Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Today, January 9th, 2024, holds quite a few aspects that will leave an impression on the signs—if you’re sensing an emotional shift today, it’s to be expected.

Around 12:22 pm (EST), The Moon in Sagittarius squares the dreamy planet Neptune in equally dreamy Pisces. On the one hand, this can place us in a daydream, almost carefree state regarding our emotions, and we may find ourselves lost in thought more than once. On the other hand, it can also lead to some anxiety and may not give us the most grounded perspective, and we could be more sensitive than usual. Luckily, around 1:20 PM, the Moon forms a conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius, making it easier to clear our heads and say what we need to say to get to the bottom of things.

In the evening, at 7:06 PM, the Sun in Capricorn forms a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus in Taurus. This boosts our self-confidence, and we may be willing to try new things or approach situations differently, with supportive results. Around 8:31 pm, the Moon moves from gregarious Sagittarius to practical Capricorn, reinforcing the energy of grounded Capricorn season to our emotional state. Finally, at 9:39 pm, Mars in Capricorn forms a sextile to Saturn in Pisces, encouraging us to take action towards our goals and set some long-awaited plans into motion—or, at the bare minimum, make some discoveries about what we want.

Check out your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You find yourself wrestling with beliefs and rigid ideas of what is right earlier in the day, Aries. Though being steady and certain in your beliefs is important, it may affect your mental health if you fixate too much. Talking to your friends (especially those with open views) may help ease your mind and shift perspective.

Later in the evening, your confidence increases, particularly in your career or public perception. People are seeing you for the hard-working and goal-oriented person you are, and it’s showing. You’re making quite the impression, especially in terms of your instincts, so don’t be afraid to take initiative while others are paying attention.


You love your friends, Taurus, but this afternoon, you’re unsure whether to trust their advice or your own intuition. You could be feeling some tension in wanting to retreat for some introspection but afraid you’ll miss out on an adventure. Trust yourself.  

Later, you’ll feel more assured in your stances and what you believe in after some time alone—you can always learn something new. If you get an invite to go out, take it, as letting loose with others feels easier now— especially when you know who you are and what you want.


It isn’t easy to balance your relationships with your goals, Gemini. You may be reading too much into things—maybe the people you love aren’t holding you back, nor are your dreams too hard to achieve. We all hit a rut and look for places to blame, but this feeling will pass, so don’t say things you’ll regret.

This evening is best for reassessing your dreams, goals, and what you genuinely want out of life—I’m talking about the stuff that will soothe your soul, not just bring you a paycheck. What allows you to improve yourself in a way that shows up on a bigger scale and achieves your goals?


You’re feeling stifled today, Cancer, but things aren’t always as they seem. You may feel stuck in the mundane of your daily work despite longing for something greater, but you’re not destined to be in this place forever. It’s easy to become caught up in what we aren’t doing, but your time is coming. 

Your friends may be just what you need to get out of this headspace later this evening. Getting together with friends and doing something outside your comfort zone can help make you more aware of the importance of those connections. Plus, it will make you realize you’re exactly where you need to be right now—and you can still grow, dream, and expand your horizons right here.


This morning may have you falling hard and fast for someone, Leo, but try to keep some perspective! Getting caught up in deep conversation and connection is easy, but too fast, too soon, it may read differently to the other person. If you’re not seeing anyone, you may be balancing heavier, introspective thoughts with the desire to be lighter and looking on the brighter side. It’s worth discussing things with people you trust, but be careful not to get ahead of yourself.

Later this evening, you may start to feel more reserved and in control of your emotions and fixate more on how your current actions impact your overall public image. You feel like you’re on the right track, and you may even take some initiative in signing new contracts or making bigger moves related to your career path—just remember not to bite off more than you can chew. 


You may be worrying over whether you’re judged for your upbringing, Virgo, but chances are it’s not that serious. You could take things a little personally if your partner or friend makes a comment about your family or home life, but instead of seething, talk things out with them—they likely didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and it’s best to communicate!

Later that evening, things may feel lighter and more playful—you may find yourself vibing with someone outside your typical circles or who doesn’t fit your usual type, but today it’s magic if you can open your mind. You may even feel bold enough to think about taking things to the next level—life may surprise you!


You could feel mentally unfulfilled at work today, Libra, but taking on more tasks isn’t necessarily the answer. Sure, the busyness may distract you somewhat, but it’s likely to backfire health-wise if you overdo it. You may struggle with feeling burnt out from your day-to-day—try asking for help from others to ease things. You’re not the burden you think you are.

Later, you may feel more introspective, and a quiet night at home could open the door to some self-examination and soul-searching that you’ve needed to unpack. The results could show you just how capable you are and might motivate you to find a more productive way to take care of daily tasks at home while balancing time for yourself and your health. 


It’s easy to feel you can’t catch a break regarding your passions, Scorpio, but a change in perspective may be in order. You could struggle with lacking finances to fuel your creative pursuits or feel as though if you indulge too much in passion or creativity, you’re being irresponsible. There is a time and place for everything, but remember that cutting loose occasionally doesn’t mean you’re not reliable or responsible.

Later, some passion projects (notably those involved in writing or speaking) could take shape in collaboration with some close friends—and it’s worth paying attention to how much you enjoy these moments. Making room for creating is essential to your well-being, or at least being in the presence of it. You can balance being practical with embracing what brings you joy—it’s not one or the other. 


You may feel insecure or uncertain of yourself around relatives or loved ones today, Sagittarius, but they aren’t judging you how you think. You could feel as though you can’t be your full self, or you could be viewing some family with rose-colored glasses rather than seeing them for who they are. Having some important conversation may open your eyes to a more realistic view.

Later in the evening, you could decide to make unprecedented moves at your work or click with some of your coworkers by bonding over something unexpected. While you may feel more emotionally reserved, you feel bolder in standing firm towards your family and deeply held values. Knowing the whole story makes it easier to see where your loyalties lie. 


At the start of today, Capricorn, you’re struggling with some heavy thoughts, and fixating on them may do more harm than good. It’s worth it to sit with our thoughts and feelings to see what they are trying to tell us, but if you feel yourself obsessing over them, it could feel more like self-sabotage than healing. 

Later this evening, connecting with some friends or going out with a group could benefit you to take your mind off things. Trying a new or unexpected experience together could be just what you need to remind yourself who you are—and give you some confidence to take those negative thoughts captive next time they come around. 


You may feel your beliefs or values are out of line with the rest of the world, Aquarius, but know you’re far from the only person who feels this way. While your current group may not be as vocal or share their perspectives as much, it doesn’t mean they don’t share them with you—having some conversations with people you love, and trust could surprise you with how many values you share. 

Later in the evening, you may feel more introspective and take the night to recharge and refocus. You could find some solace engaging in unusual or less traditional forms of self-care or meditation, as it could bring to light some emotions you’ve been holding in. You may feel more emboldened to take action regarding your values after some time alone, whether through advocacy or service to others who need you—it’s worth it to be open for opportunities.


You may feel split in half today, Pisces, as you’re worried the world doesn’t see the “real” you—or vice versa, you worry people have too much access to who you are. Truthfully, we can often not see the bigger picture with these moments, so grounding yourself could do wonders for you rather than spiraling. Writing out your feelings or talking things out with a therapist or loved one may have a bigger impact today than usual.

Later, it’s best to surround yourself with close friends and loved ones who actually know the real you rather than the version you project to the rest of the world. Connecting and talking with the people who have seen you through your ups and downs is a reminder that people see and love you for who you are, not who you’re trying to be.