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How Each Zodiac Sign Can Be Better At Asking For Forgiveness


It’s not that you struggle with apologizing. You have the strength to swallow your ego when you need to take accountability. The problem is that you’re extremely blunt—even when saying sorry—and sometimes you end up hurting the other person more. You also have the expectation that once you apologize the other person should get over it quickly. Try to be a little more tender in your delivery and give others time and space to process their feelings.  


Taurus, you are so set in your ways that you have trouble recognizing your faults, much less taking ownership for them. To you asking for forgiveness feels like a loss of control and power. You wait for the other person to say sorry for their part, if any, or sometimes just wait too long to make amends and end up inflicting more pain. You could benefit from learning how to swallow your pride when there are more important things (and people) at stake. 


Most of the time you don’t even consider that you may have messed up or caused someone harm. When someone acts distant with you, it doesn’t occur to you that you may have hurt them. Once you realize it, you expect them to move on as soon as you’ve tried to make amends. You should allow them the space for the same clarity you so often seek. Something else you could work on is finding meaningful ways to apologize, like say in person. You have a bad habit of sending lengthy texts to say sorry, and it makes the other person feel like you’re minimizing their reaction and feelings. 


Cancer, you absolutely have an issue with taking accountability for your faults and mistakes. You can’t stand being the “bad guy.” Instead of offering a proper apology, you turn the tables around on the person you offended. You make them question not only their reaction to the situation but their part in it and make them feel as if they have to ask for your forgiveness. Step into your ownership and learn to admit when you’re a jerk. Your apologies shouldn’t make the other person feel guilty for being upset. 


In your eyes, you could do no wrong. You have big MC energy and think that the sun was made to revolve around you. Your pride can’t take being exposed for your crappy behavior, so you try to justify it or deny it. You victimize yourself when you’re the villain. Leo, asking for forgiveness shouldn’t come with a “but.” Admitting when you’re wrong doesn’t destroy your image—it makes you human. 


It’s not that you can’t take ownership, it’s that you can’t stand others seeing your flaws and imperfections. It almost makes you feel ashamed to ask for forgiveness. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If you go easy on yourself for your faults and mistakes, others will be more open to doing the same. People won’t criticize you for the ways in which you have failed them, only for how you fail to make amends. 


You feel so off balance without peace and harmony that you’re too quick to apologize and try to repair things, sometimes at your own expense. Libra, you have a bad habit of apologizing when you’re not at fault. You can be better at asking for forgiveness by only apologizing for the things for which you’re at fault. Take a close look at the people in your life who allow you to do this and who fail to take accountability for their part in things. 


You’re not comfortable with asking for forgiveness because apologizing makes you feel exposed and vulnerable, so sometimes you avoid blame at all costs. Like Taurus, you feel like saying sorry equates to relinquishing your control and power. So, you manipulate the situation to fit your narrative. Owning up for your problematic behavior doesn’t make you weak, Scorpio. Let down your guard when asking for forgiveness. 


Your problem isn’t apologizing or taking accountability, it’s your delivery. When you say sorry, you have a tendency to make light of the situation. Sometimes you don’t completely think all the way through before you speak and end up adding fuel to the fire. Make a conscious attempt to think about what you’re going to say before you say it. Have patience with others when they don’t take a situation as lightly as you think it should be taken. 


Apologizing makes you feel as if you’re opening yourself up to scrutiny. You’re afraid to open yourself up to be under attack. Even when you are truly remorseful, you act very formal and business-like in your approach. You try to rationalize your mistakes, when you should be practicing empathy. It would benefit you to be more emotional in your delivery. Try to also remember not to bring up past small grievances to use as excuses or shift the blame.


Aquarius, you think you’re always right—it’s your ego that leaves you ignorant to your errors and faults. Not only do you have trouble owning up to your mistakes, but once you do, you lack warmth in your apology. You detach yourself so far from the situation that like Capricorn, you come off as lacking empathy. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes when asking for forgiveness and don’t make excuses for yourself. Just apologize sincerely and put emotion behind your words to back them up. 


You’re deeply in touch with your emotions and more than capable of delivering a warm and sincere apology, but past situations have left you feeling defenseless when you ask for forgiveness. You’re afraid of apologizing and of it not only being received harshly, but of someone saying hurtful things in return. You have a history of getting involved with people who thrived off of putting you down. Don’t hide your head in the sand and wait for the problem to go away on its own, and don’t over-explain yourself with lengthy apologies, either.