Josh Hild

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, March 29, 2025

Table of Contents

It’s a big day in the cosmos as we come to a solar eclipse in Aries, the final installment of the Aries-Libra eclipses that have been unfolding since spring of 2023. In astrology eclipses are famously chaotic moments that, while challenging to navigate, push us closer to our own destiny. Eclipses, which occur in a series across an axis of opposing signs in the zodiac, often present us with big changes by imparting major beginnings and endings, marking out significant chapters in our lives. While these changes can feel abrupt and unexpected, they often serve to nudge us in the direction that is meant for us.

Solar eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon come together at the same point on the zodiac (also known as a new moon), but are in close proximity to either the north or south node of the moon. In this sense, solar eclipses are a bit like amplified new moons, and are all about bringing forth fresh starts, new beginnings, and embracing opportunity. So while this eclipse is completing a series and closing out a chapter for us, we may find that closure through being pushed towards something new. When it comes to eclipses and their volatility, it’s important to remember that endings and beginnings are inextricably linked. In order to step into a new chapter we have to close out an old one. While abrupt endings can be challenging, sad, and even painful, they allow us to step into new beginnings. If you find yourself meeting disappointing ends today, let your mind wander into what might be possible by meeting that particular ending and clearing out the space that was being taken up.

This solar eclipse occurs in Aries, a sign that is all about bold courageousness, embracing passion and sense of self, and letting instincts guide the way into the unknown. As we approach this major moment that closes out one chapter and pushes us towards another, we’re being asked to embrace that Aries courageousness and combine our wisdom from the journey we’ve been on with a trust in our ability to step into new opportunities. This solar eclipse in Aries is here to ignite a spark in our individuality, our drive and motivation, and how we step into the world. Solar eclipses are already dramatic enough as it is, but here in passionate, fiery Aries, we’re certainly in for a ground-breaking initiation today that invites us to trail-blaze new paths.

This solar eclipse in Aries is ultimately here to push all 12 signs forward onto new paths by reinvigorating our sense of self and what we’re here to do. Read on to find out what’s in store for your sign and don’t forget to check your rising sign too!


With a solar eclipse falling in your sign today, Aries, things are sure to be anything but boring and business as usual. Solar eclipses often open up new beginnings, and that is something that you are more than ready to step into after such a stalled start to your year. The last couple of years have been full of challenges and changes for you that have required you to truly embrace your own authenticity and identity, as well as think about how you relate to others, and now it’s finally time to see where it’s been leading you. As you meet any opportunities today presented with this solar eclipse, remember to lead with your intuition and center everything you have learned about yourself and your truth over the past couple of years.


For you, Taurus, these Aries-Libra eclipses have taught you a lot about the relationship between your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as the role of spirituality in your day to day, and how to construct nourishing and fulfilling habits and routines. With this solar eclipse in Aries, you may find a sense of deep, internal illumination presenting itself and your intuition running high. Pay close attention to any spiritual wisdom that comes up today that may feel unexpected but have an undoubtedly resonant truth to it. This wisdom is something that likely needs to be integrated into your day to day life through your own mundane habits and spiritual practices.


For you, Gemini, these Aries-Libra eclipses have marked a major chapter when it comes to your creativity, self-expression, and authenticity, the role those things play in your own community and networks, as well as how you can better shape your own aspirations and dreams around that authenticity. Today is an ideal day for you to get out and connect with others and immerse yourself in community, especially community that aligns with your current understanding of your own greater aspirations. Allow yourself to radiate authentically and embrace your creative gifts and you just might find some incredible connections and opportunities stem forth from it.


Cancer, it’s been a major couple years of big changes for you in your private, inner life and your vocation and career. It’s been a journey of cultivating sturdier foundations of comfort, security, and roots in order to bloom and fruit from a healthier, more fulfilling place. As we meet this solar eclipse in Aries you may find yourself welcoming in new career opportunities or sudden revelation around the direction you’d like your career to go from here. The key here is to be sure to center everything you’ve learned about tending to your own roots as a source of nourishment and making sure that your trajectory from here is aligned with that, in order to fully blossom and thrive.


For you Leo, today is all about embracing opportunities that bring your attention to growth and expansion on a big scale. This solar eclipse is asking you to take a bold leap of faith and follow the pathway that’s going to enhance and expand your worldview, whether that’s through embracing an opportunity for higher learning, engaging with spiritual study, or finally booking that trip abroad you’ve been thinking about. The key here is to meet the demand to question old perspectives and seek out knowledge and experiences that will ultimately help you relate to the world at large with a greater sense of openness and understanding.


The past couple of years have brought forth some tremendous questions around your values and worth, Virgo, and how that constructs your relationship to the material world. The demand to dig into your psyche and ask yourself which values feel true to you and which ones have been inherited through others or through experience is by no means an easy one. This solar eclipse is here to encourage you to alchemize what you’ve learned into your own greatest strengths and empower you to move forward centering your personal value and self-worth as important resources. In doing so you just may find financial opportunities coming forward that feel aligned.


Libra, you may find yourself confronting crossroads when it comes to relationships today, whether that means it’s time to make some big decisions in your existing relationships or you stumble into unexpected encounters with intriguing new people. The last couple years you’ve learned A LOT about yourself, how you relate to others, and what kinds of relationships are most supportive of the person you’re meant to be. As you navigate the closing of this chapter, how can you step forward honoring the person you’ve become and centering the relationships that support your growth? As you move through encounters and interactions with others today, be they new or familiar people, remember to center the most true and authentic version of yourself.


Scorpio, this solar eclipse is opening up new pathways when it comes to your day to day and how you expend your most valuable resources–your time and energy. Things like your day job, your habits and routines, and your relationship to self-care and wellness are being called into question, and if you find yourself meeting new opportunities today, make sure the most important consideration you’re weighing is whether or not it fits into a daily structure that feels fulfilling, nurturing, and spiritually satisfying to you. Contrarily, if you’re having to close the door on things you previously felt sure of, consider how that creates space in your day to day routine and what might potentially fill that space in a way that feels more aligned.


Today’s solar eclipse is here to amplify your creativity, self-expression, joy, and authenticity, and will very likely feel like a strike of muse-like inspiration. This series of Aries-Libra eclipses has been bringing your attention to your own authenticity, your place in a greater community, and how those things play into your greater aspirations and dreams. Embrace your inner artist and trust that in doing so you’ll be received positively by the right community for you and one that will uplift your gifts. You just may find that in embracing your own authenticity you attract exciting new romantic connections too!


This solar eclipse is a big one for you, Capricorn, as it closes out a major chapter of your life when it comes to the relationship between your public and private lives. With that in mind, where have you been putting too much pressure on yourself to “get things right”? What have you learned over the last couple of years when it comes to providing yourself with the foundations and security you truly need? This eclipse is here to remind you that in order to flourish publicly you need to tend to your roots so that you can grow from secure foundations. Spend time today tending to your home and cozying it up, or alternatively, if you’re in the process of moving or looking for a new home, make a list of everything that you need to feel safe and secure in your home and inner world.


For you, Aquarius, this solar eclipse is here to encourage you to embrace new skills. Consider whether there is a topic or craft that has been grabbing at your attention lately and how you can engage with cultivating that interest into a skill. Don’t worry about being perfect, and all the more better if it gives you a chance to make time in your day to connect with friends, neighbors, or local groups, such as joining an existing group or a class, or even starting up a group yourself. You just may find in doing so you get a chance to connect and chat with others in a way that helps cultivate the community you’ve been craving and searching for.


This solar eclipse is bringing you new potential financial opportunities while asking you to center your values and worth as an individual. What demands and challenges have you been meeting over the last couple of years when it comes to your finances and what can you do now to resituate your finances in a way that honors the value in yourself that you have cultivated? In other words, how have your values and sense of worth transformed over the last couple of years and is that reflected in the way you spend and receive money? If you find yourself meeting major financial changes today, ask yourself whether or not they’re aligned with your sense of worth and/or whether they’re creating space for you to find more alignment between your material life and your personal values.