Megan Ruth / Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, May 26, 2024

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Meeting our sensual needs is priority #1 now that the yearning Moon tours tactile Capricorn. At 4:49 pm, a trine between Luna and Mercury in Taurus prompts us to think about what we truly want. Instead of judging our desires, seek to satisfy them. A massage, spa treatment, or luxury purchase can go a long way toward improving our outlook.

Later, at 8:33 pm, the Moon forms a sextile to hard-working Saturn. Making long-term plans keeps us from feeling unfocused, especially if our goals involve investments in real estate, agriculture, and jewelry. It’s easy to get frustrated when decisions don’t automatically pay off, thanks to a square between the Moon and hasty Mars at 11:37 pm. It helps to saturate ourselves in feelings of prosperity as we drift off to sleep.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to show off the fruits of your labor. Buying a showy status symbol gives your ego a much-needed boost. It feels good to own something that’s beautifully crafted and made with luxurious materials. Trust an impulse to contact a potential business contact, even if it’s still the weekend. Put a bossy relative in their place, even at the risk of being rude.


You have a winning way with words. Use your powers of persuasion to attract a successful person into your web of intrigue. This individual can help you realize a creative vision or business idea. Mixing with this person’s social circle will elevate your own status. Dwelling on past resentment can interfere with your sleep. Envision yourself taking a dream vacation as you drift off tonight.


Prove that you can keep a juicy secret. Earning a someone’s trust will pave the way for a close alliance. There’s a strong possibility the two of you will do business together quite soon. This is especially true if the person who has entrusted you is professionally involved with fashion, photography, or music. A loud argument between friends prompts you take sides with the calmer combatant. 


You can manifest a big dream today. Embarking on a passionate romance with your specific person is a matter of embodying the role of someone who is pursued, cherished, and loved. Instead of trying to make the object of your affection fall in love with you, assume they are already obsessed. Don’t let outward appearances to the contrary undermine your certainty that this outcome is guaranteed. 


You have definite ideas about what you’d like to do for work. Instead of thinking in terms of what’s practical, pursue a job related to your dream career. If that means temporarily making less money than normal, that’s fine. The important thing is to gain skills and contacts that will move you up the ladder to success. If someone lords their superior knowledge over you, make them your teacher. 


You’re tired of being confined to a limiting role. Expanding your horizons can be as simple as taking a trip or as complicated as earning an advanced degree. Trust your instincts to take you down the right path. An older person is willing to mentor you, provided you stop questioning their expertise. Demonstrate faith in their mastery, even when their attitude seems arrogant.  


You’re ready to make a fresh start, especially where your home life is concerned. Just because you were raised a certain way doesn’t mean you have to continue down that path. Have the courage to strike in a new direction. If that means being surrounded by art, music, and beauty, go for it. You aren’t meant to lead a life of drudgery. Neither are you supposed to take orders.


Your best friend or biggest rival is a positive influence. Their belief in your talent inspires you to learn more about a subject that has always fascinated you. Taking a class puts you in contact with an older student who wants to take you under their wing. After getting to know you better, they’ll realize you have plenty to teach them, too. This will be a stimulating alliance punctuated by passionate arguments. 


Adopting a healthier outlook has increased your mental and physical strength. In the past, you worried about getting tied down by relationships, jobs, and possessions. Now you realize there is nothing limiting about making a heartfelt commitment. When an arrangement makes you happy, it can only be a force for liberation. Don’t feel threatened by a love interest who wants to pursue a commitment. 


You’re a natural collector. Adding beautiful, rare, or precious objects to your cache makes your eyes sparkle with pleasure. Don’t beat yourself up for paying a large sum. The value of this item will increase very quickly. In retrospect, you’ll realize you got an incredible bargain. A fellow collector will congratulate you on this purchase and may even offer to buy it from you. Don’t feel guilty about keeping it. 


The better you feel, the easier life becomes. Stop letting 3D reality trigger your emotions. Instead, summon that famous idealism. Bask in the knowledge that everything is always working out for you. When obstacles threaten to block your path, assume they are redirecting you to your desired destination. It’s all about practicing mind over matter. Avoid an irritating relative who always tries to steal your joy. 


The idea for a song, painting, or design is pulling at your subconscious. Instead of ignoring this impulse, lean into it. Postponing chores is better than suppressing your creative instincts. It’s time you took your artistic side seriously. Stop taking your natural talent for granted. Contrary to popular belief, you can make a great living by doing what you love for work.