Jose Musa

How To Know When Each Zodiac Is Lying To You

Let’s admit it, we all tell lies sometimes – whether it’s telling a self-conscious friend they look perfect or trying to hide an embarrassing secret, sometimes it feels best to conceal information. Each zodiac sign has a very specific way of lying, and once you can identify it, you’ll know when the Taurus, Leo, or whoever it is in your life isn’t being honest. Here’s how to know if every zodiac sign is lying to you and what their specific tells are, according to astrology.


Aries is one of the most brutally honest signs of the zodiac. They are truthful to a fault and rarely tell lies even to spare someone’s feelings. If an Aries lies to you, it will be noticeably awkward. They might crack a few grins or even burst out laughing while trying to deceive you. Most likely, they will ultimately end up telling you the truth, perhaps even directly after lying to you. They don’t like to keep things hidden and would rather have it all out in the open – the good, the bad, and the ugly.


As a fixed sign and the zodiac sign represented by the bull, Taurus is incredibly stubborn. When they want to tell a lie, Taurus people stick firmly to their story and have an excellent poker face. They will not budge from the tale they’ve invented, no matter how much you press them for details or try to confuse them. They won’t add too much fluff to their statement, though, preferring to keep things simple. When you ask a Taurus for more specific information and they can’t give you anything or it takes them a long time to come up with something, it means they’re lying.


Gemini is one of the best liars of the entire zodiac. As the sign of the twins, Geminis have multifaceted personalities at best, and can be two-faced at worst. Some Geminis lie frequently and effortlessly, and the scary thing is, they’re so convincing that even they begin to believe their own stories. The problem, though, is that they get overconfident and start contradicting themselves. Their honest side pops up and sabotages their dishonest self. When a Gemini’s stories don’t add up or dispute each other, it’s a clear indication they’re not telling the truth.


Cancer is guided by the moon, the celestial body that keeps part of itself hidden almost all the time. This means that Cancers are very secretive, and their preferred method of lying is by omission. Instead of telling you a direct lie, they will leave out critical details or avoid the subject. You can tell a Cancer is hiding something when they change the topic and intentionally avoid certain discussions. 


Leos are usually very honest, but one thing they lie about frequently is accepting responsibility. They lie to shift blame because they can’t stand the thought of other people being disappointed in them and they don’t want to be viewed as anything less than fabulously flawless. When a Leo starts pointing fingers over something that could easily be their fault, they are most likely being dishonest.


Virgos are typically honest to a fault, so lying doesn’t come naturally to them. They are also very meticulous and thorough, so their tell when they’re lying is offering too many details. They will add information that isn’t crucial to the story, elaborating more than usual on the little things. If your Virgo is suddenly telling creative and colorful tales, it could mean they’re not telling the truth.


Libras are natural people-pleasers, so they are most likely to lie in an attempt to make others feel good or to avoid getting in trouble. They don’t like being dishonest and fear the confrontation of getting caught in a lie. Even if it’s a little white lie to avoid hurting your feelings, they’ll be diplomatic enough that their flattery is sincere. But when a Libra lies to you, they will seem uncharacteristically uncomfortable and fidgety. Avoiding eye contact, playing with their hair, or chewing/hiding their lips are common Libra tells. If they act like they suddenly want to be anywhere but talking to you, it probably means they are hiding something. 


Here’s the thing about Scorpios – you will never know their secrets, unless they want you to (which, in most cases, is unlikely). Scorpios are impenetrable, and unless they confess their lies to you later (which they will only do if it serves them, for revenge purposes, or if you are one of the lucky few people in the world they respect and love the most), you won’t find out the truth. Sorry, this zodiac sign simply has no tells. You must always be on guard and alert to the facts of the situation if you expect to catch a Scorpio in a lie.


For the most part, Sagittarians don’t bother to lie. These happy-go-lucky people are open books, and they prefer to lead with honesty. But if for some reason a Sagittarius does tell a lie, they will be uncomfortable and try to make it humorous. They’ll laugh a lot and tell a silly story to distract you. The tricky thing is, this isn’t too different from a Sagittarian’s usual communication style. But when it sounds like something is off and your Sagittarius almost seems to be trying to figure out or convince themselves of their story as they go, they are being dishonest. 


Straightforward Capricorns usually don’t like to lie because it’s an unnecessary complication in their lives. They do their best to be honest most of the time, but they are most likely to lie for the sake of their ambition – they’ll say something false if it helps them get ahead. And when they lie, they stick to the bare basics and don’t expound upon their story. They will stonewall you, making it impossible to pursue the subject further. When a Capricorn makes a very simple point or tells a short story and refuses to go deeper with it, it means they are hiding something.


You’ll know an Aquarius is lying to you when what comes out of their mouth actually makes sense for once. Although they are very logical, Aquarians have somewhat bizarre communication skills. It’s almost like they speak their own secret language sometimes. So when an Aquarius starts making too much sense, it means it’s a story they’ve rehearsed and decided will come across well. If it seems uncharacteristic or the puzzle pieces are fitting together a little too perfectly, your Aquarius is being dishonest.


Pisces people are very sweet and sensitive, so they are most likely to lie to avoid hurting your feelings. Although the typical Pisces doesn’t use this skill very often, they can be excellent liars when they want to be. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, confusion, and vagueness, which is exactly how this zodiac sign will deceive you. They give vague replies, weave fictitious tales, and make you so confused that you give up on learning the truth. And it’s likely for your own good – for the most part, you won’t want to know what a Pisces is keeping from you. But on the rare occasions that a Pisces lies for their own benefit, the results can be devastating.