Andrea Piacquadio

Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Today may feel tense and a bit sensitive for the zodiac signs!

To start the day, the moon in Aquarius forms an opposition to Mercury, the planet of communication, in Leo. This can be a time when it’s challenging to sift between what you feel and what you think, as your heart and head can feel at odds.

Later, the moon moves into Pisces, adding a more sentimental approach to our emotions and leaving us feeling more dreamy. However, when the moon squares Mars in Gemini, it can push us into unexpected arguments or leave us repressing our feelings to avoid a fight. It’s best to try and keep ourselves level-headed, but if that’s not possible, then putting some distance between yourself and others could be for the best until you can communicate your feelings.

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You may have difficulty seeing things for what they are today, Aries. The struggle between wanting to connect with what feels good to you versus the opinions of others can be frustrating—even if you don’t want to care, you do nonetheless. It can be easier to disconnect from ourselves than to stand firmly in what we want. While sometimes it’s best to step away and not fixate too much on our feelings, it’s only a temporary solution. Being honest about your feelings with those close to you can be helpful, but try not to jump to conclusions or shut down if they don’t react the way you want. Give people time and grace, but stick to your convictions. 


Who you are privately and publicly may feel like two different people, Taurus, and today could push you to examine that. You may feel more exposed with your emotions (or at least some of them) in public, yet your conversations in private could paint a different picture. Later, you may seek solace through your community or friend groups, though there could be some tension surrounding those pushing your buttons a little based on your values. It’s not bad to be open with some people, but be mindful of who you’re trusting with your heart—not everyone needs access to you.


What you long to learn versus what you already know is on your mind today, Gemini. You may feel restless, especially as you long to explore outside your current environment, but you may feel restricted in how far you can follow that instinct. This feeling may continue throughout the day as you try to remain authentic to who you are, but you feel you can’t be yourself entirely without bothering others, potentially those who hold authority over you. Your safety is always paramount, of course, but you also know the value of being true to yourself and what you want. As long as you aren’t harming anyone, don’t hold yourself back from going after bigger dreams because you’re too afraid to venture into unknown territory. 


Your heart and head feel at odds today, Cancer. The pull between “mine vs. ours” is stronger than usual, especially concerning healing and finances. You want to work on yourself in more profound ways and work through past baggage, and while it’s easy to lean more into escapist tendencies to avoid unpleasant emotions, it’s best to face them. You know who you are and what you believe in, and while it may not always be the easiest, today could be ideal for sifting through past issues if you can be honest with yourself and others. 


Striking a balance between your personal thoughts and the needs of others is on your mind today, Leo. Emotionally, those closest to you may want your attention or validation, but you’re somewhat in your head, preoccupied with other things. As the day goes on, those feelings could become more intense, especially if others feel you’re ignoring or dismissing them, which may lead to confrontation. The best thing you can do is be transparent about what you can and can’t offer. A simple conversation could be all it takes to smooth things over. 


Taking care of your physical and mental needs feels more overwhelming than usual today, Virgo. You’re working to balance voicing your needs over your feelings, but the line between them can feel exceptionally thin. You may find that leaning on the support of others is beneficial, but you worry about what it looks like to others if you can’t handle things on your own. Rather than spiral about how others see you be proud of yourself for confiding in those you trust—people who want you to suffer alone truly do not care about your wellbeing.


The things that feel personal to you may come up against some challenges today, Libra. The things that bring you joy and ignite your soul may be at odds with the opinions of those you hold in high regard, making it difficult to navigate when you want to express yourself. Aa the day goes on, you could feel more restricted as your desire to take on the world and expand fights against the repetitive work you’re currently doing. It’s not the easiest to feel you’re holding back parts of yourself to appease others or fulfill your responsibilities, but know that you can still express yourself and explore new ideas even if you can’t physically go out in the world and pursue them. There are ways to satisfy what you need.


Your inner and outer worlds feel at odds today, Scorpio. You feel more reserved emotionally to start the day, though you have some significant opinions that you want to express more vocally—the tension between wanting to stay private versus speaking up can weigh on you more than you care to admit. At times, you want to let loose and enjoy yourself without restraint, but the heaviness you’re carrying within can overshadow the parts of you wanting to be more expressive. It’s okay not to share everything with the world, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide yourself away totally—some parts of you are allowed to show, and they should.


You’re struggling to connect in the ways you would like today, Sagittarius. You have plenty of emotion surrounding certain subjects, but getting them across feels like you’re covering an entirely different subject—your heart is focused on details, whereas your mind is looking at the bigger picture. Later in the day, you could feel some tension surrounding your family or home life versus the people you are closest to, as disagreement could show up unexpectedly. Know that you don’t have to fast-track anything—taking your time to figure out what you’re feeling and what you want to say will benefit you more than you know. 


You’re questioning your value to others today, Capricorn. You have firmly held values and feel secure in the life you’re building for yourself, but it can feel at odds with the idea of community. You are more than willing to take on more work and income, but it can feel opposed to the necessary connection we all need to keep going, yet part of you worries if you aren’t working constantly, others won’t value you as much. It’s time to trust that your work ethic doesn’t hold your entire value, and those who care about you will be willing to show you that. 


What you need to feel valued is on your mind heavily today, Aquarius. You know what you need emotionally, though it can be hard to share those feelings, even with those you care about who want to understand you better. You focus more on what makes you feel secure, but it can create tension within yourself as you want to cut loose and not worry too much about taking risks. The best thing you can do is be honest about what you want and need because the people in your life will likely want to be part of your journey if you let them.


You’re wrestling with your opinion of yourself versus the views of others, Pisces. You’re feeling more introspective surrounding your mental health, though your mind is fighting you about what all needs to be taken care of on a tangible level. You feel more empowered later in the day about who you are and how to take care of yourself, but there could be resistance from people you live with or your family surrounding you, taking a self-care day or setting necessary boundaries. Know that the people who love you will respect that you must also care for yourself.