Each Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope For March 18 - March 25
Thought Catalog Agency

Each Zodiac’s Weekly Horoscope For March 18 – March 25


This week, never take quitting or walking away entirely off the table. If you forget that there’s an exit, you’re going to force yourself to endure painful experiences. Remember, you’re never stuck where you are. If this isn’t working for you, you can leave.


This week, stop being subtle. Don’t make others guess the way you’re feeling because it’s easy to misinterpret hints. You’ll find more success and happiness if you drop the games and say what you mean. Blurt it out instead of dancing around it.


This week, show up fully. If you’re going to pursue a dream, give it one hundred percent. If you’re going to spend time with someone, act present. Don’t waste time wishing you were doing something else. Enjoy the moment in front of you.


This week, don’t make decisions when you’re feeling emotional. Those emotions are valid — but you don’t want them to convince you to make the wrong decision. Wait until you’re feeling calmer and clear-headed so you can think through pros and cons fully.


This week, don’t try to do the impossible. Don’t try to take on more than one person can realistically handle. Don’t be disappointed with yourself for failing to complete a million different things when there weren’t even enough hours in the day.


This week, don’t disrespect yourself. Don’t talk badly about your looks or skills, even if you’re phrasing it as a joke. Be careful with the words that you use to describe yourself because those words are powerful. 


This week, remember that small things add up. You might feel like you’re taking baby steps, but they’re still steps in the right direction. Be proud of yourself for every little achievement you make, even if it doesn’t feel that huge.


This week, embrace your loneliness. Instead of scrambling to make plans, have quality time with yourself. You don’t have to spend every moment around others. Learn to enjoy the silence, how to entertain yourself and how enjoy your own company.


This week, don’t count yourself out too early. Don’t assume that you don’t have a chance when you weren’t given a set answer yet. You are more capable than you realize, so don’t give up now. Keep believing in yourself. Keep going.


This week, assert yourself. Don’t allow others to walk over you. Don’t let them mistake your kindness for weakness. Speak your mind because your opinion matters and if you keep quiet, then no one will know what you’re really thinking.


This week, set realistic expectations for yourself. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t challenge yourself. It simply means you should avoid holding yourself to impossible standards. If your standards for yourself are way too high, then you’re only going to end up disappointed. Gradually increase your goals instead.


This week, place more emphasis on the actions of others instead of their words. Anyone can claim that they care about you, but only people who mean it will put the effort in. If someone’s behavior doesn’t line up with their texts and their promises, they’re trying to sell you something.