Maycon Marmo

Horoscope For Today: Friday, August 30, 2024

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The day begins with the moon in the late degrees of Cancer, and things kick off to a chaotic and unpredictable start at 7:54 AM EST when the moon makes a sextile with Uranus in Taurus at 27Β°.

Uranus brings groundbreaking change and disruptive shocks to the system, so expect the unexpected, while keeping an eye on the skies for clues: the maternal, nurturing homebody that is Cancer and the earthy, grounded Taurus are just similar enough to cooperate harmoniously during this transit.

On the other hand, there is a dark side to every astrological archetype, and while Cancer can be soft and cuddly one moment, she can turn vengeful and vindictive the next. Ditto for Taurus, who can appreciate mundane luxuries while also selfishly chasing down riches and fame.

On the world stage, look for the following sociopolitical themes being highlighted: work-life balance for mothers, the housing crisis, fair pay for maternity leave, and the roles of women in the workplace. The energy is heated, and groups of women, especially mothers, are likely to set aside their differences to gather and rally.

At 11:24 AM, the moon makes a perfect trine with Neptune in Pisces at 29Β°, a degree associated with (sometimes abrupt) endings. However, this one might not be for good; Neptune is currently retrograde, causing us to collectively reflect on areas of our lives where we have been deceivedβ€”or delusional.

It is at times like these when the truth, however deeply uncomfortable, simply cannot be denied anymore. The haze of illusion is no longer helpful and anyone who has been complicit in deception will be held accountable. This is especially true for anyone in the religious or spiritual space who may have acquired their wealth by preying on the vulnerable at difficult periods of their lives.

This cataclysmic awakening will feel like vindication for some and crushing disappointment for others, but you can rest assured that it is for the collective good that we break free of the fallacies we take for granted and accept reality for what it is.

The afternoon has a distinctly different energy, so much so that you might think you’ve accidentally stumbled into an alternate reality. This is, in part, thanks to the moon’s ingress into confident and self-assured Leo at 1:10 PMβ€”but also due to the moon-Pluto opposition at 0Β°.

Pluto, like most of the outer planets, is retrograde in the renegade Aquarius right now. It causes massive transformation to whatever it touches, and when it opposes the loud, bold, and sometimes brash moon in Leo, some ego death is bound to occur. Leonine celebrities and influencers, for all their glamor, will face a reckoning of sorts if they have been keeping secrets in the dark. Scandals are more likely than not. Unless you’re directly involved, just sit back and observe.

Thankfully, it’s not all bad. At 4:10 PM, the moon sextiles Venus in Libra, giving the collective an opportunity to romanticize the errors of our ways and get back on track. It might be a bit of a self-indulgent kind of evening, but after the astrological equivalent of a hailstorm, power outage, and painful breakup all in one day, I won’t judge anyone too harshly for having a little fun. The patio at your favorite cocktail is the perfect spot to watch the world burn.

There’s no denying today’s crazy, but how will it most likely play out for you personally? Read on according to your rising sign.


This morning, the moon in your fourth house makes several aspects to outer planets. In a matter of a few hours you’ll experience a sextile with Uranus in your second, bringing unexpected news regarding your finances and home, and a trine with Neptune in your twelfth, casting light on family secrets. All of this chaos may rock the foundation on which you’ve built your life philosophy and worldview. If any of your relatives have been deceptive, either for their own self-protection or for malicious purposes, you’ll learn about it now. This afternoon brings the ultra-dramatic moon-Pluto opposition in your fifth and eleventh houses, reflecting strong tension between your ideas surrounding romance and pleasure and your place within the broader social structure. This evening, when the moon sextiles Venus in your seventh house, you will take solace in your closest relationships, both romantic and platonic. If you are partnered, this is an ideal time to unwind with a glass of wine and a romantic dinner.


This morning is marked by several significant aspects to the moon in your third house, including a sextile to Uranus in your first, which will disrupt your perception of yourself, and a trine to Neptune in your eleventh, revealing secrets and lies within your social circle. It’s also possible an ex-friend or frenemy will come to you with their heart on their sleeve, attempting to reconcile or admit that they were deceived in some way. You tried to warn them, and now they realize the value of your tough love. Of course, it’s up to you whether you’re willing to extend an olive branch, or if their humility is just too little too late. This afternoon the vibe shifts dramatically with the moon-Pluto opposition in your fourth and tenth houses, snapping the already-taut cord between your home and work life. This is a major breaking point. Tonight, things are calmer in the heavens and in your home as the moon sextiles Venus in your sixth house, giving you the energy to do the mundane tasks you’ve been avoiding. You may also receive positive news or support from a female coworker. Didn’t think your work friends could ever become real friends? Think again. You might have more in common than you realized.


The first several hours of the day are the most action-packed. The moon in your second house first makes a sextile to Uranus in your twelfth, bringing to light major revelations about your finances and the subconscious factors that may be impacting your spending choices. Then it makes a trine to Neptune in your tenth, giving you the emotional catharsis you need to admit where you have been presenting a faΓ§ade or deceiving others who look to you as a person of authority. If you’ve been living off credit cards to present an Instagram-worthy lifestyle to the world, today will be the day you face a reckoning and potentially get exposed. What is done in the dark will always come to light, and while scandals can be shameful, you may be secretly relieved to be done with the smoke-and-mirrors act. This afternoon, the moon in your third forms an opposition with Pluto in your ninth, indicating powerful difficulties between your place of origin and your dream destination. You might also go head-to-head with locals over ideological matters or become entangled in a legal issue. Tonight, fortunately, the moon sextile Venus in your fifth, giving you the opportunity to self-soothe and recover from the day. Go out on a spontaneous date night or set aside a few screen-free hours to indulge in a creative hobby.


The day begins with the moon in your first house, and it makes numerous important aspects to the outer planets, beginning with a sextile to Uranus in your eleventh. This will inevitably bring some unexpected and emotional news from within your social network, triggering some profound wounds related to your identity. You may need to step up and console others when you’re in considerable pain yourself, but sharing grief can be very healing. Next, a trine to Neptune in your ninth will shed some illusions you carried about your belief system. This could be the beginning of a spiritual awakening, religious conversion, or complete crisis of faith. This afternoon, the moon-Pluto opposition in your second and eighth houses guarantees a transformation to your financial circumstances. The actions you have been taking to ensure stability and freedom will be reflected in the news you receive today. Some of you will step into a new era of abundance, while others will suffer massive loss that forces you to start over, rising from the ashes. Remember that everything that happens ultimately works for the good of all. Tonight, the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your fourth house, providing you with a comfortable home environment in which to crunch the numbers and figure out how to proceed.


The moon in your twelfth house makes several aspects to outer planets this morning, starting with a sextile to Uranus in your tenth. This means that your secrets and subconscious fears will be projected on a public screen, so those of you who have been hiding addictions, mental health struggles, and phobias may have to confront them in front of an audience. This is a constructive time to step forward confidently and share your authentic story, no matter how ashamed you may feel about it. Soon after, the moon forms a trine to Neptune in your eighth house, giving you the leverage you need to talk about your emotions and taboo interests that you have previously kept safely locked away. Others will benefit from your vulnerability. Your relationships, too, will be drastically transformed: the moon-Pluto opposition in your first and seventh houses will amplify any challenges you and your loved ones already have, so you could choose to end a relationship or be blindsided when they do. On the other hand, if your relationship is built on solid stuff, you could come out of this stronger and more willing to trauma-dump on each other. Tonight, when the moon sextiles Venus in your third house, you will feel more confident in your ability to convey your needs and communicate your ideals in a relationship.


Several different areas of your life will be impacted by the moon in your eleventh house, which will make quite a few aspects of significance within only a few hours. First, there’s the sextile to Uranus in your ninth house, which will bring shocks and unexpected surprises related to your expanding social circle, especially if you have been trying to network with people in the publishing industry, a new spiritual community, or from a different cultural background. Next is the trine to Neptune in your seventh, which is likely to bring revelations surrounding your partner’s friendsβ€”or someone from within your own circle could become more than a friend. At its best, this transit could signify the β€œbest friends to lovers” trope becoming reality. This afternoon, when the moon opposes Pluto in your sixth house, your mental and physical health will both take a serious hit, giving you the wakeup call you need to slow down. Give yourself a mental health day or book a vacation. Tonight, the moon will form a sextile to Venus in your second house, enabling you to enjoy a bit of much-needed relaxation amidst luxury. You’ll be feeling appreciative of art and beauty, and your income will allow you to indulge a little bit. Treat yourself to a nice dinner or invest in a new piece of gold jewelry.


The moon in your tenth house will make several aspects today, starting with a sextile to Uranus in your eighth house, which is likely to bring outrageous news regarding other people’s money and your own reputationβ€”if you’ve gone into business with a flaky partner, you might have to take the fall for them. The trine to Neptune in your sixth house further emphasizes the themes of delusion surrounding your daily habits and work life. If you’ve been trying to convince yourself somethingβ€”or someoneβ€”in your professional life is working, today you will no longer be able to deny what is right in front of you. This afternoon, the moon-Pluto opposition hits your eleventh and fifth houses, respectively, inciting unavoidable crisis in your social circle and your romantic and creative life. If you’ve been dating someone new, your friends might stage an intervention and admit they’ve hated this person all along, or you might be enveloped in drama after the group chat finds out you hooked up with someone’s ex. If you’ve been keeping your side of the street clean, you have nothing to worry about. Tonight, the moon’s sextile to Venus in your first house puts the attention right on you, making you more charming, charismatic, and attractive to everyone who crosses your path. Dry your tears and put on your best outfit. You might catch the eye of a fun rebound.


As the moon transits through your ninth house this morning, it will aspect a few different outer planets. The sextile to Uranus in your seventh suggests a sudden change to your relationship status, especially if you’ve been in the classroom or traipsing through Europe; you could, theoretically, meet the one while abroad. Some of you, on the other hand, will be faced with a decision: stay where you are, or break up with your current partner for an opportunity to learn or travel. The choice is up to you, but the freedom will undoubtedly be tempting. Next is the trine to Neptune in your fifth house, which will help you shed the illusions you’ve held about a short-term fling or a creative project that will ultimately not lead you where you’re supposed to go. This is the energy of clearing out the metaphorical closet and packing your bags with no destination in sight. You might be scared out of your mind, but you’ll feel certain there’s something amazing waiting for you on the other side. This afternoon, the moon-Pluto opposition will impact your work-life balance in a major way, bringing an end to an era in a specific place and putting your focus on the big picture. Many of you will choose not to re-sign your leases. Tonight, the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your twelfth house, so you can expect to shed a few tears as your subconscious fears surface. Remember, no matter where in the world you go, you are divinely guided and protected.


The day kicks off with the moon in your eighth house, and it will make quite a few important transits throughout the course of the morning alone. The sextile to Uranus in your sixth house signifies the arrival of unforeseen news regarding your work life and other people’s resources. Some of you could be blindsided by an opportunity to go into business with a worthy partner; some others will be approached by an investor who believes strongly in your vision. If you’re married, your spouse could see a major change to their finances, altering the course of your shared future. Later, the trine to Neptune in your fourth house brings realizations about your finances and how they impact your home and family life. Under this transit the potential for an inheritance is undeniable, but in all likelihood, it won’t feel quite as good as you imagined. Expect some surprises in the will. This afternoon, the moon and Pluto opposition on your ninth and third house axis indicates transformative reconstructions to your belief system and how you communicate ideas, especially to siblings, roommates, and neighbors. Tonight, when the moon sextiles Venus in your eleventh house, you’ll feel like a social butterfly, craving the attention of others. Nudge your friends out of the group chatβ€”and their comfort zones.


The moon in your seventh house makes a few notable aspects to outer planets this morning, beginning with a sextile to Uranus in your fifth house. This is bad news for anyone who has suspected their partner of infidelity, but if you have a solid relationship, you might simply bond with them more closelyβ€”or be blindsided by a very quick engagement. If you’ve recently ended something long-term, you might meet someone new who helps you healβ€”or at least keeps you distracted for the time being. Soon after, the trine to Neptune in your third house promises secrets will come out: your partner is likely to express how they actually feel about your siblings, neighbors, and hometown. If they’re not vibing with your people, it might be time to have a serious conversation about the future of your relationship. This afternoon, the moon-Pluto opposition will hit your eighth and second house axis, revolutionizing the way you handle money and resources: your own and your partner’s. If someone is bad with money, you tend to consider that a dealbreaker. Tonight, the moon’s sextile to Venus in your tenth house reflects the confident, somewhat ruthless energy you’ll be embodying after a day of nothing but craziness. Go out and be seen.


The moon in your sixth house will make several noteworthy aspects to outer planets as the morning runs its course, including a sextile to Uranus in your fourth. Your habits at home inevitably impact your productivity at work, and vice versa; today you can anticipate a reckoning of sorts if you haven’t been managing your health, sleep schedule, and daily routine, both in and outside of the office. There’s also the trine to Neptune in your second, shattering any self-delusion you’ve been holding about your financial situation and demanding you wake up and pay attention. You’re especially vulnerable to scams and deception today, so be careful who you give your credit card information to. This afternoon, the opposition between the sun and Pluto promises shakeups to your identityβ€”more specifically, how you show up in your closest relationships. While your partner may feel they’re shining bright, you might feel as though you’re losing yourself in order to satisfy them. There is room enough in the spotlight for both of you. Tonight, the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your ninth house, opening the doors for you to receive divine enlightenment or dive deep into a new area of study.


The day starts with the moon in your fifth house, first forming a sextile to Uranus in your third and later a trine to Neptune in your first. The former reflects your desire to communicate more deeply with a romantic partner, or a boost of creative inspirationβ€”but be wary of sharing too much, as you might accidentally open the floodgates and realize your person’s style of weird is fundamentally incompatible with your own. The latter promises a shift in your own self-perception, especially in regard to your artistic and sensual side, so you may wish to change your appearance or take some new photos of yourself for your dating profile. This afternoon brings the dreaded moon-Pluto opposition, which will hit your sixth and twelfth houses. If there is some area of your life that has been out of balance, you will feel the physiological and psychological effects of that now. The reality is, there is no clear distinction between mental and physical health. Commit to being more proactive before you make yourself sick. There’s no need to run yourself ragged day and night. Tonight, the moon’s sextile to Venus in your eighth house dredges up dark and morose thoughts. Channel this energy in a positive way by listening to sad musicβ€”or better yet, writing some of your own.