Jose Ismael Espinola

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, July 19, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Queen of Cups

You don’t have to take everything so personally, Aries. You might be feeling a bit betrayed today by someone you opened up to. At times you struggle with vulnerability because you’re scared of getting hurt. So when there’s tension or conflict between you and someone close to you, you tend to take it too personally. But the thing is, you’re just as imperfect as they are and you also must take accountability for your actions that may have contributed to this. The Queen of Cups reminds us that we are all human and instead of feeling hurt by the actions of others, we should instead take the time to understand what motivated them. If you can understand why they did what they did, then you both can work towards a resolution from a place of mutual understanding. 


Your Card: Page of Swords

Maybe take a bit more time to think things through before you take action, Taurus. Right now you feel like your head is in the right place to overcome conflict and squash misunderstandings, however, that doesn’t mean the other person involved is ready. I know you just want to solve this problem so that all is well but you need to understand not everything is going to be on your terms. You have good intentions which is great, just for now remain patient. You will have your chance to speak out soon. Take this time instead to continue thinking about how you plan on articulating your grievances. 


Your Card: The Empress

You’re such a social butterfly, Gemini. You know how to bring others together and have a good time. And the thing about you is that despite the many walks of life all your friends come from, everyone blends so well. With The Empress tarot card, perhaps today can be one of those days. Where you reach out to old friends that you haven’t talked to in a while and bring people together. Why not? Today is about nurturing your community of people. 


Your Card: Two of Swords

Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to today, Cancer. You might be feeling incredibly curious today, but I’m telling you right now, the last thing you want to do is fuck around and find out. Ignorance is bliss and while it’s important to know things, we don’t need to know everything. Knowledge comes with a burden sometimes so just understand that. My best advice for you today is to just stay in your lane. What you don’t know won’t hurt you. 


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Remain patient and make sure you fully think things through, Leo. There is a decision that you are contemplating right now, but understand that once you fully commit to your choice, there is no going back. This might be in regards to a certain job position, a contract you might be signing, or a situation between you and someone close to you. Once you say your peace, it’s out there for good. So again, just make sure you’ve taken the time to consider the long-term outcome. And once you do make your decision, no backpedaling. Your only option is to move forward. 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

You might be feeling rather directionless as of lately, Virgo. Stop putting your energy into the wrong things. Otherwise, you’ll fail to see any sort’ve progress or momentum in your life. The Four of Pentacles is about taking what limited resources we have (money, energy, connections) and utilizing them wisely for our benefit. Work smarter, not harder, Virgo. Today is about making practical choices and taking concrete actions. You might have to make some sacrifices today, Virgo, but it won’t go in vain. 


Your Card: Seven of Wands

One of your great traits is your ability to find a compromise in almost any situation. You know exactly what to say and do to appease both parties involved. However, the Seven of Wands suggests that perhaps compromise isn’t the solution when it comes to this particular confrontation that you may be dealing with. If one party involved is being unreasonable, there is no compromise in that. Stick to your values because you know what is right. Sometimes doing the right thing means pissing a couple of people off as collateral. Not everyone is going to be happy all the time and that’s fine. 


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles

Don’t give up, Scorpio. You’re so focused on getting it right and ignoring the fact that all you need to do is just get it done. This could be regarding a new skill you’re trying to get the hang of, a creative project you’ve undertaken, or a new position you’ve received at work. This might also be regarding your love life if you feel as if you’re not in the best place to be a good partner. No one is expecting you to be perfect so why do you think you have to be perfect?


Your Card: Queen of Wands

You’re feeling a little spicy today, Sagittarius. And it’s a good thing. Sometimes, getting the treatment, respect, and accolades, we deserve in life requires a bit of bitchiness. Don’t let people think you’re being too much by taking what you deserve. Those people are irrelevant, insecure, and probably ugly. Today, you are that bitch. Only smile if you have a reason to. Don’t take any shit today. Keep that resting bitch face plastered, the petty shit only matters as much as you let it. 


Your Card: Justice

You can bitch and moan about the people who screwed you over and blame the world all you want, Capricorn, but at the end of the day, it’s not going to change anything. You might be feeling a bit frustrated right now. As if everything you’ve been working towards just isn’t meant to be. It’s incredibly unfair, no one can argue with you on that. Yet, bitching about it isn’t going to change a thing. All you can do is pick yourself up and keep moving. Understand this, everything happens for a reason and if shit doesn’t hit the fan occasionally, how are we supposed to grow? You’ll get to your destination, don’t worry. You are one of the most determined signs of the zodiac and hell hath no fury like a goat who doesn’t get exactly what they want. The Justice card is a reminder that what comes around goes around. One thing you can be sure of is that you’ll get the last laugh. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

You’re making this problem out much bigger than it is. You might be feeling incredibly overwhelmed, Aquarius. As if you don’t have the tools or resources to accomplish whatever it is you have in mind. But the Ace of Pentacles is a reminder that there is almost nothing too big or too impossible for us to accomplish if we put our minds to it and find the right approach. This is what you are missing and overlooking. You are going about this in the wrong way. Find an organized and structured approach so that you can get things done practically.


Your Card: Ace of Cups

Share your wisdom with others today, Pisces. There is a certain train of thought you’ve been following and marinating in lately. You’ve been drawing your conclusions about life the way the world works and how you choose to exist in it. And though these revelations you’ve been having are incredibly useful for you and your journey, there is someone in your life who could benefit from this as well. In life, we experience these rare moments where the right person says the right thing to us at the exact right time. Those are the moments we never forget and hold onto forever. Even if that person was a stranger or an old friend who we lost contact with, the words linger with us forever. You are that person to someone today. Though it might feel as if we’re the only ones on the face of the planet who feel the way that we do, we’re not. Sharing how we feel and what we’ve learned can help a person not only feel less alone in the world but also give them the reason they’ve been looking for to keep going. This person is looking for a sign from the universe and you are the sign that the universe has sent.