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4 Zodiacs That Must Be Brave In Their New Life Chapter


The change that lies before you, Leo, is one you’re worried you won’t be able to survive. A breakup that will cause a schism in your social circle, a reorg that will dismantle your tight-knit team, a sacrifice that seems to require too much of your time or money to truly be worth it in the end. The change that feels like it has to ruin your entire life is just the end of a previous chapter you’ve been extremely comfortable in, and the thing about this kind of change is that we tend to equate comfortable with good because we’re not even aware of the other options that exist beyond our own protective bubbles. You have to be brave enough to consider the possibility you’ve become a big fish in a small pond you know how to navigate like the back of your hand, but that isn’t an indicator that this is the best pond for you, or that a pond is even where you belong. You have no clue what lies on the other side of ripping off this bandaid, but if you find the courage to be the tiniest bit curious, you’ll make it to that other side in one piece.


The challenge of your next life chapter, Aries, lies entirely in your own mind. You’ve been living in a way that avoids any negative thoughts. You avoid, you deny, you sweep under a rug that literally cannot contain any more of your emotional baggage. You are like the person who won’t go to the doctor because you’re terrified of getting cancer, ignoring the possibility that regular care could be the thing that keeps you healthiest the longest. The only way to overcome this fear, wherever it stems from is to allow yourself to go to that worst-case scenario mentally. You have to imagine dying, being embarrassed in public, and failing so completely that there is nothing to grab onto in an attempt to save face. You have to experience those hypothetical feelings, imagine the inevitability of it all, and then find yourself still standing, still breathing, still capable of moving forward in life, and choose that path instead of the paralyzation of fear and trepidation you’ve been stuck in for so long. 


Every atom of your being is utterly opposed to conflict, Aquarius, so it’s going to take a hell of a lot of courage to stand up to that opposing force in your life that needs to be dealt with directly. You’ve tried tact, you’ve remained calm, you’ve made space and grace and every other pacifistic tactic on the planet, but the moment has come to address the issue. You have to communicate your complaints directly, no mother, HR department, or pop culture fandom can fight this battle for you. And as terrifying as it all is, it’s still not worse than the possibility of you continuing to put up with the abuse. You can maintain your dignity throughout the process, but some of the well-mannered maneuvers will need to be abandoned in order for you to draw that line in the sand. As simple an action as that is, however silly or ineffective it feels, it is your line to draw, and you get to decide the requirements of that boundary and who belongs on either side of it. 


The courage required of you in your next life chapter, Pisces, is that of sharing your talents with the world. The singing on a stage instead of a shower kind of courage. Of dancing in front of an audience instead of at a stoplight. Whatever the talent, however great or small, you know deep down you won’t be satisfied keeping it to yourself. Who cares if it’s dorky, niche, or if you don’t think most people will appreciate it? Love what you love, and do it openly. Do it in a way where the right people who share your passions can seek you out. Write that telenovela, open that Etsy store for earrings made out of spoons. Life is too short to limit yourself to the cookie-cutter behaviors and interests you think most people find palatable. Little do you know, the people around you could be just as bored as you’re feeling right now. Giving yourself permission to be yourself will give others the same.