A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before May 1
Your card: 4 of Swords
Just chill out, Aries. I know you’re impatient, and you barrel forward head first as soon as you get the idea to do something. It’s what most of us love about you. But this week, you should probably just rest, chill out, and do all those impulsive things next time.
Your card: Queen of Wands
There’s something you’ve been wanting to do. Now is the time to do it! All it takes is a bit of courage and determination. You know you have both of those in spades if you only give yourself the chance. So go, make your dreams come true this week.
Your card: 8 of Pentacles
This is a great week to work on any tasks or skills you’ve been wanting to development. Knitting, learning the violin, painting a portrait–whatever it is, now’s the time. If you get bored easily, just put on a murder podcast or your favorite nostalgic playlist.
Your card: 5 of Swords
This week is a struggle. Conflict will pop up everywhere you turn. According to this card, defeat is pretty much guaranteed–especially if you’re trying to win at all costs. Just go with the flow and you might come out the other side relatively unscathed.
Your card: Page of Swords
If you get the itch to learn something new this week, follow it. It might bring you to some cool, unexpected places. Or you’ll just have a bit of new knowledge the next time you go to pub trivia. Either way, that’s a success.
Your card: 7 of Wands
Some people struggle when they come upon any opposition. Not you, though! You’ll persevere with conviction and defiance like the badass Virgo that you are.
Your card: Judgement
This card shows an opportunity to grow. It’s more about self-judgement than through the eyes of others. You can only move on and grow if you look at your past self and judge it through fresh eyes.
Your card: The Lovers
This could be a literal card for you. Maybe it’s the start of a new relationship or a clue that you should ask out your crush. It can also mean the harmony in relationships in general, even if it’s friends or family. Either way, your social life is looking good this week.
Your card: The Hanged One
If you’ve felt stuck lately, now’s the time to see things from another perspective. Maybe your narrow view was what held you back. It can be hard to gain a new perspective if you’re unwilling to let go, though. This week, work on seeing things in a new light.
Your card: The Hermit
You can be pretty social, which is great. You like to collaborate, but right now isn’t the time. Use this week for some much-needed solitude. It’ll help you figure out how you actually feel about something without all the outside influences bogging you down.
Your card: The Moon
You think you know how everything’s going. Unfortunately, something’s going on below the surface that you’re unaware of. The secret could be good, but knowing this card, it’s probably not. Hopefully you can figure it out this week so you can start moving on.
Your card: 10 of Cups
This card is all about contentment and happiness. Something you’ve been wanting for a long time will come to fruition this week. Or at least you’ll have a big step forward to that eventual reality. This is the “dream come true” card, and I hope you get that ASAP.