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October’s Tarot Reading For Cancer, Scorpio, And Pisces

In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of October for three different zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These zodiacs, also known as the water signs, are emotionally in-tune with those around them and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.

Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:

— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)

Card By Card Breakdown:

The Past: 

Ten of Wands, Reversed

Recently you were feeling pretty overburdened until you learned the power of saying “no.” It wasn’t easy, as you naturally are empathetic and want to help. Wanting to help and be a source of support means you often take on too much. But recently instead of giving in, you respected your boundaries. That decision gave you a bit of a boost, reaffirmed that your needs, including your mental health, are important and worthy of protection. Prioritizing yourself and your growth was an important decision for you.

The Present: 

Five of Pentacles

Presently you feel left out of things, and that you are on your own in a very harsh world. You’re worried about your security, you’re worried about finances, you’re worried about the mental strain that all of those things take on you. You feel like everything is slipping away, nothing is in your control, and your inner critic is telling you that nothing will ever be right again. You feel ashamed, and definitely don’t feel that your material needs are being met. Don’t spiral. There is an opportunity for growth and light that is near you, but if you spiral into despair you won’t see it, much less be able to embrace it.

The Challenge: 

The Magician

It’s hard to feel like you can manifest or create anything right now. Instead of being able to recognize all of the skills, talent, and energy you can bring to the world you’re feeling too defeated to even try. It’s challenging for you to regain the sense of empowerment you once had over your own destiny, and you don’t feel ready or prepared to deal with all of the challenges that are in your path. You’re finding it incredibly hard to focus right now, much less create. Instead of trying to solve everything at once, prioritize, and then take things one tiny step at a time.

Your Thoughts: 

Eight of Swords

Your thoughts won’t let go of how helpless the entire situation makes you feel. You can’t see any options, you don’t feel like you can move, you feel like everything is utterly out of your control. You feel stuck and isolated, and separate from the network of people who would normally care for you and support you. Not only do you feel incapable of seeing the whole story, you’re certain that even if you could, there would be no way forward.  When you can, push back against these thoughts of helplessness. Try to imagine what you would do if things were different. Is there a way for you to get there? Interrogate what it is that is really holding you back.

Your Subconscious:

Page of Pentacles, Reversed

In your subconscious you feel like you failed yourself somewhere along the way. Goals you fell short of keep coming up. Things that you left undone won’t entirely leave you alone. You have a nagging feeling that decisions you made ended a promising situation. You feel like all the momentum you had has slipped away, and that what once was really engaging for you has lost all of its luster. Your inner critic is certain you haven’t lived up to your potential. Instead of falling for these negative narratives that come up, be more gentle with yourself and give yourself the grace that you would give others. 

The Future:

The Wheel of Fortune

You’re going to be coming up on a turn of luck soon. It can be difficult to know that once again you’ll be submitting to the invisible hand of fate, but there’s also a beautiful release in it, especially given how you feel about things right now. Be assured that with the Wheel of Fortune what goes down must come up again, and that the only thing constant in this life is change.  There’s a huge turning point ahead.


King of Cups, Reversed

Don’t let your emotions rule you in unhealthy ways. You need to be your own fierce self-advocate, and allowing your inner critic to take over your thoughts, or spiraling into negative narratives are not going to help you with your situation. Don’t indulge in escapism from your issues, and instead meet things with an open heart. It will be hard, especially when things feel so difficult, but growing isn’t comfortable. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. 

Overall Thoughts: 

You’re in a really tough spot and my heart goes out to you. It’s especially hard when you’re a well of empathy and support for so many people that you feel worn down, and like you have to establish boundaries – and then once you do that all those you supported disappear.  Especially if you’re facing difficulties.

You’re in a time of huge emotional and mental challenge right now because you’re facing health or financial issues. You might have lost your job, or been left ‘out in the cold’ by the people you established boundaries with recently, as shown in the Ten of Wands. You might want to blame your issues on the fact you set those boundaries, but remember that what you did was important to you. Refusing to be taken advantage of isn’t the same as shutting out possibilities. While it’s hard to see now, especially when you feel your needs aren’t being met, there are still ways you can help yourself.

You’re really spiraling right now, and that’s making it hard for you to see a way forward. There are actually a few possibilities around you, but it’s very hard for you to see beyond your needs, your inner critic, and all the negative self-talk the challenges are unveiling.The tools to help yourself are there. You can still make some moves. There is help nearby – it’s just hard to see it when you’re feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and isolated. 

Be assured that your luck is about to change. Know also that just allowing yourself to continue to spiral into negativity won’t serve you. It’s fine to process the situation you’re in, and to allow yourself space to feel sad, but don’t allow yourself to spiral into continuous negative narratives. That will only blind you to possibilities. 

Instead, be the empathetic guide that you’ve been to others. Extend to yourself the same grace and kindness that you give to others. Allow your love for yourself to be boundless, so that you can start to recognize that you are empowered, and that you’re still able to make wonderful things happen. 

The one thing constant in life is change, and things will be changing soon. As they say – this too shall pass, and when it does – make sure you’re ready!