Gary Barnes

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, August 22, 2024

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Happy Virgo season, zodiac signs!

Today, the sun enters the practical earth sign Virgo, which will remain until September 23rd. When the sun is in this sign, we feel more analytical and intentional towards the important things in our lives. We feel more confident when we set goals that lay out a solid plan and strive for the best in our daily lives. As we feel this initial shift from Leo to Virgo, today, we also experience Venus in Virgo, forming a square to Mars in Gemini. This transit can heighten our desire for passion and intimacy but can also leave us feeling impulsive and frustrated, acting before we think. It’s best not to make big decisions or take risks during this period, as we can regret the results tomorrow.

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re trying to get things in order but running into some roadblocks, Aries. As the sun enters your 6th House of Habits, Routine, and Wellness, you feel renewed optimism surrounding new goals and staying consistent. However, Venus squaring Mars makes it more difficult to execute things, as your mind is very analytical but acting impulsively. Don’t rush into something to get things going, as it may not be the best course of action for you.


Today, you’re tempted to do whatever you must to feel better about yourself, but you’ll want to be careful, Taurus. You’re a grounded person, but we all have our moments! As the sun enters your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you feel more excited to pursue more creative and passionate projects and opportunities. However, you could find yourself engaging in an impulsive decision (notably when it comes to sex or romance) in hopes that it will help you feel more secure or confident. Know that one fleeting moment has the potential to change everything, so be sure you can live with the consequences before diving in.


You want to be yourself, but that doesn’t feel easy today, Gemini. As the sun moves into your 4th House of Home and Roots, your attention is focused inward and toward more domestic matters—you could feel inspired to organize or get things in order. However, as Venus squares Mars, you feel tension surrounding how you want to present yourself and how you live your life. Know that experimenting and trying new things can be beneficial and that what doesn’t work is new information you can keep tabs on. Don’t make giant changes in a hurry as you attempt to alleviate the tension you’re feeling.


Your head and your heart feel at odds today, Cancer. As the sun moves into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you focus more on sharing information and embracing new perspectives. When Venus squares Mars, though, it can feel as though you feel an epiphany or a realization coming that you can’t seem to put your finger on. It’s easy to feel frustrated and act rashly, but try to journal or talk things out with someone to see if you can figure out what you’re feeling rather than doing something you’ll regret later.


You’re getting budgets and finances in line, but you may struggle today, Leo. As the sun moves into your 2nd House of Income and Values, you focus on your finances and ways to increase your income. However, today could involve you needing to impulsively spend money to keep up with others, especially those who may make more than you. While it’s understandable to want to make an impression, don’t drain your savings to try and make yourself come off as someone you’re not. 


It feels like a fresh start for you today, Virgo. As the sun enters your 1st House of Self and Identity, you feel invigorated and confident in yourself, ready to take on the world. However, as Venus squares Mars, you could feel insecurity or tension regarding how people view you publicly. You may feel the need to do something impulsive to prove your value, but your best bet is to stay the course and be your reliable self—otherwise, you could overstep in a way you can’t take back. 


You’re feeling more reflective today, Libra, and it could weigh heavier on you than you’d like. As the sun moves into your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you’re feeling the need to conserve your energy and take time for yourself. When Venus, your ruling planet, squares Mars, you may feel frustrated about what you believe and your desire to explore other possibilities with your spiritual side. You may experience a desire to make a bold change to relieve the tension but know that this time is better spent calmly meditating with your emotions rather than acting on them. 


You’re longing to connect today, Scorpio, but it feels easier said than done. As the sun moves into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you could feel more inspired to meet up and connect with your friends or meet new people who share your visions and goals. When Venus squares Mars, though, you may feel the need to try and win over some newer connections by investing a lot financially or emotionally. You’re protective of your heart and privacy, but today’s impulsive vibes could have you considering something risky. Know that the people worth being around won’t make you “prove” your value. 


Things are looking up at work, Sagittarius, but you want to be careful with how risky you’re willing to be. As the sun enters your 10th House of Career and Public Image, all eyes are on you, and you feel on top of the world. When Venus squares Mars, you may find you’re attracting attention in more ways than one—especially in romance. You may feel tempted to act on the chemistry you’re feeling with someone you work with, but know that these types of romances can be messy and risky. Be willing to count the cost before you throw away your credibility. 


You’re curious about other paths today, Capricorn, but you’re getting hung up on the smaller stuff. As the sun moves into your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, you’ll feel your focus move toward expanding your horizons and taking on new challenges and experiences. However, when Venus squares Mars, you struggle with figuring out how to pursue these ideas practically. Part of you wants to dive right in and do something to get things moving, but you know that isn’t in your best interest. You can’t stay stuck in a rut, but use the energy to map out plans rather than impulsively buy a plane ticket. 


You’re interested in going beneath the surface today, Aquarius, but you’ll want to be mindful of how far you want to go. As the sun enters your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you feel fixated on subjects requiring more depth and intensity—the stuff no one wants to talk about. However, when Venus squares Mars, you’ll worry about finding the balance between having fun and getting too intense. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself asking questions or doing things that could cross a line with some people, so be mindful of your words and actions today.


You’re feeling more serious toward your relationships, Pisces. As the sun movessunto your 7th House of Partnerships, you feel more intentional toward the people you love and long to take things more seriously. When Venus squares Mars, you could wrestle with the tension of not having settled down yet or worrying about what your family/relative will think about you wanting to take the next step. Remember that your relationship shouldn’t be influenced by the opinions of others, especially those who don’t know you well. Don’t do something impulsive to prove the “serious” nature of your relationships—let them speak for themselves.