Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
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Today, November 12, 2024, the Moon is in Pisces briefly and then moves to Aries. Venus is now in Capricorn as well. In a week, Pluto will enter the sign of Aquarius once more, making this Venus transit even more meaningful. For the next several weeks, Venus will teach us about our spending habits and give us clues to see how we are protecting our boundaries. It can also be the first time in a while where Venus will shine freely without the potent energy of Pluto. See how the transit will impact your Rising, Sun and Moon signs.
While you may feel very encouraged to go at full speed without taking a pause, the Moon in your sign can help you make the space needed to come back to yourself. Listening to your body is essential now and you will be much more comfortable with the approach you take. Venus is now in Capricorn, helping you shine in your work space or school. You radiate star power and people may gravitate towards you during this period.
Giving the energy to the things you love can help you find your purpose. The Moon in Aries will be a fruitful period to expand on your connections since Mars will empower you. It is a period to consider who your true friends are and how they have supported you. With Venus now in Capricorn, you can also feel a lot more comfortable reciprocating the helpful energy to others. Venus might make you show more kindness, empathy and understanding with your friends.
As Scorpio season continues to help you evolve, the transit today will have you analyze the tools needed to continue building in your career or academic goals. The Moon in Aries and Saturn in Pisces give you the materials needed to continue building upon your foundation. Venus in Capricorn is teaching you how to protect your boundaries and make space for new chapters that will help you face your fears and come out victorious.
A lovely transit today for you with the Moon in a fellow water sign and Venus now in your relationship house. The Aries Moon adds healing and releasing the pains from past relationships can be connected with this week’s transits. Things can feel intriguing and exciting as you enter this new and blessed chapter with your relationships. A time to reflect on those lessons from Saturn and Pluto’s transits in Capricorn. You are stepping into this new energy for the last several weeks and you are prepared for what surprises come next.
The Moon in Aries can be an awakening filled with energy that can help you build on your armor and find the strength needed to face any obstacle. Since Venus is now in Capricorn, you know how to utilize your charm to win over people at school or work. The week is pushing you to socialize, build on connections and focus on creating a peaceful environment where you can all work with confidence.
Martian energy boosts your 8th house through the Moon in Aries, allowing you to feel like a soldier for the next several days. Venus is also in fellow earth sign, Capricorn, making this a very illuminating period where love can be a catalyst for internal transformations. Giving your heart may take a lot of work during this period with Saturn making aspects to Venus and your sign. Nevertheless, you may feel more self-assured and will see that through patience, you can find the partner who is aligned with you.
When it comes to building a solid schedule, Saturn has your back today. Your planner can be your greatest asset during this time since it will allow you to stay on track. While the Moon in Pisces helped you discover the routines that make things more manageable, the Aries Moon makes you more compassionate with your interactions and your willingness to help others will be appreciated by those around you. Your diplomatic energy is strong today.
The Moon in a fellow water sign can be a very romantic period, especially with the transit occurring in the sign of Pisces briefly magnifying the love and problems in your relationship house. Saturn adds a dose of reality while the Moon in Aries can make it an emotional moment where you may look into the past in order to understand the role you have in your relationships in the present. Make sure to continue being transparent in love and you will see how you can learn more about yourself and your partner.
Saturn and the Moon meet today briefly to bring you lessons and teach you about acceptance. Learning that you have the talents and potential to thrive is something you need to believe and the Moon in Aries will echo this loudly. The transits are allowing you to repair your ego and cultivate it. Having trust in yourself allows you to create wonders now that Venus is in Capricorn, shifting your mindset and making you more aware of your gifts.
Venus is now in your sign, boosting your confidence and making you more charming and magnetic. While the transit may bring more luck and joy, it is also a period where you will learn about your relationship dynamics. With the Moon in Aries today, it can be a good period for reconciliation and strengthening existing bonds. The energy now can help you find your voice and create new structures that can allow you to continue to evolve.
Martian energy takes over with the Moon in Aries allowing you to put a lot of energy and focus on your objectives. A good period to make a lot of magic, especially with Venus in Capricorn providing you enough material and understanding to make breakthroughs. Venus can also be a valuable transit where you may consider meditating or journaling; activities that help replenish the heart and mind.
Today, the Moon in Aries may give you a lot of hope and it can feel like a breath of fresh air as you set your plans in motion. Venus has also entered Capricorn, making this a relaxing period where you can spend time with family and friends. You can experience a lot of activity with your social life during this period, meeting new people and reconnecting with those you have not reached out to in sometime.