Mikhail Nilov

How Each Zodiac Sign Finds Empowerment With A Touch Of ‘Woo-Woo Girl’ Magic

The idea of having a magical practice can seem complex, mystifying, and possibly even intimidating, but in reality, a magical practice can be as simple as integrating mindfulness and intention into things you do every day. Developing a magical practice can contribute to both your personal and spiritual growth, as well as help strengthen your connection to everyday life by infusing meaning into the mundane. Magical practices can serve as a vehicle of manifestation by helping us bring focus, consistency, and intentionality through setting aside time and space within our busy daily lives.

Each zodiac sign has its own unique essence and gifts that naturally lean towards certain types of practices. Similarly, each sign may find themselves energetically drawn towards certain types of magical practices, which in turn gives stronger results. Read on to find out what magical practice is most energetically aligned to your sign, and be sure to read your sun, moon, and rising sign to see what resonates or sparks inspiration the most!

Aries ~ Candle Magic

Aries, you are a bold and courageous fire sign full of spark and vitality, so of course you’re best suited for a magical practice that incorporates fire! Candle magic invites us to focus our intentions and imbue them into a candle by carving a reminder of your intention into the candle, or simply meditating on your intention while holding your candle, then bringing that intention into focus each time you light your candle. Your own excitement and vigor sometimes acts like a spark that starts off strong but fizzles out, so bringing your focus to the steadiness of a candle flame can help you hone your own focus and energetic endurance when it comes to the intentions you set.

Taurus ~ Kitchen Magic

What better magical practice for you, Taurus, than one that engages all five of your senses and brings your own focus toward grounding and nurturance? You innately know the importance of the food you eat, how it makes you feel, and the pleasure it brings, so it only makes sense for you to set magical intentions through the preparation of the food that nourishes you! Kitchen magic opens up the opportunity to infuse magic into the most mundane, everyday task of setting up our space, preparing food, and enjoying the results of our labor. You can fill this everyday task with meaning by choosing ingredients, herbs and spices, or even full meals that center around your intentions. Want to attract love? Bake something sweet! Want to promote health and longevity? Simmer something low and slow for extra flavor and potency! The best part comes when you get to enjoy what you prepared and are nourished by your own magical intentions.

Gemini ~ Word Magic

Gemini, as a Mercury-ruled air sign, your quick wit, adaptability, and playfulness, alongside your strong connection to communication and words, makes any opportunity that includes wordplay perfect for you. You might find these strengths best put to use by turning your intentions into manifestations by writing them into playful poems or stories. The challenge of finding just the right words can feel like an intellectually stimulating puzzle for you. Turn your intentions into a rhythmic rhyme or guide the protagonist of your story on a quest that mirrors what you wish to manifest. This practice has the potential to be even more effective and powerful by continually bringing your focus back to your intentions by regularly reading them out loud to yourself. If the idea of writing stories or poems feels intimidating for you, start off simply by writing your intentions down and speaking them aloud each day. In doing so you are consistently speaking your intentions into being, and you may just be surprised how effectively this practice transforms your intentions into your reality.

Cancer ~ Lunar Magic

It should come as no surprise to you, Cancer, that your natural connection to the moon and its cycles is inherently magical in and of itself. By further synching the natural rhythm of your own daily life to lunar cycles, you stand to find an anchor and guide when it comes to creating a natural rhythm in your own manifestation practices. Engage in learning about the different phases of the lunar cycle and what they traditionally symbolize, as well as take note of how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout each phase. Over time you may notice the waxing and waning of your own energy syncing up to the moon’s cycle, granting you a powerful guide to set your own intentions with, as well as the cue to help you know when to lean into taking action, when to step back and harvest the fruits of your labor, and when to retreat inward and reflect on the process.

Leo ~ Glamour Magic

Leo, you naturally exude confidence and charisma and have an innate ability to command the attention of the room whenever you wish. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that the magical practice that comes naturally to you is one that centers on amplifying your unique charm and magnetism. Glamor magic is the practice of tapping into your personal power through how you present yourself–through certain pieces of jewelry, the way you do your make-up, wearing certain clothes or colors, or whatever your creative mind comes up with–the key is to develop a connection between certain qualities you wish to draw out of yourself and amplify them through connecting those qualities to looking (and feeling!) a certain way. Glamor magic can be used in combination with intentions to achieve a promotion at work, attract love interests, promote self-love, project a sense of confidence to an audience, or whatever you wish!

Virgo ~ Herbal Magic

There are so many reasons that you’d excel in working with herbs, Virgo. Of course, as an earth sign, you have a natural connection to nature, but you also have a natural ability to be attentive, a dedication to improving things, and an innate desire to be of service, all of which make you a natural healer. Herbs not only have healing properties that support our overall wellness, but each plant also has its own essence that grants it energetic and magical properties. Hone your own intentions and research what herbs align with the properties or qualities you need to bring your manifestations into being. You can create herbal tea blends, grow your own herbs, or even just researching an herb is a fantastic way to work with its magical properties. Start your journey by selecting just one herb you feel drawn to and learn as much as you can about it. When you feel ready, choose a new herb to learn about and incorporate into your life. Continue to repeat and before you know it you’ll hold a wealth of herbal knowledge.

Libra ~ Working with an altar

Building an altar invites us to slow down, bring our intentions into focus, and construct a symbolic visual reminder of those intentions to return to throughout our day, either subconsciously when we pass it by, or consciously by spending time at your altar. Libra, you are the absolute master of aesthetics and arrangement, so it should come as no surprise that your skills and eye for beauty and harmony lend towards creating beautiful and powerful altar spaces that will have you wanting to return to your intentions and manifestations on a daily basis. Choose a space that feels comfortable and inviting, and select items that symbolically represent your desired manifestation, arranging them in a way that feels harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. There is so much space for creativity when it comes to altars, which makes it the perfect practice for you, Libra. Start by setting the mood with music and incense, cleaning and clearing your space, and bringing your intentions to focus while you build your altar. You can incorporate items that have personal meaning, sentimentality, candles with colors or scents that align with your intentions, and whatever items or decorative flourishes that call out to you.

Scorpio ~ Shadow Work

Shadow work is not for the faint of heart, but for you Scorpio, there’s nothing you love more than diving straight to the heart of things to confront them head-on. Shadowwork is the practice of peering deep into our psyche and looking at the parts of ourselves we tend to suppress that can sometimes creep into our lives through negative habits or behaviors. Our shadows can reflect our fears or shame. The objective of shadow work is to transform these challenges within ourselves into something that empowers us by learning to accept and love ourselves for all of our facets. Scorpio, your natural inclination to not shy away from things that are challenging and intense, along with your strong sense of perception, lends towards your ability to confront these parts of yourself with an awareness and readiness to utilize them to transform into your most empowered self. Shadowwork helps us grow spiritually and facilitates personal transformation, imbuing us with the courage and confidence to be our truest selves. You have a natural inclination to embrace transformational processes, Scorpio, and there’s nothing more important to you than embracing truth.

Sagittarius ~ Vision Boards

Sagittarius, your magnetism, optimism, and ability to take bold leaps of faith make you a natural master manifester as it is. You love to look towards what’s next, dream big, and go after it without thinking twice. While an incredibly popular activity in general, making vision boards can also be a particularly magical practice when approached with extra intention. Craft your vision board in whatever way feels aesthetically pleasing to you, but to give it an extra layer of magic, layer your intentions into it by writing them down underneath the images you select alongside notes of gratitude to emphasize the feeling of abundance for what you already have. Working with your own hands to create a visual reminder of your goals and intentions is the perfect first step to taking your big ideas and bringing them into the material world, that then provides you with reminders that you look at every day. You could even try making a digital collage and making it your phone or computer background!

Capricorn ~ Garden Magic

Capricorn, your ambition and determination grant you a natural inclination towards bringing your vision to life. Cultivating a garden takes time, discipline, and patience, but stands to produce an abundance from the fruits of your labor, which is something that you naturally excel at as the ambitious and determined earth sign that you are. While seemingly a very mundane practice, gardening brings us in touch with the magic of nature, cycles of life, and the earth itself in a very intimate way. Start simple with just a couple herbs or vegetables, and over time you might just be surprised at your ability to create something abundant and flourishing. You are an absolute master at long-term goals and manifesting your vision into material reality, so setting your intentions with your garden by planting actual seeds and watching them flourish and grow will be incredibly satisfying for you. Bring your focus to your intentions each time you work in your garden and connect to the magic of the earth.

Aquarius ~ Divination

Divination is the practice of decoding hidden knowledge or messages by observing and interpreting patterns and symbols. Divination has been practiced by humans for thousands of years and there are countless methods that can be drawn from. Popular examples include casting runes, reading tea leaves, palmistry, the i ching, and perhaps the most popular of all, the tarot. Doing divination requires the practitioner to think abstractly, pick up on patterns, and collect the information before them, which is so well suited to you, as an analytical air sign. You also hold an uncanny ability to step back and detach yourself from desired outcomes, which gives you the ability to see things as they are, an essential quality to practicing divination. Choose a technique that you feel drawn to and practice, practice, practice!

Pisces ~ Dream Work

Pisces, you have an ethereal essence, and your vividly creative mind is constantly slipping into fantastical realms. Sleep brings us into a restful, healing space, where our dreams can give us a glimpse into our subconscious and grant us the opportunity to connect to our deeper selves and our soul desires. Paying attention to your dreams, noting patterns and symbolic themes, has the potential to strengthen your connection to your soul’s desires and motivations, and utilize that connection to guide you in your waking life. The best way to begin a practice of working with your dreams is to keep a dream journal, jotting down what you remember from your dreams each morning when you wake up. It may be challenging or not seem very meaningful at first, but the more you practice the more you’ll find yourself naturally recalling details. Over time you’ll notice patterns and dreams that tend to repeat themselves, which will help you pick up on underlying meaning and messages from your dream self.