Barbara Galeane

How You Feel Loved, Based On Your Astrological Love Language

According to author Gary Chapman, there are five ways that romantic couples demonstrate and desire love. These “love languages” include quality time, gifts, compliments, physical touch, and acts of service.

ProTip: the way a person gives love is often the way they wish to receive it. By paying careful attention how a person expresses their affection, you can predict the best way to please them. For instance, someone who is always running errands and doing chores for their significant other will greatly appreciate it when you pick them up their favorite latte or drop off a package for the at the post office. 

If you’re looking for love, think about your own love language, then check out the zodiacs who speak it! 

Aries: Quality Time

Aries needs to be number one in their partner’s affections. Therefore, spending quality time with the Ram will quickly bring down their defenses. This is especially true if you join this zodiac on their favorite activities like playing sports, riding motorbikes, taking power walks, and checking out the latest hotspots. 

Taurus: Receiving Gifts

Ruled by voluptuous Venus, the Bull’s favorite way of experiencing love is to receive gifts. Any present that engages this sign’s senses will get an enthusiastic response. A bottle of fragrance, gourmet chocolate, luxury bath towels, a set of windchimes, or a beautiful piece of jewelry are among the possibilities. 

Gemini: Words of Affirmation

The best way to reach Gemini’s heart is by articulating your feelings. Don’t assume this zodiac intuits how you feel—tell them. If you express your emotions through song or poetry, so much the better. Sweet love notes and passionate emails, voicemails, and texts will also get a great reception from this intellectual zodiac.

Cancer: Physical Touch

The best way to communicate love to the Crab is through physical touch. Cancer is symbolized by a creature whose soft insides are surrounded by a hard shell. Although this zodiac can seem crabby and distant at times, they secretly want to let down their defenses and be continually caressed, cuddled, and kissed. 

Leo: Acts of Service

Regal Leo adores acts of service being performed on their behalf. The best way to win this zodiac’s heart is to make them a delicious meal, take a dreaded chore off their shoulders, give them a massage—or all three! Doing these acts with a bit of fanfare is strongly advised, as Lions also adore ceremony. 

Virgo: Physical Touch

Cerebral Virgo’s brain is always going at a mile a minute. What many people forget is that this thoughtful zodiac is an Earth sign, which is extremely physical. The best way to show affection to the Virgin is through touch. Draw them in for a hug, nuzzle their ears with your lips, kiss the palms of their hands, and rake your fingers through their hair. 

Libra: Receiving Gifts

Tasteful Libra feel that gifts are tangible manifestations of love and affection. And while this zodiac undeniably wants precious objects that symbolize refinement, they also value the time and effort that goes into choosing their gifts. Keeping track of their favorite stores, designers, styles, and artists will be very helpful when picking presents (and expressing love) for Libra.

Scorpio : Quality Time

Intense Scorpio wants to be their partner’s sole focus. Spending quality time together is the best way to express adoration for this zodiac. Candlelit dinners for two, walks on the beach, games that involve asking each other deep questions, prolonged lovemaking with lots of eye contact, and taking up a shared hobby are all good expressions of love for Scorpions. 

Sagittarius : Words of Affirmation

The upbeat Archer may seem endlessly optimistic, but the truth is they need others to keep the wind in their sails. Words of affirmation make this zodiac feel loved and appreciated. Demonstrate your love for Sagittarius by telling them, “You’re my favorite person in the world,” “I can’t get enough of your smile,” “Life feels better when you’re around,” and “You look so sexy in those pants!”

Capricorn: Physical Touch

Tactile Capricorn prefers nonverbal expressions of love like physical affection. The Goat places great importance on hugging, kissing, holding hands, having sex, and touching feet beneath the table. Even if this zodiac disapproves of public displays of affection, that will totally change when the two of you are alone. Sleeping entwined in their lover’s arms is a real turn-on for this zodiac. 

Aquarius: Acts of Service

When it comes to love, actions speak louder than words for Aquarius. Good ways to express your devotion for the Water-bearer include making breakfast in the morning, filling their car with gas, planning a weekend getaway, unpacking their suitcase after a trip, and picking up their prescription from the pharmacy. Showing consideration for this zodiac’s needs makes them feel loved and cherished.  

Pisces: Quality Time

Pisces have a profound urge to merge with the object of their affection. That’s why their love language is spending quality time together. When demonstrating your devotion to Pisces, turn off your phone. Gaze into their eyes. Express an interest how they feel and what they want. Above all, encourage this zodiac to discuss their heartfelt dreams and desires, then talk about how life will be when you realize these goals together.