Woman in the Sun
Jackson David

How Each Zodiac Can Thrive During Leo Season (July 22 — August 22)


Aries will love the heat of this Leo season. You will thrive, taking charge of what you want and attacking life head-on. Go boldly and complete the tasks you need to — whether finishing a project or starting a new one. You can embrace yourself and shine.


Earthy Taurus, you could use a little sunshine and boldness. You tend to be a creature of habit, so this is the time to step out of your comfort zone. Take charge of your creativity and let others in on the inspired work you’ve been creating.


Social Gemini, you will likely enjoy this bright and colorful Leo season. Hosting a party with some stimulating conversation might be what you need to thrive. You could also get started on a new summer read. It’s even better if you can read it by a pool.


Cancer, your season may be over, but that doesn’t mean you should crawl back into your shell. You can honor your need to nurture by volunteering this season. Find a local food bank, animal shelter, or community garden to provide support.


It’s your time to shine, Leo! Embrace all that you are with pride. You can confidently go out in the world knowing the sun shines just for you this season. Be bold and make others feel good about themselves too. You are warm and generous, so you can spread some of your vivacity with others.


Find time to have a little fun this Leo season, Virgo. You can get wrapped up in your work a little too easily. If there’s ever a time to take a break and be in the moment, it’s now. Go on vacation, read your favorite books, and appreciate the summer weather.


Leo season is all about confidence in yourself — including decision-making. Although you tend to teeter between options, you can exercise decisiveness this Leo season. Make it a goal to choose something and be content with that choice. It will be a challenge, but you will thrive in no time.


Scorpios are known for their dark and mysterious nature, which is quite antithetical to Leo’s disposition. This time might ruffle some feathers in you, Scorpio. Rather than hiding from the sun, embrace it. Use your passion to create something beautiful. Share it with your closest friends and family. You’ll feel great knowing you were bold.


This season will feel fun and free-spirited. Use this time to go on the many adventures you have planned. Gather some friends, be spontaneous, and enjoy the summer in the way you know best. The sunshine energy will be coming in hot for you, Sagittarius.


You tend to have your hands in many different pots, and you have big dreams and goals. You can use this season’s energy to finish what you need to. Tie up those loose ends you’ve been putting off. Make sure to carve out some time to appreciate all you’ve accomplished. You are welcome to brag a little bit. (It’s Leo season, after all!)


Intellectual Aquarius, you might be craving some good conversation and company. Get a group together and have engaging discussions about eclectic topics. You can also get involved in helping out the community, using that warm Leo energy to your advantage. Start a charity, volunteer, and make big plans. The options are endless.


Pisces, you like to live fully and enjoy learning about the deeper meanings tied to our existence. This Leo season, tap into that energy by going out in nature and enjoying the summer. Connect with the water, trees, and earth. Feel the vibrations of the universe.