Brandon Woelfel

Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, September 3, 3024

A tense square between combative Mars and delusional Neptune occurs at 12:10 am. It’s important to confront painful truths. Instead of wallowing in shame over an oversight, it’s better to take responsibility for mistakes and make a fresh start. 

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At 8:37 am, the moody Moon opposes strict Saturn. Resist the temptation to become a martyr to work; instead, establish a pleasant daily routine. The Moon squares excessive Jupiter at 2:34 pm, warning against overindulgence.


An angry exchange of words triggers painful memories. You’re still upset with someone who neglected their responsibilities toward you. Instead of suppressing these feelings, examine them. Do something kind for yourself to make up for the bad treatment you experienced. Taking a relaxing trip can be very therapeutic. 


You’re financially overextended, which is annoying. As someone ruled by luxury-loving Venus, you need creature comforts to be happy. Stop assuming you need lots of money to enjoy the finer things in life. When you’re short of cash, you can still invest time into pleasurable activities like walking in the park, savoring meals, and visiting museums.  


You’re furious at a friend, romantic partner, or business associate who isn’t pulling their weight. While you can forgive a lot of shortcomings, you won’t be the only participant in this relationship. Unfortunately, no matter how much you voice your displeasure, the other party won’t change their ways. It may be time to cut your losses and go solo.


Someone is treating you disrespectfully and you won’t tolerate it any longer. It’s time to talk to human resources or block someone from contacting you. Some people who don’t know the whole story will accuse you of being childish. Calmly explain you have good reasons for your actions, then close the subject. You don’t anyone an explanation for your behavior. 


Engaging in retail therapy won’t fill an emotional void. If you want to restore your natural zest for life, pursue a lifelong goal. This may require you to leave a time-consuming job, end some toxic friendships, or break bad habits. Do whatever is necessary to close the gap between where you are and where you’d like to be. 


Your work-life balance is out of whack. It’s time to make some difficult decisions about your priorities. Whether your boss won’t let you work from home or your partner insists on living in a particular part of the world, you must stand up for your own needs. Finding a new home will be integral to your health and happiness.  


It’s hard to maintain a friendship with someone whose beliefs are offensive to you. For the past few months, you’ve done a good job of avoiding sensitive subjects. Now you won’t be able to skirt these issues. Speak up when you see a friend being prejudiced or unfair. While this person may not change their ways, at least you will be on record as objecting to this objectionable behavior.   


Don’t let finances prevent you from pursuing a dream. Beliefs are just a thought you continually entertain. If you believe you need a lot of money to realize your desires, change your assumption. Rather than trying to figure out how you’re going to pay for a lavish lifestyle, act as though you already have what you want. Nothing attracts abundance faster than believing you’re already wealthy.


You’ve been blessed with a big personality. Unfortunately, this can cause you to overshadow your nearest and dearest. If someone you love is celebrating a big milestone, try to stay in the background. Tone down your appearance, stay on the sidelines, and modulate your voice. Your best friend, business partner, or significant other will appreciate your thoughtful behavior.  


You’re not getting positive feedback on work, which is crushing. When this happens, it’s important to adjust your focus. Instead of trying to win public approval, you must satisfy yourself. That means putting on blinders for the next few weeks. Regardless of what others do or say, keep putting one foot in front of the other. Your persistence will result in a terrific job offer. 


Be realistic about your financial situation. Splashing out money on expensive luxuries is undermining your long-term security. Formulate a plan to pay off credit card debt or build savings over the next year. That sounds like a long time, but you can’t put a price on peace of mind. Find out how much you owe, then set up a payment plan to satisfy these debts. 


Sometimes it feels like you’re a nursemaid instead of an equal partner. It’s time to break a co-dependent cycle. Your best friend or partner will try to manipulate you into doing their bidding. Don’t fall for the bait. You have a right to put your needs first. Anyone who disagrees doesn’t deserve a place in your inner circle.