Blue Bird

Date These 4 Zodiacs If You’re An Introvert


Libra is never going to push their partner to be something that they’re not. So whether it’s leaving the party early, or not going at all, they’ll be on board to cater to an introvert’s needs. They know that relationships are a delicate dance between learning to share and connect with each other while remembering not to lose sight of your own individuality. So if that means getting their own extroversion out of their system with their friends, and then coming home to a quiet night on the couch with you, they don’t need to think twice about it. They’ll meet you where you’re at and will always take your feelings and needs into account. You literally couldn’t be in better hands.


Pisces will never ever force you to talk to them, or anyone else for that matter. You can sit in silence with them for hours, with zero pressure to say, do, or be anything besides yourself. They need so much alone time, you might actually start to feel like the extrovert in the relationship. If you’re into parallel play, playing video games while they do the crossword, cooking dinner while they fold the laundry, or exercising while they listen to music, you’re in good company. They know there is something to be said for being with someone whose company and closeness you can enjoy without requiring their full attention. It’s knowing they’re right there if you need them that provides a level of security.


Capricorn is known individual contributor. They keep their head down at work, and aren’t the type who shows off or wants to participate in water cooler gossip. The same goes for their romantic relationships – they’re really low maintenance and drama free. So if you’re the type who wants to keep things low key, more in person intimacy than online presence, Capricorn is the perfect partner for you. They’re not into showing things off for attention, and thrive on their own personal satisfaction. They aren’t out to prove anything to anyone, and once you’re both on the same page about that, it’s all about enjoying the bond together. They’d 100% rather stay in and cook you dinner than be your date to a wedding.


Scorpio is just the sign to lure you out of your introverted shell. They will single you out and make you feel like the most important person in the room, but also like you’re the only person in the room. They give you a safe space to open up and show a side of yourself you didn’t even know you had. When the pressure is gone and you’re not afraid of embarrassing yourself, because of Scorpio’s accepting nature, you’ll feel free to let your freak flag fly. They will be your biggest fan and your biggest cheerleader, the person who tells you, “no, that’s not weird” or “sure, I’d love to”. Having that trust and intimacy will work wonders to counteract your social anxiety.