Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, February 29th

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Happy Leap Day, everyone! 

2024 is a leap year, meaning we get an extra day to experience—and today has some pretty positive energy for the zodiac signs!

To start, Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile to Jupiter in Taurus at 4:51 am (EST), which boosts an optimistic approach to our life. Mentally and conversationally, we have much to say and feel excited to share and converse confidently.

Throughout the rest of the day, the Moon in Scorpio forms aspects with a few other planets/luminaries. At 5:50 pm (EST), it forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces, allowing us to deal with emotional issues with assuredness, knowing we have the mental space to work through them. Later, at 7:51 pm (EST), it forms a trine to the Sun in Pisces, bringing us in harmony between our ego and emotions—we feel happier and desire pleasant interactions with those we care about, and feel more excited about the possibility of success and well-being in our lives. Finally, the Moon forms an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, and while this one may bring up some tension, it’s mostly a caution sign not to go overboard and let our emotions rule significant decisions (especially financial ones), as well as some potential disagreements with the people we love. 

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re taking care of yourself and others today, Aries. You are experiencing some strong positive associations with mental health and self-value and understanding that both deserve your attention. You feel more aligned to help yourself and others through intention and healing—some significant revelations could bolster your confidence to put those feelings into action. You could experience disagreements on how exactly to go about these ideas, but you’re determined. It’s worth sacrificing for the greater good, but be sure you’re not throwing yourself to the wolves for no reason. 


It’s a very social day for you, Taurus. You’re feeling invigorated by your friend groups and close connections, and the desire to be involved is strong. You may have more influence than usual, especially when voicing your opinions, as you’re set in your convictions—you hold weight with the people around you. You may experience some conflict in your romantic relationships, especially if you’re on differing sides of an opinion you hold, but talk it out before jumping to conclusions.


It’s a productive work day ahead for you, Gemini. You’re feeling more assured in your role in your career or company. More responsibility may be given to you as you feel more confident in speaking and making connections. You may be able to secure deals or set plans for the future with those in authority. You feel you’ve set into a good rhythm in some ways, and it’s working well for you. You may wrestle with some burnout by the end of the day—you could wonder if you’re compromising your mental health to keep up in the physical realm.


It’s an overall joyful day for you, Cancer. You’re exploring and expanding through classes, travel, or beliefs that further connect you to others—you may find you have more in common with others than you expect. You’re getting a more realistic picture of what it means to grow and thrive, creating more through grounded assistance and inspiration that lets you express yourself fully. How you express yourself may confuse some, but that doesn’t make it less valuable—who you are is important to show the world today.  


You’re reflecting on yourself heavily today, Leo. Connections and unpacking baggage can reflect who you are on a larger scale, and while it may be intimidating, it’s necessary work. You’re taking time to unpack these issues in the safety of your home, or family conversations may illuminate some inner healing that needs to happen. You’re confident in your ability to take this on, but you also feel it’s a deeply private matter that you shouldn’t have to explain to anyone else—and you’re right. You don’t have to share everything with everyone, especially when processing. It’s yours to express when and if you choose.


You’re learning from those closest to you today, Virgo. Conversations with your close friends, partners, or loved ones open the door to new views and knowledge. You feel more open to sharing your thoughts and emotions with your best friends or partner, and they are receptive to what you’re saying. Healthy communication is reassuring. You may feel resistant to branching out from what you know in some ways, but it’s worth it. Staying stuck in what you already know isn’t going to help you grow in the ways you desire. 


You’re longing for security, Libra. You work hard to ensure finances are in order and your work is paying off. You are exceptionally confident in your skills and what you bring to the table, and you should be. You’re gaining a sense of value from knowing what you can accomplish. You may experience tension regarding what you owe and what is owed you, so don’t get too full of yourself to cross a line or act out extravagantly. Even if you think you have everything in line, spending above your means is easy, especially if emotions are involved. 


You’re feeling very confident today, Scorpio. You’re feeling more vocal and want to socialize, but only with your closest confidants. You feel more expressive and excited to create and connect in ways that feel true to yourself. You may even shock yourself with the creative energy stirring inside you today! Some of your confidence may conflict with the needs of others in your life, so be sure to honor your own needs, but be aware of others, too.


You’re in need of a rest and recharge today, Sagittarius. The desire to stay in and care for your personal needs is well-communicated, and it’s easier not to feel sorry about it when you know how necessary it is. The safety and privacy of your home are a godsend—or at least the spaces you can call your own. You may feel as though you’re not doing enough by the end of the day but know that rest and self-care are part of keeping you moving forward. You have time to do everything else once you’ve given yourself the necessary reset.


You’re committed to your views and opinions today, Capricorn. Your convictions and desire to share your unique point of view are met with intrigue and opportunity amongst the groups you are part of. People support your ability to express your thoughts and share them tangibly. Some may feel as though you’re only taking your personal feelings into account over the wellness of the group, but it’s important to hold true to what you think and not solely abandon it due to the expectations of others, or only loudly voicing your opinions to get a pat on the back.


You’re feeling more grounded in your work environment today, Aquarius. While putting all our self-worth into our job isn’t the wisest, it doesn’t mean we can’t embrace the confidence that comes with knowing we are doing well in our job and chosen path. You may feel as though you’re doing more than what was expected of you when you were younger or support in your home life may only add to the boost and security you feel regarding your value. You may think at times you’re not taking enough time to rest or tend to things at home, but seasons come and go—you’ll find your balance. 


You want your voice to be heard today, Pisces. Your beliefs and desire to learn are at the forefront, as they inform who you are as a person. With the support of those who know you well, you feel aligned with the version of yourself that exists in the world and what you believe in. You may feel uncertain about how you’ve grown in your faith over time and the changes it brings to your personal environment, but sticking to what you believe is in your best interest, as long as you’re open to changing circumstances.