Brandon Woelfel

Horoscope for Today: Monday, August 5, 2024

The lazy, hazy energy of summer slows down even further at 12:56 am, when thoughtful Mercury goes retrograde in analytical Virgo. Instead of continuing a quest for perfection, we can practice total self-acceptance. It’s time to rock sexy swimsuits, splurge on personal indulgences, and laugh off mistakes. At 11:16 am, square between the crabby Moon and rebellious Uranus at makes it difficult to focus; postpone detail-oriented jobs for another day. 

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Relief arrives at 5:17 pm, when the Moon glides into earthy Virgo. Soon after, the Moon unites with sensual Venus at 7:24 pm. Unwinding after the workday can involve self-care rituals like enjoying a simple home-cooked meal, luxuriating in a scented bath, then going to bed early with a great book. 


You’re putting your daily routine under review. If you’ve been unhappy with your job, it’s a good time to prepare for another. Update your resume, put together a portfolio, and collect professional references. By the time Mercury goes direct on August 28th, you’ll quickly land a better position. An unexpected expense temporarily throws you off balance. Breathe deep and summon your manifestation powers. 


Someone from your past could try to reconnect. While it’s flattering to know they’ve never gotten over you, that’s no reason to get involved again. You have much better prospects and don’t need to waste your time with someone who didn’t give you the care and attention you deserve. A costly home repair bill can take you by surprise. Fortunately, you’re resourceful enough to cover the expense without depriving yourself too much.   


You’re surprised that an event from your childhood still holds so much power over you. It’s time to resolve this issue for one and for all. If you’ve always wanted to learn a language, master a musical instrument, or make your own clothes, now is the time to try. Acquiring new skills is the best revenge against someone who made you feel inadequate when you were a kid. 


It’s time to change your approach to a sibling, neighbor, or colleague. You may not realize it, but your continual feedback has worn down their confidence. Adopt a friendlier approach. Instead of offering helpful hints or detailed criticism, simply express appreciation for their strengths. A friend may feel threatened by your change in attitude. Take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy a leisurely lunch together.  


Mercury retrograde could be a season of buyer’s remorse. Don’t make any expensive purchases until next month. When you do buy things, put the receipts in a box. It also helps to know the return policies for stores. If you’ve been yearning to acquire a luxury item, hang tight. A great sale at the end of the month will allow you to purchase this bauble at a significant discount. 


You’re ready to break out of a rut. Think about the changes you’d like to make. This isn’t a good time to radically overhaul your look, since Mercury, your ruling planet, retrogrades in your sign. However, you can do lots of research into options. Whether you want to change your hair color, get a tattoo, or buy a piece of statement jewelry, table your decision until the end of the month.  


A secret could be revealed, making you self-conscious. Instead of being embarrassed, own your mistake. People will be gratified to learn you’re not perfect. If you need a loan and don’t have perfect credit, take this opportunity to correct the problem. Doing some freelance work on the side will be a good source of income, allowing you to pay down credit card debt and build up savings.  


Going to a reunion will be a little more involved than you expect. Before committing to this gathering, double-check about the cost, travel distance, and guest list. There may be a better use for your time and resources. Your decision to cancel may rub your best friend, business associate, or romantic partner the wrong way. Don’t feel compelled to give in for the sake of harmony. It’s better to honor your feelings. 


Changes at work make you wonder whether you should move on to greener pastures. Being treated like a child holds no charm for you. If you’ve been suddenly laid off, take heart. You could find a much better position in a beautiful office. Better yet, you may be able to work from home. Be patient over the next three weeks. You may have to undergo a lengthy interview process before landing this position. 


Updating your skillset is annoying and time-consuming, but it will pay off. It may take time to be accepted into a popular program, so prepare to apply several times. Meanwhile, you can devote more time to your personal life. A love interest has become irritable from lack of attention. Lavishing this person with affection will remind you of what’s truly important. If you’re single, pour your energy into an exciting creative project. 


You’re feeling a financial pinch. There’s no need to panic. Take this opportunity to review your spending and saving habits. If you’re deep in credit card debt, contact a consumer rights agency. It can consolidate your bills into one monthly payment. It’s even possible this organization can lower your interest rate or eliminate it altogether. If you feel guilty about a broken relationship, take this opportunity to apologize. 


It’s time to address problems in a close relationship. Until you do, you’ll feel like you’re being taken for granted. Part of the problem is that you need words of affirmation to feel loved. When all your kindness and generosity is met with silence, your light starts to dim. Maybe instead of trying to repair this union you’d rather break it off. You’ll have no trouble attracting appreciative friends and love interests.