A Mixed Signal Man Will Never Make You Happy
Cassie Lopez

A Mixed Signals Man Will Never Make You Happy

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because your feelings for him will change by the day. Some days, you’ll feel like you can trust him with your whole heart. You’ll feel like he’s going to be in your world for the rest of your life and you won’t be able to imagine your future without him. But on other days, you’ll feel him growing distant. You’ll feel like you don’t really know him at all and will be frustrated by how many times he’s hurt you. You’ll go from wanting something serious with him to wanting him to leave you alone and stop playing with your heart.

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because he breaks too many promises. He tells you what you want to hear in the moment, even if he has no intention on following through in the future. He says all the right things at the right time, but when it comes to taking action and being a man of his word, he falls short. He always disappoints you. And even though he promises that it will never happen again, it always does. History keeps repeating.

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because having half of his heart isn’t enough. You deserve to date someone who will be there whenever you need him, even if it’s inconvenient for him. They shouldn’t pick and choose when they want to treat you as a priority. They shouldn’t change their behavior toward you, depending on the day. The right person for you will be a constant. They will consistently spoil you. You won’t have to wake up each day wondering which version of them you’re going to get.

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because you’ll always be wondering what you mean to him. You’ll never get a straight answer about where the relationship is going or how they feel about you. They’ll claim that they care, but they won’t put an official label on things. They won’t commit to you and their reasoning why will be flimsy. It won’t make any sense. If they feel the same way that you feel, then nothing should be stopping them.

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because you’ll waste too much time trying to figure out what he’s thinking. But in a healthy relationship, your partner will straight up tell you how they’re feeling. There won’t be any guessing games. They will be transparent about their feelings, even when it makes things awkward. They won’t hide anything from you because they’ll respect you too much to lie or keep secrets.

A mixed signal man will never make you happy because his intentions are unclear. He isn’t upfront about what he wants from you so you’ll never know how much you should trust him, how close you should get to him, how attached you should become to him. He will be a giant question mark in your life – but the right person won’t leave you wondering. They’ll say how they feel from the start. They won’t give you a chance to doubt them and walk away. They’ll always be there for you in the ways that you need, without being asked.