Ron Lach

4 Zodiacs Whose April Fool’s Jokes Can Make You Belly Laugh Like You’re A Kid Again

April Fool’s is a holiday dedicated to jokes, pranks, and all things silly. Unleash your goofy side on April 1 by surrounding yourself with these hysterical jokesters that will make you belly laugh like no one else.


Leos are social superstars and it’s because they love to make other people laugh. They never take themselves too seriously which allows them to open up a seriously silly side of themselves that everyone adores. Leos are complete goofballs at times and are sure to hit you with some sarcasm that will make you laugh like no tomorrow.


While Virgos are often one of the more serious zodiac signs, this does not mean that they are all serious, all the time. In fact, their perfectionistic tendencies open them up for some wildly funny self-deprecating humor. They know how to take a joke and also throw one your way. Virgos have to let loose somehow and most times, it’s through humor.


Sagittarius individuals will make you belly laugh until it hurts. They are innately hilarious in all way; they are witty, sarcastic, goofy, and performative. Being around them is like being around a walking comedy show and let me tell you, once they get you laughing, you’ll never stop.


While Scorpios have a reputation for their intense energy, they are also extremely funny in the darker sense of the word. Their dark humor and borderline-realistic sarcastic jokes will break you down like no other. Once they get into a joking mood, you both will be on the floor laughing like no tomorrow; just wait!