Nina Hill

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, October 13, 2024

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Historically, October 13 has been marked by supernatural events and unexpected power shifts:

  • 1917: An estimated 70,000 people in the town of Fátima, Portugal witnessed the “Miracle of the Sun,” which Catholics believe was a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary.
  • 1943: After fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was deposed, Italy’s provisional government switched sides and declared war on its former ally, Nazi Germany.

Famous people born on October 13 include:

  • 1925: Lenny Bruce, American comedian known for pushing the envelope on “obscene” language (d. 1966).
  • 1925: Margaret Thatcher, conservative leader of the United Kingdom from 1979-90 and Europe’s first female Prime Minister (d. 2013).
  • 1964: Doug Emhoff, former entertainment lawyer and husband of Kamala Harris.
  • 1989: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic Congressional Representative known by her initials “AOC.”
  • 1995: Jimin, singer for South Korean supergroup BTS.

Celestial Aspects For October 13

Moon (Taurus) Conjunct Uranus (Taurus): This an intriguing summit between almost completely opposing forces: The Moon controls security, while Uranus governs surprises and innovation. Since the Moon and Uranus are almost perfectly aligned, get ready for sparks to fly. Buckle your seatbelt and prepare yourself for a wide range of emotions, challenges, and possibly life-changing events. If you were seeking to rid yourself of a bad habit or a toxic person, now might be the perfect time.

Sun (Libra) Square Pluto (Capricorn): The Sun, which radiates power and authority, is 90° apart on the zodiac from Pluto, which affects death, transformation, and rebirth. Keep your eyes out for high-intensity power struggles and perhaps even a changing of the guard. But as with everything, make your moves wisely rather than recklessly. Be strong, but don’t be foolish. There’s a lot at stake, so think before you act.

Mercury (Scorpio) Sextile Neptune (Pisces): Mercury, that pint-sized spinning orb that can’t help but fly too close to the Sun, rules over communication and eloquence. Neptune, which is flung deep into our solar system’s furthest shadowlands, presides over creativity and dreams. Together these celestial bodies urge us to reflect on our inner world and articulate exactly what’s been bothering us, what we’ve been avoiding, and what we need to change

Venus (Virgo) Trine Jupiter (Taurus): Little Lady Venus, goddess of beauty and luxury, flirts coyly at a 120° angle with Jupiter, the giant planet that governs luck and abundance. All signs look good for getting out and mingling today. All eyes are on relationships and money. Focus on matters of romance and finance. Romance and finance—hey, that rhymes!

Mars (Scorpio) Opposite Uranus (Taurus): The warrior planet faces off against the planet of surprises. Mars Opposite Uranus predicts tension, anxiety, and maybe even a surprise ending. It sounds a little like what happened on October 13, 1943, when Fascist Italy switched sides against Nazi Germany. Did anyone see that one coming? 

Combined, today’s placement of Sun, Moon, Planets, and Stars sketches out a pattern of intensity mixed with liberation. There could be drama, but there might also be a happy ending. All zodiac signs are encouraged to welcome change, follow their instincts, and focus on bettering themselves.


You are the Ram. You are a leader. Other signs tremble at the thought of you charging across the barren plains at them. But even though the stars are calling for conflict and war and power struggles, don’t polish your horns just yet. Keep your mighty pride and warrior spirit in check. Sit this one out. The hardest war that anyone will ever have to fight is the one against their own shortcomings. Focus on inner change today. 


Listen here, you stubborn Bull: Although you love to stand your ground and stick by your guns and never compromise, sometimes the winds of change will sweep through your life and force you to adjust whether you want to or not. The Moon and Uranus both align today in your sign. This will produce tension at first and then an unexpected change. You don’t have to change anything about yourself or compromise any of your beliefs. But don’t be surprised if the fates suddenly rearrange your life without even bothering to ask for your permission.


Are you keeping a journal? If not, why not? Your ruling planet Mercury is what makes you so chatty, glib, charming, and persuasive. Today Mercury forms a positive aspect with Neptune, the planet of dreams and insight. The stars are telling you that today is an opportune time for closing your eyes, gathering your thoughts, and then committing them to either paper or a computer file. Today you can act as your own psychic and therapist, but you must write down your insights before they will seem real to you.


The Moon, which guides your maternal instincts and endless quest for security, is currently aligned with Uranus, planet of plot twists and surprise endings. Don’t be surprised to hear either good or bad news about a loved one. Maybe someone’s getting married, having a baby, or experiencing a financial windfall. Or maybe the news will be of a grimmer and more depressing nature. Either way, keep in mind that your loved ones need your support and encouragement no matter what happens. They expect it from you. Don’t let them down.


The Sun, the center of our solar system, is your master. As luck would have it, you enjoy being the center of attention in everything you do. Today the Sun squares off with Pluto, that pesky little former planet that’s as far away from the Sun as it’s possible to be while remaining in this solar system. Although Pluto is remote and tiny, it’s a troublemaker, wreaking havoc in the form of death, transformation, and rebirth. What I’m trying to tell you is to beware of someone in your social circle who’s seeking to betray you—and possibly even replace you.


The lusty and sensuous Venus is in your sign today forming a trine with Lucky Jupiter, so it’s a wonderful time to glow up, go out, and look for love and romance in the places where you least expect to find them. If you already have a special someone, throw caution to the wind and prepare a little romantic surprise for them that will remind them why they fell in love with you in the first place. But whatever you do and wherever you go today, look up rather than down and smile rather than frown.


The Sun is in your sign, aligning with Pluto. Although your personality favors balance and harmony, forget about all that. Something will happen that knocks your sense of equilibrium way off-kilter. It may be tremendously positive, or it might be something that sours your entire mood. When it happens, take a deep breath and remind yourself that this, too, shall pass. Everything passes eventually. Sooner or later, you will find yourself right back to where you started—balanced and perfectly contented.


Mars opposes Uranus in your sign today, so look out for sudden conflicts with unexpected results. Keep your eye peeled for potential relationship drama, and if you need to put someone in their place or ghost them forever, be confident that they deserve it. If conflict is unavoidable, you’ve got this covered. You’re the Scorpion, and any other sign would be a fool to pick a fight with you.


Is there anything the zodiac’s most brave, curious, and adventurous sign likes more than a day that promises to be brimming with surprises? Your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter, is aligned with Mercury, the muse of communication, so I’d suggest getting on the phone and inviting some friends to see if they’re bold enough to accompany you today on today’s unpredictable thrill-seeking mission. But even if you wind up going solo, make sure to take some pictures to share with the wallflowers and homebodies who are too chicken to join you.


Just when you least expect it, someone’s going to give you a surprise ego boost today. You often spend so much time working, being responsible, and trying to lend some order to the chaos that surrounds you, you often don’t realize how many people love you, admire you, and appreciate your friendship. Although you’re not a boastful or self-centered type, pause for a moment and realize that you just might be as great as they all say you are. 


Does your immediate environment feel a little stale? Are you seeking to change the overall feng shui of where you spend most of your waking hours? Your ruling planet Uranus, which is what makes you such a wildly creative thinker, is aligned with the Moon today. The Moon is that speck of space dust a quarter-million miles away from where you call home, and it guides people to make their home a happy and soothing place. Today would be a great time to shake up your immediate surroundings. Maybe a new lava lamp. Or move your computer to another part of the room. Or even order a bearskin rug. Whatever it takes to make your workspace feel a little fresh.


Mercury is forming a positive angle with your ruling planet Neptune. You are the zodiac’s great mystic—a seer, a sage, a prophet, and a healer. But since the celestial forecast calls for unexpected change, I propose a switch. Although you are intuitive, emotional, and completely attuned to your virtues and instincts, often it feels better to hear it from someone else. If you’re looking for insight or simply some comforting words, seek it from a friend, lover, family member, therapist, or psychic.