How The 9/17 Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Will Affect Each Sign
Your Card: Knight of Pentacles
With the profound effects of the Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse occurring on September 17th, you will see a huge shift in your priorities, Aries. You may find that what matters most to you right now, are the things you need to get done to build a solid foundation for yourself. You’ll find yourself less concerned with what other people are doing and think of you. And when you only focus on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world, oddly enough people will respect you even more. You are driven by this deep need to accomplish something that truly matters to you, unconcerned with the outcome but rather driven by passion. Like the Knight of Pentacles, you will work at a slower pace. You are learning the art of patience and it is going to be your greatest strength moving forward. While other people are rushing to get what they want, this leaves room for mishaps, errors, and disappointment. But for you, slow and steady wins the race.
Your Card: Six of Cups
You’re a poet at heart, Taurus. You romanticize life and view life through the eyes of an artist. With the Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, you are learning to see the pleasure in pain as opposed to the pain in pleasure. The Six of Cups represents nostalgia and the act of longing for a time that has passed. Strangely enough, you may find yourself missing a time in your life that was challenging for you. As you were living through this moment, you probably wished it would end and for life to fix itself. Now looking back, you are learning to appreciate this time for what it was. Almost wishing that you lived in the now and enjoyed this time more while it was still the present instead of constantly longing for the future. These sentiment feelings will only grow stronger and more profound leading up to the Supermoon. And through this, you will realize that life isn’t as bad as it always seems. That there is something to love and appreciate about every chapter and every season no matter how hard or emotionally taxing it may have been. Life is about the journey, not the destination. With this, you’ll move forward with a sense of patience and a newfound appreciation for the beauty that exists everywhere even in our darkest times.
Your Card: Death
There is so much about your life that you wish you could change, Gemini. You have this vision of the perfect future but as each day that passes where that vision doesn’t come true, you grow more and more disappointed with life. Gemini, what you don’t yet understand is that this disappointment doesn’t come from lack, it comes from your perspective and the way you choose to view the world. During the Supermoon, you will start to shift your perspective on life and learn the art of detachment. The art of detachment is the act of letting go of the things that you want but don’t have, and accepting life for what it is as opposed to what it’s not. Disappointment only occurs when outcomes don’t meet our initial expectations. Disappointment is a choice. You’re telling yourself that because you don’t have the things that you want, then you can’t be happy. This mindset will only blind you from all that you have. As you start shifting your mindset and detaching from expectations, not only will you start to find genuine happiness in your own life, but you’ll attract the things in life that you need and not what you think you need.
Your Card: The Hierophant
By the time the Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse illuminates the night sky, you may find yourself turning towards convention and traditionalism seeking the stability in life that you’re craving right now. In a way, you’re making the journey home, Cancer. Perhaps up until this point you’ve been waiting for life to give you something to believe in. A sign, a message, some sort of evidence that all the chaos that happens in life has meaning or purpose and isn’t just by chance. With the Supermoon, you may finally find this belief system you’ve been searching for as indicated by The Hierophant tarot card which represents matters of faith. If this doesn’t necessarily resonate with you, then it could also be interpreted as you will be following certain systems that have been set up and followed by many others before. You may find yourself adopting pre-established institutions and ideologies to form your unique take on how you want to go about living your life from this point on. This could mean returning to formal education or deciding that you want to settle down with someone you love.
Your Card: The Tower
You may be in a period of your life right now where you’re starting to question whether or not the things you thought you wanted before, are what you want now. This is most likely to do with either your career choice or your love life. This month has you questioning a lot of things yet unable to find an answer. This could change on or around the night of the Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse where you may have a deep, honest, and meaningful conversation with someone you care about or look up to. They might somehow tell you exactly what you need to hear at exactly the right moment. This conversation will shift your perspective on your life and the direction you choose to move towards next as indicated by The Tower card. You may feel uneasy with the idea of taking a different path at first because you feel as if your identity is incredibly tied to who you are now and the life you’re living now. However, The Tower card is about shifting perspectives and the upheaval of long-held personal beliefs and realizing that just because we’ve been one way for so long, doesn’t mean that’s the person we have to be forever.
Your Card: The High Priestess
On the night of the Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, you may find yourself staring off into the night sky in awe of the moon and the vastness of life. It’s weird to contemplate the fact that we live on a floating speck of dust, Virgo. And as crazy as this thought is, it is also incredibly freeing. The High Priestess (which corresponds to The Moon tarot card) represents the cycles of life. As she stares off into the night, she contemplates the ebb and flow of the tides and the inevitable passage of time. You may start to ponder how you’ve spent your time throughout your life and whether or not time has been wasted. You’re looking back on your life up until this point wondering what you could have done differently. Wondering if it’s “too late” for you or if you’re “running out of time”. But what you may come to understand is that you’re not too late and you’re definitely not running out of time, Virgo. With this Supermoon, you’re gaining a deeper level of self-awareness and understanding of who you are at your core and who you want to live as moving forward. You’re also rededicating your life to spending your time more wisely and doing everything you can to make every second of every day count. No more doom scrolling, no more nights out spent with the wrong people, no more prolonged isolation and pushing away the people who care most. You’re learning how to use time to your advantage instead of running from the clock.
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles
This personal shift has a lot to do with your refusal to be taken advantage of from this point on. The night of Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse you might just be feeling pissed the fuck off with how you’ve let others treat you and will refuse to let this be the case moving forward. Not to say that you’re gonna be an absolute bitch, but you’re learning how to say no and when to advocate for yourself. Because the Lunar Eclipse and supermoon is occurring in your sign, you will experience the most dramatic personal shifts. Like the Queen of Pentacles, what you may start to seek in life is independence and the ability to take control of your life through the decisions you take and the actions you make, Libra. You may be making adjustments to your schedule or setting up a new routine that will set you up for success. Understand that there is no rush. Act as the Queen of Pentacles and remain patient with your endeavors. You will learn to work smarter and not harder because pushing yourself beyond your limits to get everything done and become everything that you’re not will only hinder your personal growth.
Your Card: Six of Pentacles
You may find yourself waking up to the reality of the situation, Scorpio. And this could look slightly different depending on who is reading this. You are contemplating what matters more to you, the pursuit of money or the pursuit of happiness? While money can buy you stability, comfort, and material items, these things don’t necessarily correspond with happiness if your heart’s not in it. The big question you may be pondering is whether or not you want to work to live or live to work. As you ponder these questions, you may find yourself inspired by a new passion that truly resonates with who you are. This passion may be creative or a new skill you seem to be picking up with ease. Whatever this thing may be, you’re a natural at it. Perhaps there is a way to make sure that your means of financial stability correspond with your true passion. These are some things that you may consider more and more as time passes.
Your Card: The World
It seems the September 17th, Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse will leave an especially profound impact on you, Sagittarius. With The World tarot card, you may be realizing that this is the life that you were meant to live. This is the path that you were meant to walk down. And as hard or painful as life has been up to this point, you wouldn’t change it. You are realizing to accept things for what they are. You are learning to trust in the fact that everything happens for a reason and though sometimes life doesn’t make sense in the moment, you will gain the perspective with enough time to realize why things had to happen the way that they did. That there is a greater purpose at play here. This life you are living may not be “perfect” however it is imperfectly yours.
Your Card: The Fool
Life is a journey Capricorn, and with this Harvest Supermoon Lunar Eclipse, you will be reflecting on the journey you’ve had thus far as you prepare for what’s next. As you prepare to cross this threshold into a new life and new way of being, you’ve learned to accept the challenges with vigor and to love the process. But more importantly, you are realizing that you spend too much time thinking about the future without ever living in this present moment. Time feels like it’s moving faster than you would like but the only way to slow things down is to slow yourself down. Your mind is always thinking about what you have to do next but never what you’re doing now. To continue like this, you’ll miss out on the beauty that lies on every inch of this path that you are following. Slow down and stop to smell the roses. Notice the smaller details and the subtext within this existence. You are learning to savor every second that you are blessed to live, even the seconds that you wish would tick by faster. No longer wishing that time would pass you by so you can get to your destination sooner, but rather learning to love the journey. Maybe you are living the dream and the life you always wanted right now. Building that “ideal life” is a lifelong process. Not an end goal. Because what you will realize is that even when you accomplish something you care about, you don’t even enjoy it because you’re already thinking about what’s next. Nothing is next. All you need to care about is now.
Your Card: The Devil
Aquarius, what you start to realize is that pretty much everyone is messy and complicated and just doing their best and that you’re no different. In a sense, you find yourself contemplating the fact that everyone’s life is just as vivid and complex as your own. Everyone has a back story, everyone is going through something. It’s a crazy thought because we can only experience life through our own eyes and no one else’s. Through this understanding, you may learn how to be more forgiving of people who may have hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. Finding the commonality of humanity helps one to let go of the hurt others cause us. Whether or not that person deserves to be in your life after something they did, don’t hold on to the hate or the hurt they caused you because it will only hinder you. You will start to understand that people are people and you are no different.
Your Card: Four of Cups
Who’s life is it anyway, Pisces? That is the theme centered around your inner personal shift, Pisces. You’re no longer trying to change yourself into someone or something that you’re not. Instead of trying to become someone that you think others will like more, you’re starting to see how exhausting it is to have to constantly wear this mask. Perhaps even hanging around a group of people that you’re trying to feel more a part of has caused you to dress or act in a way that isn’t necessarily you. But you will realize that you like yourself. You like the clothes you always wear. The way you did your hair. The way you presented yourself and carried yourself and that’s all that matters. You will start to realize that what’s important is feeling comfortable in your skin.