February Love Tarotscopes For Each Zodiac Sign
Just like that, February has arrived!
We’ve made it through the first month of 2025. Now, it’s time to gear up, set intentions, and align with our best interests, romance included.
Aries: King of Pentacles
In February, you’re urged to focus on commitment in love. Rather than allowing your emotions to take the driver’s seat, choose with your future goals in mind. Stability and security should be a priority to make long-term connections work.
Taurus: Ten of Cups
This month pushes Taurus to focus on their relationships. A happily ever after moment is on the horizon! It feels good to be supported and loved on. Enjoy the lighthearted moments, cherishing how far your love life has come.
Gemini: Temperance Reversed
All good things in moderation! If you want love to last, be sure to be mindful of your approach this month. Putting too much emphasis on your love life will only defer the results you long for. Be patient, mindful, and find equilibrium with other areas of your life.
Cancer: King of Cups
You’re called to practice radical compassion, empathy, and seek connection above all else. February pushes you to trust your intuition in love and dating. Self-love is the foundation for all other relationships. Be sure to tend to your emotional needs.
Leo: Six of Swords
This month brings change and transitions to your love life. While some Leos are undergoing heartbreak or breakups, others may be moving for a partner or considering making internal shifts to make a connection work. Regardless, there’s a need for transformation. Things can’t stay the same.
Virgo: Justice
In February, Virgo is pushed to do the right thing above all else. There may be temptations to cave into unhealthy patterns, but the universe encourages you to remain true to your values. Your love life improves as you heed the call of your inner knowing.
Libra: The Devil
This month asks you to break codependent patterns. In love, you cannot base all of your happiness onto one person. Be mindful of where you’re handing your power away, leading to anxiety, fear, or stagnancy.
Scorpio: Eight of Swords
February pushes Scorpio to free themselves from self-imposed restrictions. In love and dating, you should never allow yourself to feel defeated, stuck, or chained for too long. Work out challenges with a love interest or liberate yourself from unnecessary suffering.
Sagittarius: Six of Pentacles Reversed
The balance of give and take may feel off in your relationships this month, Sagittarius. Sometimes, it takes one partner giving 100% because the other cannot bring their best to the table due to unforeseen circumstances. As long as this is temporary, be sure to give for the sake of uplifting others. However, be mindful not to give the shirt off your back or drain your own resources.
Capricorn: Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Sometimes, we keep putting in our best efforts to save something that’s obviously falling apart, beyond our control. This month, Capricorn is urged to avoid wasting precious time or energy in their love life. Be intentional with your goals and actions.
Aquarius: Six of Wands
In romance, you’re likely feeling desired, wanted, or your ego is being stroked in all the right ways. This month allows you to feel proud of yourself or your special someone, with bold public declarations of affection. Enjoy! Just don’t let pride fester into friction.
Pisces: Page of Wands
Exploring new avenues in your love life inspires you this month. You may be eager to get to know a new side of yourself, meet new lovers, or explore different aspects of your long-term partner. Heed the calling of childlike wonder. There are no rules on how to have fun in dating!