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The 4 Most Possessive Zodiac Duos

Whether we like it or not, we can all struggle with feeling possessive in relationships.

When we start seeing someone, especially someone we have immense feelings for, it triggers our insecurities if we think they might want to be with someone else—or if others are trying to capture their attention. Possession often stems from a fear we will lose someone, and we feel the need to “claim” them to keep that from happening.

While everyone wrestles with this from time to time, certain zodiac pairings can exhibit this behavior more than others, notably if they aren’t the most emotionally healthy or don’t communicate their feelings. 

It’s important to note that not every couple made up of these zodiac signs is automatically possessive. These signs may hold a higher potential for it, but each couple is unique and won’t experience things the same way!

Check the pairings below to see which four zodiac duos are the most possessive in relationships.

Scorpio and Taurus

These two make an excellent romantic pairing in many ways, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t potential pitfalls—and possessiveness is chief among them. Scorpio and Taurus are both fixed signs, which can make them both tremendously stubborn. Scorpio often tries to act detached from people they fall for initially, but this is usually due to struggling with trust. Once they have found someone they are all in for, they don’t like sharing them with anyone else. Taurus is very particular about those they let in, and when they have become vulnerable enough to invite someone new into their routines and comfort zones, they don’t like the idea of that person simply walking right back out. Both signs may find they lean into jealousy as a sign of love and devotion (if they aren’t doing inner work) and will feel like the other person belongs to them. 

Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn enjoy the partnership they create together, but this can quickly become unbalanced and possessive if they aren’t careful. Capricorn and Cancer care deeply about love but can also view it as a duty and a desire. Each will go out of their way to provide, protect, and nurture the other, but they can quickly get their feelings hurt if they even suspect the other may not be as entirely devoted as they are. Cancer may feel vulnerable with the amount of emotion they’ve invested, and Capricorn feels the same due to how much they open up. The main issue is suspecting the other of not being as invested if their priorities exist anywhere outside of the relationship. This can push both to tighten their grip on each other to keep the relationship alive. 

Aries and Libra

Aries and Libra can be quite the power couple, but it can also be quite a power struggle. Each sign values what the other brings to a relationship—Libra enjoys Aries’s confidence, and Aries likes Libra’s social and diplomatic attitude. Aries, at times, can be restless, but often, when they fall in love, they become deeply intense and fixated on the person they care about, wanting to go all out to show how much they care. Libra enjoys being social but ultimately will go out of their way to show their partner how much they mean to them. Aries may feel highly jealous of Libra’s ease in social gatherings and how often people are drawn to their pleasant demeanor and feel they must show that Libra is “theirs.” Libra, for their part, can struggle with Aries’s confidence in drawing the attention of others, which might make them feel insecure. This can quickly get out of hand as the two try to assert their importance in the other’s life, and can spiral into a toxic mess if they can’t work through the emotions. 

Leo and Pisces

Leo and Pisces may surprise many as a couple, but they both have big dreams and generosity towards those they fall in love with. Leo is known for wanting to be the star of the show, and Pisces is a hopeless romantic at heart, meaning that while they may fall for each other in what can feel like the romance of the century, they can also struggle with feeling possessive. This can be a frustrating double standard, as neither sign likes to feel controlled or contained, yet will still feel the need to do them to the other to keep the relationship from falling apart. Leo will feel protective and jealous if they think Pisces is daydreaming about someone else, and Pisces will panic if they feel Leo has their eyes elsewhere. Each will cling too tightly to the other in hopes of making it work, but it can be an uphill battle.