Ashford Marx

4 Zodiacs Seeing Their Relationships Shift During Venus in Leo (7/11)

From July 11th to August 4th, Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and relationships—will be in the bold, fiery sign of Leo. This transit is a powerful time to pursue what we want from life and our relationships, especially if things need to be addressed. Leo understands the power of filling your cup before pouring into someone else’s but Venus is a reminder that we don’t go through life alone and should nurture our relationships. Venus in Leo shines a light on what needs to be done, but it’s up to us what we do with it.

While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this transit, a few signs could see more notable shifts in their relationships. Check the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience relationship shifts during Venus in Leo.


Your relationships are coming into focus more than usual, Aquarius. As Venus transits your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s an excellent time to assess and express your appreciation of those you’re closest to. The warmth of Venus in Leo is ideal for celebrating our partnerships without shame, so in what ways can you affirm and celebrate these connections more? If things have been rocky or uncertain in your connections, could validating and reaffirming your intention and love for them be what’s needed? You may also recognize when your relationships are only taking from you rather than showing up in the ways you need, so extending some of the fierce devotion to yourself can’t hurt. You should surround yourself with people who appreciate your generosity and return it in kind.


Venus’ spotlight is on you, Leo! Venus journeys through your 1st House of Self and Identity, which highlights the areas of loving and advocating for what you need to flourish in your life and relationships. Venus in this house already has a reputation for increasing your confidence and attracting others, but notably in your sign, these qualities are enhanced further as you radiate like the Sun. However, there is a point where we must find the balance between ourselves and others, and this period is meant to figure out where imbalances may lie. Showing up for yourself can sometimes be difficult for others, especially if they view your confidence as arrogance. However, people who deeply love you aren’t intimidated by your confidence and can communicate with you if they think it’s shifting into something less desirable. This is also a time when you may struggle to admit when you need something from others, but Venus encourages you to open your heart and mind to the support your partners may offer you. If you can embrace yourself to the fullest, who else is willing to do the same?


Sparks could be flying for you these next few weeks, Aries! As Venus moves through your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you’re becoming more acquainted with enjoying life to the fullest and embracing what brings you pleasure. With Venus in this house, your usual levels of confidence and putting yourself out there could result in you connecting with new people, or if you’re partnered, this could be a period of trying something new or expressing specific interests you have to break out of monotony. However, it’s through these types of expression that we sometimes may not be accepted by our partners, so if being who you are causes an issue, it’s a good time to have conversations surrounding the issue to try and find a solution. Being true to yourself is important, so it’s a good time to determine if you and who you’re with or interested in are on the same page.


Things could be feeling more serious, Capricorn. As Venus moves through your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, your connections could feel the pressure of going deeper and exploring underneath the surface, which can be daunting if you’re not preparing yourself. Venus in this house examines your deep-rooted fears, notably about connection, relationships, and how you bond with others. You feel empowered with the Leo energy at play, but that can also mean shining a harsh light on insecurities that must be addressed. The good news is that this could bring you closer together and foster more intimacy with your partner, but it can also be painful to deal with wounds that have been closed off. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a necessary part of relationships, so if you’re struggling to do so, it’s time to examine whether you need to do more inner healing or if the person you’re with isn’t someone you can feel safe opening up to. Either way, it’s good to understand the types of relationships you find yourself in.