Horoscope For Today: Saturday, November 30, 2024
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The moon completes its transit through Scorpio early this morning, ingressing into the brighter realm of Sagittarius at 6:53 AM EST. But beforehand, it makes one final important transit to close out this murky and confusing period: a trine to retrograde Neptune at 27° in Pisces.
It goes exact at 1:18 AM; for many of us, this energy might just manifest in the form of some weird dreams. Regardless, this watery trine is potent enough to drown us in illusions and misconceptions this morning, so it is a good idea not to indulge your darker desires—unless you can do so through a constructive medium. Artists and musicians will likely find it helpful.
By the time most of the East Coast is waking up, the moon will be comfortably cruising through Sagittarius and invigorating the collective with a spontaneous, fiery, and free-spirited energy that will be very welcome after navigating the disorienting combination of Plutonian and Neptunian energies.
However, Pluto isn’t exactly uninvolved for the rest of the day, either: at 7:17 AM, the moon makes a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius at 0°. This is very likely to be a trigger point for the collective, and it speaks clearly of political outrage and reactivity.
As sextiles promote generally easy energy, this is arguably a chance for the 99% to stand up and fight. The heavens are singing a classic protest song, and there is a good chance that at least some of us will respond with pure intentions. On the other hand, there is a strong danger of religious extremism in its most violent forms: riots, martyrdom, and cultic fervor.
This evening, there’s a trine to the notably intense Mars in Leo at 5° that kickstarts more action at 6:24 PM. Does this suggest more potential for violence? Yes and no. Mars is associated with both righteous and needless anger. That said, if you choose to attend a protest, take precautions. Your safety is your first priority.
As the day comes to a close, the sun and moon come increasingly closer in preparation for the new moon in Sagittarius at 9°, which will be exact shortly after midnight on the East Coast.
How can you prepare for the many ups and downs ahead? Read on, according to your rising sign.
Very early this morning, the moon in your eighth house trines retrograde Neptune in your twelfth. If you happen to be awake, tossing and turning with dark thoughts, purge them through journaling or listen to some meditative music to soothe yourself. Later this morning, the moon ingresses into your ninth house, lifting your spirits and encouraging you to take any recent insights gained during introspection into your wider community. When the moon sextiles Pluto in your eleventh house, however, there is likely to be chaos in the group chat. Embrace the weirdness, as it’s likely to remain for a while. This evening, the moon’s trine to Mars in your fifth house invigorates you to take action: whether you’re getting ready to confront your situationship, launch a new creative project, or try for a baby, you’re not going to take “no” for an answer.
In the early hours of the morning, the moon in your seventh house forms a trine to retrograde Neptune in your eleventh. While you may wish to luxuriate in bed with your partner, there are expectations to attend to, most likely involving your larger social circle and the people you both call friends. Later this morning, when the moon ingresses into your eighth house, you’ll find yourself shouldering others’ burdens and possibly offering to share resources with friends who are facing struggles. The moon’s sextile to Pluto in your tenth house grants you recognition for your emotional, psychological, and spiritual capacity for healing. This evening, the moon trines Mars in your fourth house, invigorating you to start drama—good or bad—in your home environment or with your family. On the flip side, if you harness this energy in a positive way, you could have a very fun and sensual date night at home.
Early this morning, the moon in your sixth house makes a trine to retrograde Neptune in your tenth, amplifying your efforts at work and putting you in a position of authority. You might feel uncomfortable in the spotlight, but you are responsible for taking on this new role whether you like it or not—and others will celebrate your creative side. Later, when the moon makes its way into your seventh house, your close personal partnerships will be magnified, so focus on pleasing yourself and your loved ones rather than the crowd. The moon’s sextile to Pluto in your ninth house, however, may bring about some disagreements regarding your beliefs and values. And tonight, the moon’s trine with Mars in your third house makes you especially assertive with your words. Decide what hills are worth dying on.
Early this morning, when the moon in your fifth house makes a trine to retrograde Neptune in your ninth, your creativity and romantic energy will be flowing freely, but try not to waste it on people and ideologies that don’t serve you in the long run. Later on in the morning, the moon enters your sixth house, pulling you out of dreamland and into the real world, where your responsibilities at work and around the house will take on greater importance. When the moon closes in on a sextile with Pluto in your eighth house, you can expect an emotional breakdown of sorts that provides you with the catharsis necessary for healing. Allow yourself to cry. The moon’s trine with Mars in your second house tonight sets a fire under your heels when it comes to increasing your net worth. If a partner has been lying to you about their finances, or you’ve decided to do business with the wrong person, you’ll be able to recover quickly through the power of your own sheer will.
The moon spends a while in your fourth house early this morning, at one point making a trine to retrograde Neptune in your eighth. A relative with addiction problems may come crawling out of the woodwork to ask you for money, or if you’re married to someone with secret spending habits, you might find out the hard way. Later this morning, the moon’s ingress into your fifth house lightens the mood and gives you a more optimistic attitude towards whatever situation you’ve found yourself in. However, when the moon makes a sextile with Pluto in your seventh house, a close, deeply meaningful relationship may have to come to an end. You won’t sit around wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself for long, though: this evening, the moon makes a trine with Mars in your first house, forcing you into immediate action.
Early this morning, the moon completes its transit through your third house, but not before making a trine to retrograde Neptune in your seventh. You might feel as though your efforts to communicate with your partner are not getting through, increasing your frustration and encouraging them to put up more walls. Don’t expect to solve any major relational issues this morning; accept that your message may get lost in translation. Later this morning, the moon ingresses into your eighth house, laying the groundwork for a healing conversation to be had at a later date. When the moon makes a sextile to Pluto in your sixth house, you can expect major disruptions to your routine, either at work or in the domestic sphere, but your emotional reactivity may cause you to take it more seriously than it really is. Accept that nothing stays the same for too long. Tonight, the moon’s trine with Mars in your twelfth house invites you to stay home, journal, and reflect on everything you’ve learned.
With the moon in your second house during the early hours of the morning, making a trine to retrograde Neptune in your sixth, money will inevitably be on your mind. Whether your current work environment is turning a bit cult-y or you realize you’ve been given a lot of false promises, you’ll be feeling the motivation to move on and find something more suited to your needs. Later, once the moon is in your third house, you’ll find it easier to navigate tough conversations, especially with neighbors and siblings, even if you usually find very little to agree on. A creative breakthrough or romantic meet-cute could take place when the moon makes a sextile to Pluto in your fifth house, especially if you’re out in the community around this time; get connected to people who share your passion for justice and faith in the future. This evening, the moon trines Mars in your eleventh house, maximizing your potential to organize effectively—and join a protest, if you feel called to. Gather your closest allies and make a difference in the world.
In the early hours of the morning, the moon finishes off its transit through your first house and makes a trine to retrograde Neptune in your fifth, giving you the drive and the power to create something beautiful, mystical, or romantic that actually lasts. However, you’re also at risk of falling prey to misinformation, so be wary about anything you see or read. Later, the moon will ingress into your second house, giving you the emotional awareness necessary to manage your money more responsibly—or, conversely, causing a mental breakdown over your finances. Try not to panic. When the moon sextiles Pluto in your fourth house, you may experience loss or trauma related to a family member, and this will require you to have a clear head. This evening, when the moon trines Mars in your tenth house, your public reputation will suddenly become extremely important to you—whether out of self-preservation as your family secrets spread like wildfire, or because you want to use this chaos as an opportunity to share your story. Everyone gets their fifteen minutes. Today it will be you.
The day begins with the moon in your twelfth house, and before it moves on, it makes a trine to retrograde Neptune in your fourth. This creates idealistic and potentially delusional ideals about your home environment, which might feel disorienting and unfamiliar. Consider it a moment of jamais vu and try to ground yourself. Later this morning, the moon’s ingress into your first house revitalizes your energy and presents a kindly, warm glow around you. Others will find it easy to approach you, even for very personal needs. The moon’s sextile to Pluto in your third house, however, suggests you may be feeling the emotional intensity of your entire local environment: if a natural disaster or tragedy happens close to home, you’ll be sensitive enough to feel everyone’s sorrow as if it is your own. This evening, the moon forms a trine to Mars in your ninth house, activating your sense of justice and motivating you to take charge. The marginalized members of your community will feel especially important to you, and you’ll want to offer more than simple thoughts and prayers.
In the early hours of the morning, as the moon finishes up its transit through your eleventh house, it will make a trine to retrograde Neptune in your third. Your group chat might be lively, but no one will be making much sense; there are bound to be miscommunications and even potentially deception, so be wise about who you trust and take every one of your acquaintances’ promises with a grain of salt. It’s better to put your trust in your closest friends and loved ones at this time rather than relying on the rumor mill as a source of valid information. Later, the moon shifts into your twelfth house, encouraging you to spend more time in quiet self-reflection or spiritual meditation. The moon’s sextile to Pluto in your second house guarantees shocking revelations about your financial situation, for better or for worse: if you’ve been putting in the work, you’ll see major rewards, but if you’ve taken some investment risks, you might suffer significant losses. But, in typical Capricorn fashion, you’ll get back on your feet. This evening, the moon trines Mars in your eighth house, motivating you to get busy working on your next money-making venture.
The day starts off strong with the moon still in your tenth house, forming a trine to retrograde Neptune in your second. Your career is at the top of your priority list today, but you might be led astray by false promises from fake job listings or investors with bad intentions. Later this morning, when the moon enters your eleventh house, you’ll feel more comfortable surrounded by your spiritual community, who can offer hopeful yet realistic suggestions on how to grow your wealth and business. When the moon forms a sextile to Pluto in your first house, you’ll feel a glimpse of what the next twenty-odd years have in store for you: a radical, emotionally transformative change to your identity. Strap in for major changes to your reputation, career path, and legacy. Tonight, the moon’s trine to Mars in your seventh house puts you in a romantic state of mind, so if you are partnered, spend time with your person. If you’re single, this might represent a turning point in which you recognize exactly what you want in a partner—and set out with the intention to find someone who meets your highest standards, come hell or high water.
In the early morning hours, the moon in your ninth house trines retrograde Neptune in your first, emboldening you to share your spiritual or academic insights to an audience without shame or insecurity holding you back. However, you run the risk of losing sight of reality with Neptune giving you a heightened sense of your own abilities. There’s a fine line between confidence and delusion. Later this morning, the moon moves into your tenth house, elevating you to the top of everyone’s guest list and putting your name in lights. Use this opportunity for fame wisely, especially since the moon will later form a sextile to Pluto in your twelfth house, placing you, once again, in disorienting territory. Keep yourself heavily grounded and avoid TikTok tarot readers at all costs today, acknowledging your own vulnerability to their false promises. Tonight, the moon trines Mars in your sixth house, giving you a boost of energy to complete all of the tasks required of you at work and around the home. You might also feel like it’s the perfect time to start a new workout routine. As the long winter months approach, it’s a good idea to get out of your head, focus on your body, and stay physically healthy.