TC Agency / Midjourney

Should You Fall In Love With Your Own Zodiac Sign?

When you meet someone with your same zodiac sign, sometimes you just know it. They hold the same values as you, their communication style is similar, or you simply feel an inexplicable connection. However, someone with your same sign can also trigger you, reflecting your flaws and weaknesses. So, is it better for you to date someone born under the same zodiac, or a different one? Well, that depends on your sign. Here’s which star signs can navigate a romantic relationship with someone of the same zodiac, and who should avoid their own sign.

Aries: No

When two Aries people meet, there is usually instant chemistry. They both have boundless energy, quick tongues, and a sharp sense of humor. But Aries is led by Mars, the planet of war, passion, and aggression. This means that Aries people love to fight, argue, and debate (and they’re quite good at it). A relationship between two Aries people, although it may be passionate and intense, is sure to be full of disagreements and arguments. Also, they’re both wildly impatient, and SOMEONE has to stand in line while the other runs to grab a forgotten grocery store item.

Taurus: No

It makes sense why two Tauruses would be drawn to each other: guided by Venus, it is one of the most loving signs, and they can give each other the stability in a relationship that Tauruses crave. But, as the zodiac represented by the bull, Taurus people are notoriously stubborn. When two of them get together, they will have knock-down-drag-out fights, with both refusing a budge an inch on their stance. Also, Tauruses are too set in their routines and love staying in, so a double Taurus couple would never leave the house or their comfort zone.

Gemini: No

Geminis just understand each other: they have quick minds and a million different interests, and they love to talk about any subject under the sun. Two Geminis together will spend endless hours gabbing away about their favorite topics. But two Geminis in a relationship simply can’t work. As the zodiac represented by the twins, each Gemini has (at least) two sides to their personality – so a double Gemini romance has at least four faces. This star sign can also be a bit dreamy and unrealistic, making too many plans without following through on them. They need someone to ground or motivate them instead of letting them run away with all their wild ideas.

Cancer: Yes

Two Cancers in a relationship can build a life of perfect harmony. Cancer rules the fourth house of the zodiac, which is the house of the home, family, roots, and emotions. These are the things that matter most to this star sign. Two Cancers together can understand each other’s deep emotions, enjoy creating a home together, and happily navigate the journey of parenting. They will make one another feel safe and unconditionally loved, and they’re practically a match made in heaven.

Leo: No

Leos have tremendously large hearts with a limitless capacity to love. However, as much as they adore their romantic partner, they also love attention. There can only be one star of the show (or relationship), and it’s going to be Leo. Two Leos together can create tension as they compete for the spotlight. Also, Leos can be quite stubborn, so there are bound to be some serious arguments in this relationship. Although they may be drawn to one another (and who could blame them, since Leos are so charismatic and attractive), they are better off apart.

Virgo: Yes

Virgos are the perfectionists of the zodiac, so they have high standards for relationships. Only a Virgo can fully understand and meet another Virgo’s requirements. They won’t take each other’s criticism or sharp tongues personally, because they both do the exact same thing. Together, they can work on accepting each other’s weaknesses, while helping one another become their best self.

Libra: No

Libras tend to be drawn to each other because of this zodiac’s agreeable, charming nature. They are social, friendly, and balanced, so it’s easy to see why they connect. However, Libras are incredibly indecisive. Imagine two Libras trying to choose what to order for dinner, much less any greater decisions like where to live, whether or not to have children, etc. – it just doesn’t work. Libras need decisive partners who can help them be confident in their own decisions, and who won’t let them people-please their way into a life they’re unhappy with. 

Scorpio: Yes

Few zodiacs crave partnership and intimacy like Scorpio. That’s because Scorpio rules the eighth house of the zodiac, which is the house of merging, shared resources, and sex. Furthermore, Scorpio is a water sign, and water signs are known for being sensitive and emotional. A Scorpio yearns for an intensely passionate connection that lasts a lifetime, and another Scorpio can provide this type of love perfectly. Their bond is unbreakable, and they see the secret depths in each other that no one else gets to witness.

Sagittarius: Yes

Sometimes Sagittarians struggle in relationships because they like an independent, free-spirited lifestyle. Being single suits them well, but a relationship with another Sagittarius works, too. That’s because two Sagittarians know how to give each other space and keep one another on their toes. Their relationship will always be an adventure and never boring. However, at least one of them needs to step up and be focused and responsible, so they don’t get carried away with all their jet-setting, fun-chasing, and merry-making.

Capricorn: Yes

Capricorns are used to being lone wolves, and they are a bit misunderstood. They are extremely ambitious and tend to put their goals ahead of their relationships. However, in a double Capricorn relationship, the two partners can share their ambitions and finally make each other feel seen. There is a risk of them both being too cold and aloof, so they must try to be warmer and open up a little. 

Aquarius: No

Aquarians love their freedom and independence so much that entering any committed relationship feels like a compromise. When they fall for another Aquarius, they may believe they’ve finally found someone who understands their unconventional ways and will give them all the space they need. This is true – but it’s not good for their relationship. Two Aquarians will give each other so much space that they end up on completely different planets. Their connection grows stale and cold, and absence makes their hearts grow more distant instead of fonder. 

Pisces: Yes

Two Pisces people can easily fall in love with each other because they both desire the same thing in a relationship: a profound, out-of-this-world connection. They want a fairytale romance and will do whatever it takes to keep their relationship in the honeymoon phase. Few can satisfy the emotional and spiritual needs of a Pisces like another Pisces. While other zodiacs eventually let them down and shatter their illusions of love, double Pisces couples continue building castles in the sky together forever.