4 Zodiacs Beginning A New Life Chapter This December
You have had it really good this year, Sagittarius, albeit not without your mood swings. You get overwhelmed, just like anybody else, but in this new life chapter, you will learn how not to be overwhelmed when good things come your way. It’s time to stop waiting for the other shoe to drop, or for this somewhat perfect life you’ve found to dissolve into a mirage. This tactic of waiting for things to completely do a 180 doesn’t work, whether things are going our way or not. We can’t solve our problems by hoping we’ll wake up from a nightmare, and we can’t let our lives pass us by worrying they’re too good to be true. So just learn to relax into your stability. Be in love. Eat a cupcake. There are real problems worth worrying about and this is not one.
You love so fiercely, Scorpio, and care for everyone in your circle. You feel personally responsible for fixing everyone else’s problems, easing their pain, providing clarity, comfort, and reassurance. But in this new life chapter, you learn to take more of a hands off approach where necessary. Some recent personal growth and newfound self-awareness have provided you with insight you’ve needed for a long, long time. What people appreciate most about having you as a friend, family member, is your dependable nature. Knowing you are in their corner gives them enough confidence to tackle their issues head on. You know that life throws us all curveballs we need to deal with individually, and sometimes we thrive the most when we’re given the space to act independently. Creating that space doesn’t mean you love your people any less.
Your next life chapter, Virgo, is filler. With all your main character energy, this can feel extremely boring and tedious. You want to get to the action. Who are we kidding—you are the action. Perpetual motion and energy and exertion that has to produce results somewhere. But sometimes a good novel (and a good life) needs some inner monologue, some time to reflect on the plot progression to date and use it as fuel for character transformation and growth. This is the time when readers, or people who know and love you, really start to admire and identify with you. They see your ability to feel deeply, to recognize your own strengths and flaws and decide what comes next, and suddenly desire that same level of self-awareness. So take this time to digest, to process, to read between your own lines. The meaning you find when you connect your own dots will satisfy that inner restlessness in a way you never knew was possible.
Aries, your new life chapter is about going beyond social courtesies. You are the loyalist of friends and welcome every and any stranger, but this month is all about going deeper. The things you are known for, like never forgetting to send a birthday card, hosting parties, and providing endless cheer, all have a special place in people’s hearts they truly appreciate. But sometimes, when we dispatch with the pleasantries, we can see that what’s really needed is a serious conversation, or a walk in silence, or a shoulder to cry on. The world will not end if we let some of these customs slip through the cracks, but it will really start to shine if we look past them and start seeing people as they truly are and recognizing their actual needs.