Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
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Today, the zodiac signs could be acting erratically if we aren’t careful!
While most of the day stays relatively calm, the evening brings some disruption in the form of the Moon in Aquarius, which forms a square to Uranus in Taurus. While the Moon rules over our emotional realm, Uranus rules rebellion and innovation. When these signs square off, we can react irrationally and impulsively and shift moods frequently. We may also desire to make rash decisions, which isn’t wise as they won’t yield the desired results. This transit occurs at 6:29 p.m. (EST) and will only last a few hours, but it’s worth being extra vigilant not to do anything we will regret during this period.
Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!
You want to belong today, Aries, but your attempts to do so aren’t going to produce the results you want. With the Moon in your 11th House squaring Uranus in your 2nd House, you long to connect with your social group and causes in a meaningful way, but trying to force yourself into a mold, even with good intentions, doesn’t do any good. The best thing you can do is lean into what you bring to the table and allow that to be enough. You don’t have to do things the way everyone else does.
You could feel more sensitive about your social standing today, Taurus, especially if you’re concerned with what others think of you. With the Moon in your 10th House squaring Uranus in your 1st House, you know that being yourself, including any significant changes you are going through, can appear unexpectedly in your public life. Today, it may feel as though the more erratic parts of who you are stand out, and you worry about how others will perceive it. Naturally, we can’t control the reactions or opinions of others, but it’s also possible that you are fixating on this more than anyone else. You are a unique person who doesn’t need to conform to be valuable to society, and it’s okay to embrace that.
You’re struggling to find your footing in terms of what you believe, Gemini. With the Moon in your 9th House squaring Uranus in your 12th House, new revelations about the world could make you feel uncertain about your faith or intuition. You may long to make impulsive decisions to escape the gray area you feel you’re floating in, but it won’t give you the security you need. It’s worth sitting with what you believe and why today. Is it because it’s comfortable or because it genuinely resonates with how you see the world around you?
You’re trying to determine how to be true to yourself while respecting others today, Cancer. With the Moon in your 8th House squaring Uranus in your 11th House, it’s possible that new or unconventional people could have you questioning the ways you experience life or could unintentionally trigger some intense feelings in you that you’ve kept buried. These types of feelings can drive us to act impulsively, but staying grounded is for the best, as anything you do during these few hours could only deepen the existing wounds you’re dealing with. Remember that people can teach us things, even if they do them differently.
Balancing your relationships and career may take an unexpected turn today, Leo. With the Moon in your 7th House squaring Uranus in your 10th House, significant shifts in your career could impact your relationships in ways you didn’t anticipate. Sudden job changes or loss could be difficult for others to understand, or they may not know how to support you during this time. You may be the person who needs to decide what shifts occur, and you may long for your freedom or less restriction, which could lead you to want to make rash decisions during this time. Keep in mind that what you want won’t always arrive the way you would prefer, so be cautious before making any life-altering choices you can’t take back.
Virgo, your beliefs and desire to explore are getting quite the shakeup today. With the Moon in your 6th House squaring Uranus in your 9th House, the desire to explore new ideas, faiths, or experiences pushes you to look at things in a new way, or unexpected circumstances may shake the framework of what you’ve always known. You long to cling to your routines and structures that make you feel secure, but you could also find that these make you feel more restricted rather than secure. However, abandoning everything you know isn’t the answer and won’t lead you down the path you want. Know that it’s okay to explore new concepts while still maintaining some consistency. It doesn’t have to be either/or.
The ways you seek pleasure or joy are getting a refresh, Libra. With the Moon in your 5th House squaring Uranus in your 8th House, some financial shifts may keep you from the hobbies or pursuits you usually turn to, or your usual relationship with intimacy may experience a shake-up that’s hard to ignore. You may find you’re longing to experiment with new hobbies or new forms of pleasure, though don’t make any big purchases or do anything too extreme during this time. However, it’s worth keeping these inspirations in mind for the future, so don’t cast them out right away; give yourself time to determine what these new things look like for you.
The desire to settle down with someone feels more pressing than usual today, Scorpio. With the Moon in your 4th House squaring Uranus in your 7th House, if you’re in a relationship, you may need to define or push for things to move in a particular direction. However, this shift may feel abrupt to your partner, which could cause tension or uncertainty regarding the state of your connection. If you’re single, you may be putting more pressure on yourself or our other relationships to fulfill you so that you can feel at ease, but this sudden bid for attention may confuse those you’re close to. Keep in mind that making any big moves during this period won’t give you the security you’re craving. It’s okay to want to settle down and move in that direction, but trying to do it at the drop of a hat isn’t the way to go about it.
You could feel more restless and frustrated with your routines today, Sagittarius. With the Moon in your 3rd House squaring Uranus in your 6th House, don’t be surprised if some unexpected changes push you to want to abandon your usual structures in favor of being more unpredictable. The catch is you still have plenty of tasks that need to be done, and making giant shifts to work routines all at once may not be as productive as you would like. Resist the urge to make permanent or unsustainable changes right now, and instead, brainstorm some smaller ways to change things while still taking care of business.
You’re breaking out of your usual patterns of expression, Capricorn, but it would be wise to be mindful of the long term. With the Moon in your 2nd House squaring Uranus in your 5th House, you could find that your desire to break out of convention makes you want to take bigger risks. However, some risks come with significant consequences and could cost you your security or livelihood if you aren’t careful. Be aware that while it’s okay to let loose occasionally, think about the cost you might pay for a brief moment of rebellion.
You’re feeling like not much is in your control today, Aquarius. With the Moon in your 1st House squaring Uranus in your 4th House, you could feel as though the past or your family history could keep you from feeling comfortable or secure in who you are. Unexpected revelations or discoveries could make you feel more frustrated than relieved, and you may long to make some impulsive decisions to feel in control again. Know that it won’t give you the results you want. While challenging to deal with in the moment, know that this will pass, and you’ll be glad you stayed grounded.
Today could feel like a fight between your heart and your head, Pisces. With the Moon in your 12th House squaring Uranus in your 3rd House, you could find that intense changes in your immediate environment could have you being harder on yourself than you should be. Self-sabotaging is tempting; you may feel a stronger desire to lean into unhealthy habits if you aren’t vigilant. Even if you are convinced you should during this time, fight the urge to do something you’ll regret. When the feeling passes, you’ll be glad you didn’t dive headfirst into something you couldn’t undo.