Alina Vilchenko

Tarotscope for Today: Monday, October 21, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Page of Cups

Just go with the flow today, Aries. I know you usually have your set routine or way of being that you do not like tampering with, but like water present with the Page of Cups, you must become fluid and malleable. Perhaps this is about some sort of creative collaboration, something with work, or in regards to personal relationships. Regardless, don’t remain firm when it is unnecessary. You don’t always have to fight. Remain adaptable and it’ll help you navigate any problems you may come in contact with today. Most importantly, remember not to take anything too seriously today. 


Your Card: The Emperor

Don’t beat around the bush today, Taurus. You’re typically one to choose your words relatively carefully, as you are quite naturally skilled orator, however, directness will be key today to get your point across. Sometimes, when communicating with certain people, there must be a level of bluntness. Or potentially, you may be hearing some piece of information today from someone who is incredibly direct with you. In either scenario, The Emperor signifies the occasional need to remove personal feelings and emotions from the equation as those things can hinder you. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

You might find yourself in the middle of a tense disagreement with someone close to you today, Gemini. Perhaps this disagreement is the first time you’ve experienced any sort of conflict with this person or group of people. With that said, no one is completely in the wrong and no one is completely in the right. This might not be exactly what you want to hear but it’s the truth. I know you feel justified in your stance but they do just as much. The Four of Wands encourages you to find a way to come together and overcome this conflict. It’s not about who is right and who is wrong. Remove your ego and try to take a look at the situation objectively, allowing both sides to feel heard. 


Your Card: Queen of Pentacles

Life may be going quite well for you, Cancer, as of lately. The Queen of Pentacles indicates that you’ve been able to acquire a decent amount of success that is slowly helping you build the ideal life you wish to live. But you don’t need to push yourself too hard. The Queen of Pentacles is a reminder that we should work to live and not live to work. Taking some time away from the things that need to be done won’t result in the collapse of everything you’ve built thus far. If anything, rest is what gives us the strength to maintain what we’ve accomplished. So take today to actually enjoy your life. Tomorrow will come. All you have is right now. 


Your Card: The Sun

Today is your day, Leo. The Sun is connected to your sign and like the planets of the solar system revolve around the sun, so will the people of your life. Today you are a great source of positive energy, abundance, and radiance. You have more than enough energy to go around and that is what will make you so incredibly magnetic today. Go out and spend the day doing what you love most with the people you love most. There may be someone in particular who could use a bit of your energy to lift them up. 


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

Be selfish today, Virgo. Though selfishness isn’t usually considered a virtue, within the context of your day, it is. It’s okay to be a little bit selfish and prioritize yourself and your life. As you advance in your career or your personal life, more opportunities will start to present themselves. Which is great and I’m happy to see you doing well. However, while some of the people closest to you will be genuinely happy to see you succeed, there will be certain people who will fake their enthusiasm to get something from you. Perhaps they expect you to give them money that you worked hard for or to help them progress in their career as well. For whatever reason, certain people around you feel as if they have a certain level of “ownership” over you just because you’ve been kind or gracious towards them in the past. If people have taken advantage of this, then draw boundaries and remind them that you owe them nothing at the end of the day. The right people will understand, and if the wrong people feel slighted for you choosing to give to yourself instead of them, then fuck them. They’ll get over it. 


Your Card: Nine of Wands

You might have it all wrong, Libra. Life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. The sooner you embrace this, the sooner you can start enjoying the present moment. Today you might be feeling especially exhausted with life as if there is never any relief. Once the job gets done and the day is over, you still have to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. But to what end you might be asking yourself. The Nine of Wands suggests that the problem may lie in your perception of things rather than life itself. To answer your question, it never ends. Life keeps moving. There is no such thing as the end all be all. Once we accomplish one thing, it’s on to the next. But by learning to live presently, then life stops passing you by and being a means to an end. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

If you’re wondering whether or not you should tell a certain someone how you feel, then the Knight of Cups could be your sign to do so. The Knight of Cups is emotionally bold and lives for the romantics of life. Even if there is a possibility of rejection, this does not stop him from singing his poetics. Because at the end of the day, he knows that there is no true repercussion to telling people how they make you feel. This could be in regards to someone you’re dating, to a family member you don’t say “I love you” enough to, a friend, or even showing appreciation for a good boss. Whoever this is about, there is no reason to feel embarrassed to let them know that you care. You might find yourself pleasantly surprised with their response and wonder why you never said something sooner. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

You might be taking things a bit too personally today, Sagittarius. To be honest you might need to lighten up a bit more. Your irritability may be a result of stress from work or matters within your personal life that have nothing to do with the person or people you’re upset with. The Two of Pentacles indicates a need for balance. Don’t take things out on the wrong people. You might be thinking the source of your imbalance is a particular person’s fault but the reality is that it has nothing to do with them. You may be projecting something onto them that has more to do with you than it does with them. Find a way to get to the bottom of this or find a more productive outlet to release your frustrations. 


Your Card: Four of Cups

You may find yourself in a position today where you have many opportunities presenting themselves to you at once, Capricorn. You might be more popular than usual or this could be in regards to work with several different offers being made. Regardless of the context, don’t feel like you have to say yes to everyone and everything that presents itself to you. If anything, there is much more power in your selectivity. You are in a position where you are able to raise your standards and only say yes to the things that are at your level. And don’t think that saying no means turning away something or someone forever. Saying no just means that you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. 


Your Card: Six of Wands

If you are motivated by the need to prove other people wrong, this isn’t going to get you very far Aquarius. You are the outlier of the chart. You march to the beat of your own drum. You are eccentric and progressive. In the past, the opinions of others never concerned you until lately. There may be someone who hurt you in some way or put your dreams, ambitions, or ideas down. Now you feel driven not by your own need to live a fulfilling life for yourself, but rather driven by needing to prove the other person wrong. But I’m telling you right now that this will only get you so far. Because even if you do accomplish that thing, once you get to the top of the hill you are unsatisfied with the results because you might find that the naysayers are far less unaffected by your success than you thought. Don’t let your ego be your motivation, let your heart be your motivation, and success and satisfaction will come. Make sure you reassess your why before you move forward because if you don’t you may be putting your energy in all the wrong places. 


Your Card: The Fool

You are waiting for the universe to give you a reason to move forward with something. This might be a creative project, a career ambition, or a specific personal goal. The thing is, you’re gonna spend the rest of your life waiting for that reason. Life isn’t always going to give you the green light you’re looking for. You can’t expect yourself to just wake up one morning and feel totally energized and motivated to go after that thing. You’re hoping some sort of external force pushes you into the direction you want to move in but this will never be the case. In the wise words of Shia LaBeouf, “Just do it.” I mean the man’s not wrong.