Astrology Reveals The Life-Changing Truth That Came From Your Heartache
Your past heartaches taught you that communication is crucial in a healthy relationship and if you feel like your person is keeping secrets from you, there will always be distance between you.
Your past heartaches taught you that your boundaries are crucial and anyone who purposely steps past them or pressures you to change them doesn’t have enough respect for you in order to be yours.
Your past heartaches taught you that it doesn’t matter how hard you try to make someone love you or how much effort you put into making them happy because you don’t have the power to change their mind.
Your past heartaches taught you that you can’t sustain a relationship without trust because there will always be uncertainties and arguments and unanswered questions that make you feel uncomfortable with them.
Your past heartaches taught you that your emotions are valid and anyone who tries to minimize them cares more about their own peace than yours.
Your past heartaches taught you that letting go of the wrong relationship is much more difficult than staying, but it’s also much more rewarding and will help you feel like you again.
Your past heartaches taught you that it’s possible to love someone and want the best for them without wanting them in your presence or your phone anymore.
Your past heartaches taught you that you are enough, but the wrong person is going to make you feel like you are lacking because they won’t be able to see your worth the way your forever person will.
Your past heartaches taught you that you don’t owe anyone your time, your heart, or your body because only you get to decide what you want to exert energy on.
Your past heartaches taught you that you’re not foolish for being tricked by someone you thought cared about you and that they are the one who should be embarrassed, not you.
Your past heartaches taught you that it’s possible to have strong feelings for someone you never dated, feelings that are even deeper than the ones you had for official exes.
Your past heartaches taught you that you’re brave for putting your heart out there and your vulnerability is something to be admired, not criticized.