Kathrine Birch

What Are Your Dreams Trying To Tell You (Astrology + Tarot Reading)


Your Cards: Death

There are aspects of yourself that you can’t continue ignoring, Aries. The Death card suggests that you are clinging to your ego. You might be struggling with the idea that letting go of certain aspects of your being will signal the death of who you are. You are afraid of what lies on the other side of this ego death in the same way we humans fear what happens after the death of our physical bodies. You fear you won’t be able to recognize yourself, or that you won’t like the person you end up becoming. I think this fear also has to do with someone you love. You’re clinging on to them even though you know it isn’t right. Perhaps you’ve already shed so many layers of your former self and you know that to complete your transformation and step into your new self, you have to let them go. They are the remaining remnants of your former self and you know that you have to let them go at some point. You fear the grief you’ll have to experience as you learn to live your new life without them. The grief and heartbreak we feel from a breakup are very similar to the grief we feel after losing a loved one. It’s because we have trouble fathoming the idea that this person who was once a part of our lives and day-to-day, is gone forever. Absent. They were once the person you told everything to, talked to every day, and thought about every second in between, and now they’re just gone. You have to move on though, Aries. That is what your dreams have been trying to tell you. It’s not death that we fear but rather uncertainty and that’s exactly what you’re feeling right now. You embraced the change but it’s the uncertainty that has you feeling hesitant. But once you let go and embrace the change fully, you’ll wonder why you never did it sooner. 


Your Card: Judgement

One of the most surreal aspects of being alive is witnessing the passage of time. There is nothing that we can do to stop it and life happens whether we are ready for it or not. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming about something along the lines of test-taking. This might suggest that you feel unprepared for life. The Judgement card is a symbol of evolution and unavoidable change. Whether we feel ready or not, life happens and you have no choice but to embrace the change and evolution as best as you can. Taurus, your dreams might suggest that you feel left behind in life. As if everyone is adjusting to their roles in life yet you are still unsure of your place. You don’t feel ready for a lot of these things but sometimes you wonder if you’ll ever feel ready to embrace change. But what your dreams are trying to remind you is that you’ll never feel ready for change. No one is ever ready for change. But change is inevitable and as scary as change can feel, what’s worse is never changing at all, and feeling like you never got to experience anything new. 


Your Card: Two of Cups

When someone we once loved deeply, leaves our lives for whatever reason, in a way they never actually left. There’s still a part of them that lingers within us and vice versa. If you’ve been dreaming about an old friend, ex-lover, or childhood friend, this could indicate that you desire to reconnect with this person. Perhaps as it turns out, there are certain wounds you haven’t healed yet. Or maybe you’re still seeking closure even after all this time. Regardless, whoever this person was to you, they changed you and you look back at your time together as a very pivotal moment in your life. And despite whatever pain losing them might have cost you, no matter what you still couldn’t imagine the idea of never knowing them at all. Your dream might also indicate that you have felt a loss of innocence lately. That unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach where you realize that maybe the world is not as magical of a place as you thought it would be as a kid. Though when we’re young we crave experience and adventure, that experience can sometimes cost us our hope in the future. Perhaps there is a way to reconnect with this person and reconnect with who you were with them, but odds are you will have to learn how to make peace and find closure without them. 


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles spends her time nurturing her garden where her dreams and ideas take root. If you’re dreaming about gardens or anything plant-related, this could indicate your need to bring ideas and creative projects to life. During your day you might be feeling a little dissatisfied with either your career, social status, or both, Cancer. And as a result, your dreams express a need for material comfort. You might also be feeling insecure compared to others around you. The Queen of Pentacles is an empathic figure, yet at the same time, she takes things very seriously. Your dream might also indicate a feeling of neglect. You never got a lot of financial support from family and as a result, you’ve had to take care of yourself for a long time. 


Your Card: The Fool

Typically when we dream, the stakes feel incredibly high because we’re not yet aware that we’re dreaming. Asking out our crush in a dream feels just as real and nerve-racking as it would in real life. But then the second we wake up from that dream, we are both relieved at the fact that it wasn’t real and yet regretful of the fact that we didn’t just do whatever we wanted in the dream because the consequences don’t exist and affect the real world. Yet perhaps for you, Leo, lately you’re dreams have been a bit more carefree. You’re incredibly adventurous and fearless but perhaps in the waking world, you feel a bit more cautious. The Fool would indicate that the message your dreams are trying to communicate is that you should embrace life with this same level of confidence and courage. The Fool tarot card is a symbol of ecstasy without fear. If you’ve been seeing butterflies in your dream Leo, that could also indicate a positive transformation, a fresh start, or new beginnings on the horizon. The lack of fear you feel in your dreams is the energy that you are missing in your life. If you are approaching some sort of exciting new adventure Leo, embrace this feeling of blind trust in the universe and that no matter what, things will work out. You have no reason not to trust the universe especially if your subconscious is saying this to you. 


Your Card: King of Cups 

Water is incredibly symbolic and represents more than just a means of hydrating ourselves. So if you’ve been dreaming of water in any regard, Virgo, it’s not just innocuous detail, it represents something you’re grappling with in your waking life. Water represents emotions and when we think of the subconscious, we think of it as an ocean. It’s a place that we know very little about and the deeper we submerge, the less we can see. The light of our subconscious can only shine so far down until we hit a point in our psyche that we will never fully understand. The King of Cups is a ruler of the underwater world. He can traverse the deepest depths of the ocean and the subconscious. But at the same time, he is capable of creating whirlpools of emotional instability and confusion. You might be experiencing dreams of the same meaning, Virgo. If you’ve been dreaming of being submerged underwater this could represent you’re dealing with very intense emotions right now. If you’re drowning, this might mean your emotions are controlling you whereas being able to breathe underwater signifies the control you have over your actions and a high level of emotional self-awareness. You have great mental resilience, Virgo, and this has a lot to do with the fact that you prefer independence and often resort to dealing with your emotions alone. You don’t easily open up to other people and you typically navigate complex issues alone. But if you’re unable to articulate your feelings and verbalize them, this will only result in you feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of these emotions and subsequently drowning in your messy subconscious so to speak. Maybe this is what you’re dreams are trying to teach you. If you’re drowning, you call for help. You don’t have to tread these depths alone, Virgo. 


Your Card: Temperance 

Dreams about flying are incredibly common and they represent humanity’s collective desire for freedom and empowerment. We often feel powerless against the world around us and victims of the human experience. If you’ve been dreaming about flying a lot lately, then you probably understand this need to escape more deeply. At times, life can feel as frustrating and confusing as trying to navigate through a complicated maze. Oh, how simple life would be if only we could simply fly into the air and escape this maze. If you’ve been experiencing dreams having to do with any of this, then I’m sure you probably feel incredibly powerless as well. But the Temperance card suggests that what your subconscious is trying to tell you is that you do have the ability to escape your problems. Sadly, a bitch named gravity exists so evidently flying is not physically possible, however, what we don’t understand is that freedom is a state of being not a destination we can reach in life. What I mean is, that we journey through the maze of life searching for the exit and freedom. But what you’re not understanding is that to escape this metaphorical labyrinth, you just adjust your mindset and embrace duality. We don’t have any control over what happens to us but we do have a say in how we choose to react. There is a way to create your inner peace that will feel just as liberating as flying. Your dreams might also be trying to tell you that you possess an untapped creative potential that will also give you the same euphoric feeling of freedom. 


Your Card: Three of Swords

As euphoric as love can feel, matters of the heart always cost us in some way. If you’ve been dreaming about chaotic storms, thunder, heavy rain, or dark clouds then this could represent emotional turmoil between you and a loved one. Love is challenging but this is especially the case in toxic relationships. You might be sensing dishonesty from the other person and have questions that you don’t want to hear the answer to. For example, you suspect they cheated but are too afraid to find out the truth. Dynamics like these make it challenging for us to trust our intuition so we ask the universe to send us a sign. But the thing is, you aren’t a sign Scorpio, you know what the truth is. It’s staring you right in the face and that’s what your dreams have been trying to tell you. Ignorance is bliss but the truth will set you free from this chaotic situation. If you continue to bottle up your emotions to “keep the peace” this could lead to a catastrophic blowout that you don’t want to have to pick the pieces of after. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

Your dreams might suggest a feeling of instability, or discomfort, or as if you lack a sense of security. You probably do a very good job of hiding this anxiety from the people around you in real life. You give a lot of people the impression that you are completely confident in your independence and sense of adventure. But your dreams reveal the truth, that even though you can take care of yourself, you wish someone could do it for you. You almost feel incomplete and there is a part of yourself that you’re searching for through independence when really what you’re looking for can only be found in community and the relationships you have with others. You might be feeling as if you lack guidance like you don’t have a mentor to lean on and help you find the right answers in time of need. At night you may be experiencing dreams where you’re trying to run towards something but you’re moving incredibly slow. This could indicate low self-esteem. You sometimes don’t believe in yourself and what you’re capable of. Perhaps you’re missing someone in your waking life who was always there for you when you needed and now they’re gone so you feel lost. Your dreams might be trying to reveal to you that you’re running but going nowhere because you are holding yourself back. You feel like you need someone there who believes in you, to cheer you on but why aren’t you able to find that support from yourself? 


Your Card: The Sun

Sometimes at our lowest points in life, it can be hard to hold onto hope because if seemingly nothing is getting any better or the situation hasn’t shown improvement, then at that point having hope just feels foolish. Having hope even in the worst of situations feels delusional. Even the people around us will go so far as to say that having hope is naive and it’s better to accept the reality of things and embrace apathy. But when someone has hope, it’s not because of any logical conclusion or facts based on reality. Hope is something we feel in the pit of our stomach. And perhaps your intuition is trying to tell you to hold onto hope based on your dreams, Capricorn. If you happen to see any birds in your dreams, then this is a good sign. Hold on just a little longer. The Sun provides us with energy and it is the life source that turns ideas and abstractions into it’s material form. So whatever you’re dreaming about could represent the things in life you wish to manifest and how you’re able to visualize this ideal outcome. Perhaps in your real life, you might experience some sort of transition from one situation to the next where abundance and good fortune are waiting.


Your Card: Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is a rather fitting card to receive in a reading about dreams. This card has to do with illusions. But the thing is, the impossible stuff that occurs in dreams is merely an illusion because we know they’re not real. When we are living in the real world, however, convincing ourselves to believe in these illusions means that we are delusional. What your dreams might be trying to say is more or less this. That you’re choosing to believe in something that isn’t real or tangible. Even after you wake up from your dreams, Aquarius, you still choose to believe in the illusions you see in real life. You might be seduced by words said by someone who lacks action. This dream could represent the rose-tinted glasses you have on. But the thing is, the more you try and believe in this delusion the more questions than answers you have. Don’t let this addiction cause you to lose control. 


Your Card: Six of Cups

In a way Pisces, you’re using nostalgia as a way to escape to the the present. But was your past as good as you remember? Your dreams might be trying to show you this, Pisces. We often romanticize the past as if it were a moment of happiness that is forever lost. We mourn the people we knew. The places we had been. The life we lived but we forget that life wasn’t as perfect and carefree as we remember. In your dreams, you might be revisiting the past as a way to relive it but understand that the Six of Cups warns against this. It’s okay to look back and smile at the past, but living in it will only keep you trapped there.