out for every emergency, no matter how serious or mundane it might be in nature.
Upon first glance, you might not think that you handle emergencies well, yet you somehow manage to project an aura of stability that instantly puts everyone around you at ease. If an argument breaks out at a family function, you calmly shift the focus of the conversation to something lighter–like the new Pedro Pascal movie in theaters or the new Taylor Swift album that recently dropped on Spotify. Masking your panicked emotions incredibly well, you’re always able to assert some much-needed cool-headedness in frantic situations, allowing everyone to react rationally as opposed to emotionally.
In your thoughtful mind, the worst thing you can do in an uncertain situation is to rely on your feelings. It doesn’t matter if it’s debating the next move in a chess game or preparing for inclement weather–to you, it’s always best to step back and gain some perspective on a problem, thinking through all possible solutions. Able to assess a situation from a mere glance alone, your intellectual approach to issues makes you a dependable source of support and comfort to anyone in desperate need of assistance.