Andrea Piacquadio

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, July 21, 2024

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Today closes some chapters and sets the pace for new ones for the zodiac signs!

At 6:13 A.M. (EST), the full moon in Capricorn (the second of two this Cancer season) will reach its peak, pushing us to evaluate specific areas of our lives and how they are shaping up. The first full moon in Capricorn took place last month at the start of Cancer season, making today ideal for reflecting over the previous few weeks to see what shifts and changes have unfolded.Β While some may see a definitive ending to certain projects or connections, others may find they are closing the door on old ideas and methods to make room for new ones.

This full moon occurs at 29 degrees, the last degree of a zodiac sign, so its finality feels even more potent. This also means that later today, the moon will move into the next zodiac sign, Aquarius, marking a change in our emotional realm. As we reflect on the lessons of the full moon, the moon in Aquarius may spark the desire to take things to a new level or make new approaches in our lives, especially where friendships are concerned.Β 

Other aspects throughout the day, including the moon trining Mars in Gemini and Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini, point to motivation and energy to be open to self-improvement and feel inspired in speaking or writing endeavors.Β 

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re working towards achieving a significant goal, and today could prove to be the fruition of that, Aries. The full moon lights up your 10th House of Career and Public Image, marking a chance to follow through or close a chapter on a goal you’ve strived for over the last few months. Whether you’re receiving much-desired recognition or you are given the opportunity to prove yourself, it’s your moment. A few hours later, the moon will move into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, and you may find that the right connections set the stage for your next goal. You must remember the value of putting yourself out there and building stronger ties with community, both locally and abroad. You may be ambitious, but everyone needs people to get where they want to be.


You are ready to break free today, Taurus, and not in a subtle way. The full moon appears in your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, pushing you to evaluate what you genuinely believe in and want out of life. Your focus has been on mundane, necessary affairs, but you’re ready to explore your horizons. Later in the day, when the moon moves into your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you may find creative, out-of-the-box ways to take your desires to a new level. It’s important to remember that your longing to embrace new things is warranted and worth pursuing, but be sure you don’t burn yourself out by taking on too much all at once. You have time to make these dreams come alive.


The duality of diving deep underneath your surface and headfirst into new experiences is on your mind today, Gemini. The full moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources is bound to stir up some intense feelings and realizations about you and your deepest connections. Later, when the moon moves into your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, you may feel inspired to take in new perspectives to contrast the heavier ones you’ve felt internally. The good news is you have the energy and motivation to pursue everything at your fingertipsβ€”apply the lessons this full moon has taught you along the way.Β 


Relationships and intimacy play a bigger role for you today, Cancer. With the full moon in your 7th House of Partnerships, you’re evaluating the state of your connectionsβ€”a journey you started last month during the 1st Capricorn full moon. It’s time to focus on what has changed these last few weeks. You know what you deserve and the kind of partner and friend you’re capable of being, so where do your connections fall in the balance? Later, when the moon moves into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you’re stepping into how deep your connections go and how much you can depend on them. You may feel excited to go deeper with relationships that previously felt surface-level. Keep in mind today that while fostering deeper connection is great and worthwhile, don’t lose yourself in the middle of it all. There is room for you and your relationships.Β 


What starts as a focus on yourself and your goals shifts into relationship territory today, Leo. The full moon appears in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, pushing you to finally cut off bad habits and structures hindering more than helping you. When the moon later moves into your 7th House of Partnerships, you may become more aware of how your negative habits impacted those closest to you and lean on them for support to continue sticking to what you’ve started. It’s important to remember the benefits of caring for yourself, not only for your health but also for impacting your connections and your ability to see things clearly. Not changing your ways can cost you more than you may realize.Β 


You’re balancing your playfulness with what needs to get done today, Virgo. The full moon appears in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, marking a release of expectations surrounding how you express yourself and/or the closing of a creative endeavor you’ve been working on for quite some time and is deeply meaningful to you. Later in the day, when the moon moves into your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you’ll feel a shift into creating a new routine that isn’t directly revolving around those creative projects. It’s important to keep in mind that your creative expression is part of you, and there are ways to incorporate it into your day-to-day life that do not detract from the β€œnecessary” work you have to keep doing.


Today is feeling personal, Libra. With the full moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you’re feeling a bit more reserved and focused on your personal life and domestic matters. Today could mark a shift in how you view yourself or how you take care of yourself. Later, when the moon moves into your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you may feel the desire to lean into your self-expression and let loose a little. If you have children, you may strongly desire to be closer to them as you reflect on your upbringing. Remember that the ways you were raised may not have been bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to do things the same. You can forge the path that feels best for you and your family, whatever that looks like.Β Β 


You’re trying to play catch up on errands today, Scorpio. While you may long to escape into new horizons, the full moon in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community pushes you to focus on the necessary tasks and errands or the β€œboring” stuff you may have let pile up recently. You’re working hard to get things done, and it likely feels more stressful than you would like. Later, when the moon moves into your 4th House of Home and Roots, you may focus more on domestic matters and ensure everything runs smoothly in your home. While you may want to take on everything yourself, remember that asking for help and trusting others will show up for you isn’t a crime. You don’t have to carry everything alone.Β 


You’re creating space for yourself today, Sagittarius. With the full moon in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may find more security in what is comfortable rather than the unknown. You’re focusing on what you need and what matters to you, but you’re trying to do that without neglecting others’ needs. Later, when the moon moves into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may be more expressive with your revelations about what you want and need. The best thing you can do is figure out how to take up space without overpowering the entire room. The people who care for you want to show up for you; they just need to know how.Β 


You’re figuring out who you are and what you need today, Capricorn. With the full moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you’re allowing the focus to be on yourself, as you’ve been preoccupied with what everyone else requires lately. Later, when the moon moves into your 2nd House of Income and Values, you continue to lean into what makes you feel secure and stable. Today is worth reminding yourself that your needs matter, too, and it’s okay to focus on them.


You’re taking some much-needed alone time today, Aquarius. As the full moon appears in your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you may feel more reserved with your emotions than usual, and the need to be alone feels more prominent as you sort through your dreams, thoughts, and desires. Later, when the moon moves into your 1st House of Self and Identity, you may focus on applying the revelations you experienced about yourself to the person you are in a more public way. It’s worth caring for yourself, and what will bring you peace and happiness, and while it may feel selfish, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing to lean into what you need for a day or two.


Your connections may put your emotional energy to the test today, Pisces. With the full moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, some friends may come to you to support them during a crisis, which you’re more than willing to do. However, the experience may have you questioning the role you play in your friend circles, or it may bring to light the way they see you. When the moon moves into your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you may want to take some time alone to emotionally recharge after spending a ton of energy helping your friends with their issues. Know that your friendships matter and are worth being there for, but ensure that they aren’t using you or taking advantage of your kindness in the processβ€”you know whether or not that’s the case, so trust yourself.Β