Hatice Baran

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, August 24, 2024

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We’re kicking off Virgo season this year on somewhat unstable ground, as the sign’s ruler—Mercury—is retrograde. To intensify matters, the messenger planet is in Leo, the sign most associated with haughtiness and ego, so all the usual miscommunications and annoyances are incited, and perhaps prolonged, by our pride. Wounded egos speak loudly right now, especially in the sphere of celebrity and public influence.

Does that mean that today’s astrological weather guarantees drama? Kind of, especially in the early morning, thanks to the Mars-Mercury sextile at 22°. This destructive degree is not only associated with abrupt and sometimes cataclysmic endings, but actual violence. With Mars stationed in quick-thinking Gemini and Mercury seated in the royal courts of Leo, this is likely to be a battle of wits that plays out through both mainstream news outlets and social media.

Figures of high influence, including celebrities and politicians, are likely to be out for blood today, voicing their opinions loudly and brazenly. If tensions are running high in your circle, too, the best response to this is to simply disengage, as the influence of the red planet Mars can escalate aggression.

If you’re paranoid about what is to come during these tense, potentially volatile transits, you can take comfort in the knowledge that the moon, moving through steady and stabilizing Taurus, will inevitably cool tempers, if only moderately.

By 8:07 AM EST, the exact conjunction will be over. Furthermore, sextiles usually represent positive outcomes; no matter how crazy today’s conversations feel, we may be able to revisit them once Mercury is direct and make some order from the chaos. However, for the time being you can expect lingering effects that are sure to last several days. The difficulty is intensified from this moment forth, when Mars in Gemini makes a difficult square to Venus in Virgo at 23°.

With both planets in mercurial signs facing off in such a challenging position, there is a growing tension between men and women, and the masculine and feminine polarity in general. Watch for debates to erupt on the world stage regarding the increasing hostility between the sexes. Zealous devotion to sociopolitical causes may be commendable, but no one is going to win converts today; if anything, the loudest and angriest voice is likely to make headline news, drowning everyone else out in the process.

Very late tonight, the moon in Taurus coasts close to a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, bringing calm and lush respite on the rocky emotional shores. Lull yourself to sleep with a white noise machine and forgive yourself for any petty outbursts or missteps. You can always try again tomorrow.

How are these crazy ups and downs going to impact you on a personal level? Read your horoscope according to your rising sign below.


While the moon in your second house draws attention to your finances and encourages self-indulgence, the Mars-Mercury sextile in your third and fifth houses, respectively, create friction between you and someone you’ve been casually seeing. You’re a fire-tongued individual at the best of times, always reading and willing to stand up for what you believe to be true and right, but you might say a little too much today and make things awkward. On the other hand, the psychic damage you’ve been inflicting upon yourself by keeping quiet might finally start to manifest as physical health problems, encouraging you to make a chance to your daily habits—even if that means ending the lackluster fling and choosing celibacy. Ironically, when Mars in your third house squares off with Venus in your sixth, you’re more likely to attract male attention, especially on social media or within your extended friend group. However, you’ll be more interested in self-improvement. Book a session with your personal trainer. Start meditating again. As the moon makes a sextile to Saturn in your twelfth house, your dreams just might provide the answers you’ve been looking for.


The moon is on your ascendant today, drawing attention to your physical presence and encouraging others to project their emotions onto you. Expect some reactive behavior from your family, especially if there is jealousy or resentment due to a socioeconomic imbalance. The Mars-Mercury sextile is taking place in your second and fourth houses, reflecting the incongruence between your desire for self-indulgence and your duty to your place of origin. On the other hand, if you’ve been engaging in prideful displays of wealth around your living space or driving yourself into debt to keep up the Instagram illusion, you might hear some harsh words that knock sense back into the rational side of your brain. Those of you who share a child with a male ex-partner might end up embroiled in an argument about finances when Mars in your second house forms a square with Venus in your fifth, highlighting the disconnect between your financial status and your children. If you’re single and childfree, you might experience this square as a frustrating lack of support from a man in your life who refuses to see your artistic vision. Relationships can end up abruptly today, especially if one of you is in a different tax bracket. If you do break up, it’s for the best, and you won’t be alone long. Very late tonight, the moon will begin its sextile to Saturn in your eleventh house, providing opportunities to expand your social network and fill your life with positive friendships. They’re likely to stick around for the long haul, too.


The moon spends today in your twelfth house, offering you the space to be self-indulgently melancholy. While you try to sort through your subconscious, your physical body will be yearning for external action, thanks to Mars in your first house forming a sextile with Mercury in your fourth. Be wary of sustaining minor injuries around the house, or receiving verbal backlash from your family, who are likely to be more assertive about their feelings today. When Mars in your first house squares off with Venus in your third, you could find yourself dragged into conflict with women in your immediate living space: roommates, sisters, and neighbors. You’re good at thinking on your feet, so even if the dispute gets heated, you’ll be able to navigate this territory with tact and conscientiousness. Much later tonight, the moon in your twelfth house moves steadily closer to a sextile with Saturn in your tenth, encouraging you to show your emotional side more publicly. You might have thought you’d never find anything worth sharing amongst your private journals, but it’s imperative that you share your gifts with the world.


The moon in your eleventh house places your focus solidly on your social circle today, giving you the social-emotional awareness necessary to navigate potential difficulties. Your ability to work a crowd will not go unannounced, with Mars in your twelfth house sextile Mercury in your second: your intuition will guide you in the right direction, and if you’re navigating challenging terrain at work, you might end up being rewarded financially for your efforts. Think on your feet today and don’t keep your thoughts to yourself, no matter how wild and out there they might feel. You’re used to being the mom friend of the group, but today you’ll surprise everyone in your vicinity with your sharp wit and even sharper intellect. Of course, no leader is ever without their critics, and when Mars in your twelfth house squares Venus in your third, you’ll probably face some jealousy from women in your local community, who may feel as though your rapid ascension towards career success is unfair. Some secret frenemies might come out of the woodwork. Do your best to carefully vet your inner circle right now. Very late tonight, as the moon in your eleventh house inches close to a sextile with Saturn in your ninth, you will receive some relief from the drama through your spiritual practice or venting to a long-distance friend.


The moon in your tenth house places you comfortably in the spotlight, where your leonine brilliance always shines. The Mars-Mercury sextile takes place in your eleventh and first houses, respectively, adding more allure to your presence and giving you the gift of charm; you’ll need to exude lots of it as you move through the minefield of social dynamics in your workplace or larger community today. Your words will come fast and forceful, motivating everyone around you to feel as confident as you always do. Soon after, when Mars in your eleventh house squares off with Venus in your second, you could be offered a raise, promotion, or new job, while male co-workers enviously mope in the corner. Own your power. Much later on tonight, the moon in your tenth house will begin its sextile to Saturn in your eighth, setting the stage for a more financially prosperous and abundant future over the next several months.


While the moon transits your ninth house and incites your intellectual curiosity, your reputation is under serious review as Mars in your tenth house sextiles Mercury in your first. This is the energy under which you will be analyzed, scrutinized, and potentially cancelled. If you’ve been keeping your side of the street clean, everything will be fine, and you might even come out on the other side looking better than ever. What appears to be a scandal in the moment might end up being a turning point in your career. This is especially true for those of you who have been chasing a seemingly fruitless dream for a long time, or vying for a highly competitive position; when Mars in your tenth squares off with Venus in your twelfth, you might discover some women in your circle have been secretly praying on your downfall. While jealousy isn’t always the motivating factor behind this type of vindictive mean-girl behavior, it can certainly play a role. Be careful who you trust with your secrets today. Late tonight, the moon in your ninth house will form a sextile to Saturn in your seventh. Some of you with partners will stay up way too late talking, but the conversation will be philosophical in nature and thus intellectually satisfying. You’ll feel as though you understand each other much better in the wake of this dialogue. You might even feel more closely bonded on a spiritual level.


With the moon in your eighth house today, you’re drawn into a dark underworld where you’re destabilized by your own emotions. You’re allowed to feel sorry for yourself sometimes, but you won’t have much time to dwell on your internal state when the Mars-Mercury sextile takes place this morning, causing external chaos from all sides. Mars is in your ninth house; Mercury, your eleventh. This signifies the potential for hostility from religious, spiritual, or academic peers, who are likely to project their own secret doubts and insecurities onto you—especially if there’s something you have that they want, like a prestigious job or study-abroad opportunity. Things stay heated when Mars in your ninth squares off with Venus in your twelfth, when you may feel the need to retreat. For those of you in male-dominated workplaces, other women may fail to show solidarity as you are harshly judged. We can never count on other people to back us one hundred percent of the time, so today, keep in mind that you are in control of your own future. Much later tonight, you will drift off to sleep with the moon in your eighth house sextile Saturn in your sixth. Fortunately, this could bring positive news about your financial standing (or your partner’s), so it’s unlikely that any of your secret workplace frenemies will win this round.


You’ll be preoccupied with your partner today as the moon drifts through your seventh house, but there are other things to contend with as the day progresses. The Mars-Mercury sextile, for instance, which takes place in your eighth and tenth houses, respectively. This aspect indicates conflict between your dark side and how you show up publicly; if you’ve been censoring part of your natural Plutonian energy in order to present a more sanitized image, you might finally reach your breaking point today. There is only so long anyone can hide their true selves. On the other hand, this is an auspicious day for earning more money or talking to your partner about sharing finances; your combined income might enable you to live a more luxurious lifestyle moving forward. The possibility of expanding your social circle is high today, too, when Mars in your eighth house squares Venus in your eleventh. If you’ve been seeking more female friends, you might be pleased to learn that your tribe has been waiting for you just around the corner. Try hitting up a local tarot or astrology group or wandering into a metaphysical shop. You’re unlikely to get much sleep tonight with the moon in your seventh house sextile Saturn in your fifth providing an extremely fun, flirtatious, and sexy vibe that you and your partner won’t be able to resist. Your casual summer romance might suddenly turn into a super-serious relationship almost overnight.


Your mind is fixated on work, health, and daily rituals today, with the moon transiting your sixth house. You’ll want to get everything done all at once, but this might have to wait: with Mars in your seventh house sextile Mercury in your ninth, your relationships hold heavy significance today, especially if you’re dating or working with someone from a different cultural or religious background. You might be able to convince yourself that these disparities aren’t deal-breakers, but today, ideological debates may be difficult to avoid, and you might learn some uncomfortable truths about what you and others believe. Stand up for your convictions and don’t back down, especially when Mars in your seventh house squares off with Venus in your tenth. Your close relationships, especially with men, will powerfully influence your reputation today, potentially making or breaking a big decision at work. Antagonistic figures might try to bring you down, but with your fiery self-confidence, you know how to stand in your own power. Much later tonight, the moon in your sixth house makes a sextile with Saturn in your fourth, providing you with a pleasant and comforting home environment. You’ll wake up tomorrow feeling refreshed and energized.


The moon in your fifth house fills your head with romantic and whimsical fantasies, while the Mars-Mercury sextile forces you to confront reality head on. Mars is in your sixth house while Mercury is in your eighth, driving home the disconnect between your day-to-day life and your taboo or controversial inner thoughts. You’re usually very poised and capable of diplomacy, carrying yourself with grace and standing firmly on business, but today a small slip of the tongue might get you in trouble with your coworkers. On the other hand, your dark humor might break the tension during an argument in the office and endear everyone to you in a new way. Friendships are always strengthened in the moments when you see a different side of someone you thought you knew. When Mars in your sixth squares Venus in your ninth, however, you can anticipate intense discussions about all the topics you’re not supposed to bring up in polite company: religion and politics. Try to avoid engaging in conversations that are almost guaranteed to get awkward. Let people believe what they want; the truth will reveal itself eventually anyway. Tonight, the moon in your fifth house begins to sextile Saturn in your third, opening the doors to a productive dialogue with your casual partner. After a day of dodging uncomfortable questions, this will be a welcome relief.


The moon in your fourth house condenses your world down to the confines of your own four walls today, while also emphasizing the role family plays in your life. You’ll likely want to stay home and binge your comfort show on Hulu, but the Mars-Mercury sextile will extend your reach and demand more of you today: with Mars in your fifth house and Mercury in your seventh, your creative impulses will be strong enough to pull you out of bed and to your laptop. Plus, any significant partners you have, whether they’re strictly platonic or undeniably romantic, will be angling for your attention today. If you’re happily partnered, some exes might come crawling back, if they haven’t already—it’s a Mercury retrograde stereotype for a reason. If you’re trying to conceive, this morning is a great time to stay in bed and make it happen. When Mars in your fifth squares off against Venus in your eighth, the sexual energy is amplified. Much later tonight, the moon in your fourth house begins its sextile to Saturn in your second, bringing you good news about your domestic life and finances. When you wake up tomorrow, you might learn you’ve been approved for a mortgage or given the green light to begin renovations on your property.


The moon in your third house places your focus on your local community, neighbors, and siblings today, while also offering you an unusually charismatic gift of communication. If you’re already a good speaker, you’ll be even more persuasive today. This is good news, considering the Mars-Mercury sextile in your fourth and sixth houses, respectively; you can expect harsh words and aggression from your family or people you share a home with, and an even more competitive energy dominating your workplace. If you work from home, this could simply mean your Teams channel is popping off. Try not to react on instinct, and instead choose to step away from the battleground when you can feel yourself getting overwhelmed. Mars in your fourth then squares off with Venus in your seventh, causing friction between your family and your partner. Female relatives are just as likely to offer their unsolicited opinion on your relationship as your partner’s exes, who may or may not have wisdom to offer. Listen to your own intuition rather than the voices of a thousand outsiders. Much later tonight, the moon in your third house approaches a sextile with Saturn in your first house. Late-night conversations are likely to be constructive, with others viewing you as mature, wise, and capable of standing your own.