Thought Catalog Agency

How Each Zodiac Is Misunderstood In The Modern Dating World


Some people think you’re emotionless because you act like nothing bothers you, like no one can break through your walls. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re surprisingly sensitive. You’re a total sweetheart.


Some people think you’re too serious because you prefer to stick to a structured, predetermined schedule. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re surprisingly silly. You love to laugh and have a good time.


Some people think you’re untrustworthy because you have trouble making decisions and can be a bit flaky. But if they got to know you, they would realize you never let a friend down. You show up whenever you’re needed.


Some people think you’re weak because you wear your heart on your sleeve and aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re strong AF. You have been through so much and never give up.


Some people think you’re selfish because you treat yourself like a priority and chase after what you want. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re as loyal as they come. Once you get attached to someone, you’re with them no matter what.


Some people think you’re bossy because you’re a natural born leader and aren’t afraid to take control of situations. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re open to compromise. You always listen to what others have to say and will meet them halfway.


Some people think you’re fake because you’re always super sweet and treat everyone with kindness. But if they got to know you, they would realize your kindness is authentic. You genuinely see the best in every single person you meet.


Some people think you’re emotionally detached because your guard is so high and you rarely open up about how you’re feeling. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re thoughtful and kind. You go above and beyond for those you care about.


Some people think you’re rude because you are brutally honest and tell it like it is, no matter the situation. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re an optimist. You see the best in others, and you’re always willing to give out second chances.


Some people think you’re boring because you are disciplined and spend a lot of your time working. But if they got to know you, they would realize you’re hilarious and fun. You are up for anything when someone you love invites you along.


Some people think you’re unpredictable because you don’t play by the rules and do whatever the hell you want to do. But if they got to know you, they would realize that you’re devoted, reliable, and responsible. You always keep your promises.


Some people think you’re overemotional because you cry easily and are heavily impacted by the feelings around you. But if they got to know you, they would realize that you are able to handle anything this world throws at you. You are so much tougher than you look.