Here’s Who Understands You The Most, According To Their Zodiac Sign
Aries (March 21- April 19)
This fire sign never has to second-guess whether they’re understood in this life. That’s because of constant support and care from its other fiery comrades. Leo and Sagittarius naturally get Aries. From the sign’s highs to its lows, there’s nothing that can stop these three from becoming friends forever. Scorpios also tend to understand these cardinal signs. They know each other’s intensities and ambitions.
Taurus (April 20- May 20)
When it comes to who understands this earth sign the most, Capricorn and Virgo are at the top of the list. Both crave stability, so this fixed sign can count on conversations about money and career with them. These two get a Taurus’ drive in the workplace and understand the sign’s deepest desires in life. Surprisingly, Libras also tend to mesh well with them. Taurus is known as the most romantic of the earth signs, so Libra understands every matter of its heart.
Gemini (May 21- June 20)
Nobody gets a Gemini like its other fellow air signs. Naturally, this mutable sign has the best time with a Libra and Aquarius. Instinctively, these three share a strong mental connection with the ability to keep up with every conversation topic. Leos also tend to understand this quick thinker of a sign. They get Gemini’s distaste for boredom and need for constant mental stimulation.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
A Cancer can always count on its fellow water signs to be its shoulder to lean on. Pisces and Scorpio have similar values to the crab and can naturally empathize with it. According to astrology, these three share an emotional connection so strong that you’d think it was telepathic. Taurus also tends to get this water sign. More so enthusiasm in the kitchen and excitement for an aesthetically pleasing plate of French cuisine.
Leo (July 23- August 22)
Leo can always count on Aries and Sagittarius to have its back. These two understand the lion like no other. They understand its needs and wants and why this fixed sign has such a grand vision for their life. Pisces is also someone that understands the regal lion. They’re emotionally intelligent, so they lend a deeper depth of a listening ear when this fire sign needs it the most.
Virgo (August 23- September 22)
There are no two people perfect for a Virgo than a Capricorn and a Taurus. These two understand the earth sign’s need for order and a solid plan for everything. They understand what’s behind its desire for perfection and can also teach them other ways to use it productively. Surprisingly, Aquarius also tends to get along with this mutable sign. They understand its rationality and its way of using logic over emotion.
Libra (September 23- October 22)
Libras will always feel understood by an Aquarius and a Gemini. Not only do these two understand Libra’s chatterbox ways, but they also agree in its pursuit of justice. These three have similar values. So, Aquarius and Gemini also understand why a Libra prefers to have company around most of the time. Leos also get along with this sign. Both are attracted to the finer things in life, so it completely understands the air sign’s desire to live in luxury.
Scorpio (October 23- November 21)
Nobody understands a Scorpio like a Pisces and a Cancer do. They share a strong emotional bond with the Scorpion and can understand them inside and out. They know what’s behind their intensity and understand when the sign needs alone time. Virgos also tend to be someone special in this water sign’s life. Together, these two have a way of merging logic and emotion like never before.
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
An Aries and a Leo are this fire sign’s best source of support. They understand their need for adventure and dislike anything that involves routine. These three make instant friends as they get each other’s humor. With these two, you can always find Sagittarius laughing out loud about something. Aquarius also understands Sagittarius. Not only are they in awe of how the fire sign lives its day-to-day, but they are also inspired by it.
Capricorn (December 22- January 19)
Taurus and Virgo are Capricorn’s best support system. These two understand their fellow earth sign’s level of work ethic. Known as the hardest worker of the zodiac, they are the sign’s biggest cheerleaders and greatest teammates to have by their side. Geminis also get along with them. They can keep up with the sign’s intellect and can understand everything it teaches.
Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
There are no two people who understand Aquarius’ stance on individuality than a Gemini and a Libra. While some of us prefer to have structure and a plan, these two support our fellow air sign’s way of living. Known to march to the beat of their drum, Gemini and Libra understand why identity is important to an Aquarius. Aries also mesh well with this sign. Like the two above, the fire sign fully supports all of its ways of independence.
Pisces (February 19- March 20)
A Cancer and a Scorpio are almost always part of a Pisces friend group. These two understand the sign’s emotions and can dive into deep conversations with them. These two make the fish feel the most loved, as they intuitively know when something is wrong. Taurus also gets the water sign. Like their connection with a Libra, Taurus and Pisces completely get each other in romance.