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Horoscope For Today: Wednesday March 20, 2024

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Today could be a source of tension for the zodiac signs!

The Moon, which rules our emotions and inner world, is in the sign of Leo, which gives our emotions more passion, determination, and a slight flair for the dramatic. Today, the Moon forms a square to Jupiter, the planet associated with growth, excess, and abundance, in the sign of Taurus. In some ways, this could make you feel lazy and unmotivated, regardless of how much is on your plate. It could also be a period where you lean into overspending or taking risks, but it’s not wise to do so. You may feel overwhelmed by tasks or moments that place pressure on your emotions, and it’s best to try not to let our feelings make decisions for us as much as we can help it.

Check out your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You could run the risk of spending too much today, Aries. With the Moon in your 5th House square Jupiter in your 2nd House, you may want to overspend or gamble to get a little rush, but it will likely do more harm than good. You may have money to spend or think shopping or risking it on some bets will make you feel better, but things rarely go as we expect them to. It’s fun to indulge at times, but today could be more risky than anticipated. 


You want to express yourself, Taurus, but family pride may be in your way. With the Moon in your 4th House square Jupiter in your 1st House, you’re having a harder time being who you are. Whether it’s a less-than-supportive family or fear of what others may think, you have been hiding parts of yourself, longing to escape. You could still be fighting with beliefs you were raised with that keep you from dressing or acting in ways that feel more aligned with you. 


Though it’s easier said than done, don’t fall for self-sabotaging with negative thoughts today, Gemini. With the Moon in your 3rd House square Jupiter in your 12th House, you feel like things are tense or off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it—or you know what is wrong, but it’s based more on emotion than tangible proof. It’s okay to lean into intuition sometimes, but obsessing too much over signs can frustrate us.


You want to do more and contribute more to groups, Cancer, but you don’t have the resources to make it happen. With the Moon in your 2nd House square Jupiter in your 11th House, your self-worth may lie more in the opinion of your friend groups than yourself. You may feel that if you can’t contribute as much or don’t completely agree with others, you aren’t worth much. If you need this reminder today, here it is—your value isn’t found in your bank account or what others think of you but in what you do with what you have. If you’re doing your best, it’s all anyone can ask of you.


You may feel more constrained in your job or your public image than usual, Leo. With the Moon in your 1st House square Jupiter in your 10th House, you may have pride in who you are, but today you may feel the need to tamper it down, especially in high-profile or professional environments. This can feel frustrating, particularly because you don’t want to restrain yourself to appease others, but you also don’t want to risk opportunities that could take you further by being stubborn. Determine what you’re willing to conceal and what you can’t compromise on—only you know what risks you’re willing to take. 


You’re being too hard on yourself today, Virgo. With the Moon in your 12th House square Jupiter in your 9th House, you can be your worst enemy at times, but today, you could be wrestling with trying to fit into specific ideas and molds that seem “right” but don’t necessarily feel that way internally. You may feel restricted in wanting to branch out and discover new beliefs, thoughts, or ideas, potentially due to some heaviness surrounding your mental or spiritual health. You may like clear answers, but be open to sitting in the gray areas today. Things aren’t always as black and white as we would like. 


Discovering more about yourself could make you feel alienated from others today, Libra. With the Moon in your 11th House square Jupiter in your 8th House, the desire to self-examine and do the necessary introspection of ourselves may be difficult to navigate, especially in the presence of others with differing opinions or thoughts. While you may be growing in new ways, you may feel emotionally conflicted in sharing these aspects of yourself with those in your social circles. Healing and introspection are essential to our growth, and it’s not worth allowing society’s messaging or opinions from others to hinder you from doing so. 


You’re struggling to figure out what you owe to your goals and your relationships, Scorpio. With the Moon in your 10th House square Jupiter in your 7th House, you may feel more emotionally fulfilled in your career than usual, or you are becoming more aware of your place in this path and your hopeful for where it could take you. However, other relationships in your life may be taking up much of your attention, time, and resources, leaving you feeling more frustrated than usual today. You don’t want to neglect your relationships, but it’s a good time to figure out ways to achieve your goals still and show up for the people you love. 


The demands of your current life could make you feel more restricted than usual, Sagittarius. With the Moon in your 9th House square Jupiter in your 6th House, you may feel stuck and longing to explore and travel, or at least get out of your usual routine for something more exciting. However, the pressure of your day-to-day, or even health issues, could be overwhelming and keep you from this type of exploration. While it’s easy to sink into hopelessness, remember that even small changes from your usual routine can help ease some of the pressure. It’s not wrong for you to long to change things up, and you’re creative enough to figure out how to do so while still maintaining your responsibilities and health. 


You’re struggling between taking it easy and sitting with heaviness today, Capricorn. With the Moon in your 8th House square Jupiter in your 5th House, emotionally, you may be dealing with some intense, potentially cynical emotions that you think deserve your attention. However, you may be presented with opportunities to let loose and enjoy life, but the guilt of the heavier emotions threatens to keep you from doing so. There is a time and place for everything, and it’s important to remember that keeping yourself miserable—especially over things you can’t change or have no control over—doesn’t actually help anyone. You can do what feels best to you, but enjoying yourself a little doesn’t have to be the betrayal to your inner world that you think it is. 


Your relationships may be scrutinized more than you would like today, Aquarius. Whether it be new romantic partners, close friendships, or business partners, the types of people you are close to now may be very different from what you were raised to associate with. With the Moon in your 7th House square Jupiter in your 4th House, you could potentially deal with your family not approving of your current relationships, or current responsibilities involved with your family could get in the way of commitments you’ve made to your relationships, which can put everyone in a tense position. If you can find ways to validate your relationships and ensure they know their value to you, then things may go smoothly. 


You may feel you’re in a rut today, Pisces. While you may have plenty of inspiration and ideas, you could find it more difficult to communicate them today. With the Moon in your 6th House square Jupiter in your 3rd House, you may feel as though the tasks and responsibilities of your daily life are keeping you restricted, or you don’t have the time or energy to do what you want. There is only so much time in a day, but if you can carve out even a small amount of time to write, call up a friend, or take some time for yourself, you may find it easier to express yourself the way you want.Â