LML 6768

Horoscope For Today: Monday, July 22, 2024

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Happy Leo Season to the zodiac signs!

Today, the Sun moves into the bold, courageous sign of Leo, where it feels most at home. This new season marks a shift that will push the zodiac signs to embrace new areas of their lives confidently. Leo knows the value of pouring into your cup before you can pour into others, giving us the perspective to take care of ourselves without being selfish.

Additionally, the moon is in Aquarius and forms a few aspects worth noting. First, the moon forms a supportive trine to Jupiter in Gemini, which can make social situations more favorable, potentially highlight opportunities to pursue and give us a healthy dose of optimism.

Later, the moon forms an opposition to Venus in Leo, which could leave us feeling a bit off balance emotionally. Trying to balance what we need and feel may be a larger task, especially with strong feelings and desires at play. 

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


Things could be heating up for you today, Aries! Leo season kicks off in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, and you’ll likely feel less like staying in and more like going out after being cooped up. You may feel more inspired to create or put yourself out there, and it’s an impulse worth following, especially amongst your friend group or social circles! However, be aware that strong feelings may leave you feeling a little unbalanced, so don’t feel the need to rush into things. 


You’re likely focused on your home life today, Taurus. As the Sun enters your 4th House of Home and Roots, your attention is drawn to caring for domestic matters and potentially changing things around your home to suit you better—Leo’s boldness may inspire you to redecorate! You may feel some tension surrounding spending money or have your mind on work issues but know that it’s okay to prioritize other things every once in a while. 


You’re craving information today, Gemini (but what else is new?). Leo season lights up your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, and you’re thirsting to learn something new while connecting over conversation. The moon in Aquarius is also pushing your explorative side, and you may struggle between wanting to take on the world at large by venturing out or by sticking close to home and learning what you can here. Restlessness is a feeling you know well, but losing yourself in stimulating conversation or taking in some podcasts on interesting subjects is worth your time today.


You’re focusing on your priorities today, Cancer. With Leo season kicking off in your 2nd House of Income and Values, your finances could be calling for your attention as you figure out the best ways to save, invest, and earn new income streams. There could be some tension between money that’s yours and money that is shared/owed, and it’s worth observing what your value is to those closest to you. You know your worth; hopefully, you’re aligning yourself with those who see it, too.


It’s time to step into your season, Leo! The Sun enters your 1st House of Self and Identity, which will feel like a welcome shift after a more reserved Cancer season. You may feel more confident than usual today and feel more connected to your close relationships and wider social circles. You may feel a little off-center, notably as you focus on how you’re showing up in the world around you and what you need versus the needs of your close relationships. Remember that there is room for you and them—everyone’s needs have value.


You could need some alone time today, Virgo. As the Sun moves into your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you may need time to process and recharge. You could feel more meditative and focused on working through past baggage. Taking this time could feel conflicting, especially if you feel the pressure of daily work and life demands taking up more space in your mind. Know that it’s okay to take time to care for your mental health and that you can do so without neglecting your other responsibilities. 


You’re feeling more connected today, Libra. As the Sun moves into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may feel more empowered and confident to make connections and lean into support from your social circles. Emotionally, you could feel the need to strike a balance between what makes you happy and what benefits the collective but know that space can—and should—be made for both.


All eyes are on you today, Scorpio! As the Sun enters your 10th House of Career and Public Image, don’t be surprised if you feel more driven and sure of yourself. Embracing the Leo bold streak could push you to think about gunning for a new position or asking for a raise. The desire to succeed could leave you feeling a little unbalanced, worrying if you can keep up a work/life balance if you take on more in your career life. It’s good to be self-aware of what you can and can’t take, so take some time to figure out what’s manageable for you.


You’re feeling more adventurous today, Sagittarius! As the Sun enters your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, you’re feeling excited about exploring new places and ideas with more ferocity than usual. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and even try connecting with a mentor or teacher who can open your mind to new perspectives. You may feel some emotional tension as you lean into what is familiar or the circles where you feel you have more knowledge than those around you, but it’s worth being the smaller fish in a bigger pond if it means you get to learn.


It’s time to get out of your comfort zone, Capricorn. As the Sun moves into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you have an opportunity to start confronting your deep-seated fears and complex emotions with courage and determination. Examining your connections to others can be intimidating, and you may feel it’s easier to emotionally withdraw into the spaces where you depend on only yourself, but you know that down the road, this will only run you into the ground. You don’t have to do everything on your own, and it’s time to learn that you shouldn’t.


You’re shifting your focus to relationships today, Aquarius. Leo season kicks off with the Sun moving into your 7th House of Partnerships. All your close connections (romantic, platonic, and business) are on the table, and you feel more confident in expressing your generosity and excitement towards them and ensuring the health of all your relationships is in order. You could feel a small tug of uncertainty as you try to balance your personal needs with the needs of others, but the people who care about you will make room for taking care of you as well—trust that. 


You’re feeling more productive today, Pisces. As the Sun moves into your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you will feel more determined to complete your daily tasks. You could wrestle with trying to balance everything without it taking a toll on your mental health, but as long you prioritize what is most important and don’t overwhelm yourself, you can do this.