Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Today is a slightly dramatic one for the zodiac signs!
Today, the moon is in the glowing sign of Leo, giving our emotional realm a flair for drama and a strong sense of self. When it forms a square to Uranus in Taurus, though, things can feel tense. We may feel more moody or unpredictable emotionally, especially when we feel pressured or caught by surprise.
However, Mercury in Aries forms a conjunction with Venus in Aries, which gives us a strong sense of support. Aries is passionate and fiery but also bold—giving us confidence in ourselves and our words. We are able to allow the more social, eloquent, and adaptable sides of ourselves to show, and it could help us navigate any emotional outbursts that come our way.
Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!
Following your passion is sometimes easier said than done, right Aries? Frustrations between your desire to create and follow your heart’s desire and being secure in what you have show up in ways you can’t anticipate. However, you have the power of persuasion on your side, where if you play your cards right, you could have it all—but be careful with impulse because you can get in over your head quickly.
It’s hard to separate who we were from who we are, Taurus. Intense emotions surrounding your past/family/origin and the person you are today could lead to some outbursts and tension if you aren’t careful. You have the power to speak your mind confidently, but you may need some time to gather your thoughts and get to the bottom of what you’re experiencing—you may be surprised at what you have hidden, even from yourself.
We can be our own worst enemies at times, Gemini. It’s easy to spiral into self-sabotage mode, especially if we feel we aren’t being heard or we are being misinterpreted. Things can feel heavy, especially if you feel hopeless to change things. However, you have more influence than you realize, and today could lead you to speak up and communicate what you’re feeling in a way that resonates with others.
It’s easy to be influenced by those around you, Cancer. Pressure from others to do or say something that doesn’t align with you can be frustrating, especially coming from people you admire (or who you want to admire you). However, taking the bait won’t get you the validation you long for. You know what you believe in and what matters to you—so don’t be afraid to use your voice to share it rather than mold yourself into someone you’re not.
The version of yourself under pressure can be deceiving at times, Leo. Unexpected changes push you to doubt yourself or make rash decisions, especially if you want to make an impression. However, your words and connections have the ability to expand your horizons far beyond what you know—let yourself be open to possibilities beyond what you’ve limited yourself to.
Trying to find your inner voice among all the noise can be challenging, Virgo. Today, you feel the pull between what you’re learning and what you know to be true—being grounded in the physical world versus the spiritual and mental. If you give yourself a chance, you know what you believe and what you need to say, and though it isn’t always easy, you know there is power in holding to your convictions.
Don’t sacrifice yourself for other’s approval, Libra. In destabilizing moments it makes sense to want to cling to something bigger than ourselves for hope. However, if you’re not careful, you’ll get caught up in things you never signed up for. Turning to your friends and loved ones for connection and reassurance is the better move—they are the ones who know who you are, and you don’t need to compromise yourself for them to see the value in you.
There could be some tension with the people you work with today, Scorpio. Unexpected circumstances could involve being in the crosshairs of someone else’s bad mood—and you could feel tempted to dish out whatever is thrown your way. However, rather than lashing out, using your words could help smooth things over. You can be very persuasive when you want to be, and being able to articulate your thoughts is something you’ll feel even more confident about doing today.
You’re feeling frustrated about your current situation, Sagittarius. You have felt like you’re in a rut, and just when you were prepared to take some risks, you get hit with a reality check of having to stay exactly where you are—it’s enough to discourage anyone. However, even if you can’t shake up your routines yet, it doesn’t mean there isn’t adventure and joy to be found; take some time to let loose and enjoy yourself without needing to focus on being elsewhere.
You’re wrestling with some heavy feelings today, Capricorn, but you’re trying to “push through them.” You don’t want to be a downer or derail anyone else with your feelings, but trying to force yourself to be “fun” or distracting yourself from it won’t be helpful. Truthfully, sometimes turning to our loved ones and trusting them to show up for us is the best thing to be done—it takes vulnerability to get to the root of things, so don’t run from it.
Be careful with your words today, Aquarius. Even unintentionally, you may react irritably or be moody with loved ones, especially if stress at home hits you unexpectedly. Even if you have a lot on your plate, it doesn’t mean you can take it out on others—be sure to own up and apologize and let them know how much they mean to you. You can also ask them for help as you’re dealing with things because you don’t have to do everything alone.
Sometimes, it’s easy to lose sight of what we are working toward, Pisces. Today could bring up frustration and resentment involving your job or where you are in life in relation to where you expected to be. Especially if you’re not particularly passionate about work, to begin with, it can be easy to let the feelings overwhelm you. However, taking a step back and refocusing on what matters to you—what your values are and what security looks like—can provide a fresh reminder that may help you keep going.