Mountain Is You

A Poem To Heal Your Soul, Based On Your Birth Month


How they make you feel
says a lot about them
and nothing about you.

Trust me when I say
someone who makes you question
if you are worthy of being loved
is not worthy of being loved by you.

The Strength In Our Scars | Bianca Sparacino


You are strong, for you are stone.

You are soft, for you are flesh.

You are more than enough, for you are you.

You are everything, for you are truth.

You are Love, and Love is you.

All The Love You Carry | Charis Ed


The fact that youā€™re struggling
doesnā€™t make you a burden.
It doesnā€™t make you unlovable or
undesirable or undeserving of care.
It doesnā€™t make you too much
or too sensitive or too needy.
It makes you human.

Everyone struggles. Everyone has a difficult
time coping, and there are
days when we all fall apart.
During those times, we arenā€™t always easy
to be around, and thatā€™s okay.
No one is easy to be around one hundred
percent of the time. Yes, you may
sometimes be unpleasant or difficult.

And yes, you may sometimes do or
say things that make the people
around you feel helpless or sad.
But those things arenā€™t all of who
you are, and they donā€™t discount
your worth as a human being.

The truth is that you can be struggling
and still be loved. You can be difficult
and still be cared for. You can be less
than perfect and still be deserving of
compassion and kindness.

Daring To Take Up Space | Daniell Koepke


If I had three lives, Iā€™d marry you in two.
And the other? That life over there
at Starbucks, sitting alone, writing ā€” a memoir,
maybe a novel or this poem. No kids, probably,
a small apartment with a view of the river,
and books ā€” lots of books and time to read.
Friends to laugh with; a man sometimes,
for a weekend, to remember what skin feels like
when itā€™s alive. Iā€™m thinner in that life, vegan,
practice yoga. I go to art films, farmers markets,
drink martinis in swingy skirts and big jewelry.
I vacation on the Maine coast and wear a flannel shirt
weekend guy left behind, loving the smell of sweat
and aftershave more than I do him. I walk the beach
at sunrise, find perfect shell spirals and study pockmarks
water makes in sand. And I wonder sometimes
if Iā€™ll ever find you.

If I Had Three Lives | Sarah Russell


Rememberā€”not only are you learning lessons from the
people you experience, but the people you experience are learning lessons through you.

The universe uses relationships to heal us, to
teach us, to grow us into who weā€™re destined to be.

Come Home to Yourself | DĆ©jĆ  Rae


Productivity is how you run away from yourself
Creativity is how you become yourself

Salt Water | Brianna Wiest


Validation from others will never satisfy
your soul the way you need ā€”
only you can give yourself the fulfillment you need.

At the end of the day, we only have ourselves.
We know ourselves the best.
We live within our minds our whole lives; we canā€™t
expect anyone else to fully understand us.

I hope you find time every day to get to know yourself
a little bit better.

Stay Until Tomorrow | Jacqueline Whitney


The kindest people are not born that way, they are made.
They are the souls that have experienced so much at the
hands of life, they are the ones who have dug themselves
out of the dark, who have fought to turn every loss into a lesson.

The kindest people do not just exist ā€” they choose
to soften where circumstance has tried to harden them,
they choose to believe in goodness, because they have
seen firsthand why compassion is so necessary.

They have seen firsthand why tenderness is so important in this

A Gentle Reminder | Bianca Sparacino


You are not your past.
You are not your mistakes.
You are not your background.
Youā€™re not who others say.

Youā€™re not what the world dictates.
You are not the people who are
incapable of loving you,
they may be fighting inner battles
which you do not know.

You are who you choose to be.
You are what you do.
You are the decisions you make.
You are the paths you take.
You are the virtues you keep.
You are the philosophies you create.
You are the love you give away.
You are your purpose.
You are not what happens to you
You are how you choose to respond.
You are who you build
yourself to become.

You decide who you are.

All The Love You Carry | Charis Ed


One day you will meet someone who will break down your walls and stare into the depths of you. One day they will see the bruises on your soul, will hear about all of the terrible things you have done, and you will expect them to leave, but they wonā€™t. They wonā€™t. One day, you will meet someone who looks into the damage, who sees the wounds, the dark, and they will love you anyways. They will love you.

The Strength In Our Scars | Bianca Sparacino


Itā€™s okay if you have to have a day or many
where you stay inside and simply just let time pass by.

I know life
can be a lot sometimes,
and I donā€™t want you to feel guilty for
needing to do what helps you survive.

Remember, little steps.

Stay Until Tomorrow | Jacqueline Whitney


Itā€™s only a matter of time.

You can leave now. But if not now, you can leave in a few months. And if not then, maybe you will leave in a year,
or two years, or ten yearsā€”it doesnā€™t really matter.

The point isā€”whatever is not meant for you will never be yours.

So, itā€™s for you to decide how much time you want to
spend holding on to something that does not belong to

Come Home to Yourself | DĆ©jĆ  Rae