How The 2nd Mercury Retrograde Of 2024 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (Aug 5-27, 2024)
In 2024, Mercury will plunge into retrograde three times. Arm yourself with all the essential knowledge you’ll need for these events.
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It is a fact that many things are blamed on Mercury’s wayward apparent trajectory. This planet, named after the planet of communication, gets blamed for tech hiccups, call drops, and even bad relationships. But is that for real?

And if it is a thing, what does that mean for you, and how will it affect your sign?
Mercury goes retrograde three times a year and the second one is coming in August. Here’s what you need to know.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
If you ask three different people, you’ll get three different answers. In essence, the truth is the planet doesn’t really go backwards at all. It just looks like it is going backwards. Because of its trajectory and other science-y stuff, this planet projects an optical illusion, making it seem as if it is spinning completely counter to the other planets.
When Does Mercury Enter Retrograde In 2024?
Mercury will be in retrograde three times in 2024:
- April 1-April 24, 2024
- Aug. 5-27, 2024
- Nov. 25-to Dec. 15, 2024
Understanding Mercury Retrograde and Preparation
As the legends go, Mercury was the messenger god. To that end, when this planet is going backwards, communication and understanding, connections and logic, are all going to be hard to come by. During this time, regardless of your sign, it is a good time to reflect and reimagine yourself, to double check everything before committing, and reminding yourself that it’s only for a few weeks and life will return to normal.
Mercury Retrograde 2024 and Your Zodiac Sign
So, aside from the fact that the planet “appears” to spin backwards, what’s that mean for your sign?
What’s the impact of Mercury Retrograde and should you care?
Yes. Mercury retrograde is in Virgo starting on August 5th before moving into retrograde in Leo on August 14th, meaning that many signs will be specifically affected. Here’s what you should know:
You are going to be very frustrated during these retrogrades because you like forward momentum…and you aren’t gonna get it. Arising out of this frustration is going to be the tendency to be snarky. However, if you are aware of these tendencies and focus on the intent of what people are saying and doing, you are going to gather some very impressive intel.
This is a great time to reflect and review anything tangible in your life, such as your home, investments, and assets. Make sure everything is in good order, then extend your helpful nature to others during this time. You are able to nurture and see to the heart of the matter during the retrogrades when many other signs cannot. Hold off on making any big purchases or decisions.
If you must travel during this time, just make sure you are over-prepared. Count on delays and cancelled flights, gridlock, and lost luggage. If you can reschedule, do so. If not, exercise your patience muscle and release the humor hound, because you are going to need it.
This is the time to formulate plans, especially of a financial nature. Once the retrograde is over, you’ll be perfectly positioned to act and enjoy substantial growth in your portfolio and assets. If you’re looking for a promotion or a new job, gather all the information now, lay the foundation, and you’ll be ready to move to the next level.
Retrograde is going to affect you the most at your place of work. In the office, or in your career, miscommunication may be rampant. Protect yourself against this, and be proactive in getting equipment looked at before the retrograde happens. Double and triple-check your work before turning it in.
If you own property, Capricorns, sit on everything you have. Don’t buy, sell, update, or rent anything during this retrograde because mistakes are sure to happen. And those mistakes could cost you. If you are already scheduled to move during this time, then double-check all the paperwork, and even have someone else look it over. Movers, moving trucks, and packing may take longer and be more frustrating than usual.
One of Gemini’s ruling plants IS Mercury, so miscommunications are highly likely with you. Make a point of thinking before speaking, double-check your text messages and emails, and you may have multiple interruptions during your day due to a deluge of phone calls. Be careful that what you say isn’t taken the wrong way.
This first retrograde is going to hit you in your ego. Your self-image is going to be rocked and you will feel out of balance. The best thing to do during this retrograde is to avoid any activity that puts the spotlight on your physical attributes. Instead, opt for focusing on the non-physical, such as developing a hobby, skill, or spiritual journey. It would be a fantastic time to start a journal.
Aquarius, relationships are going to be prime targets for this retrograde energy. If you are not aware and careful, you could find yourself in numerous situations where the drama reigns supreme. Think Jersey Shore meets The Real Housewives. Explosive.
You may tend to become nitpicky during this retrograde season. Every little thing that has been left undone around the house or the yard, or in your personal life, are going to be glaring you in the face. Instead of playing the blame game, try systematically taking care of those things so that you know they are done correctly.
During this retrograde season (each time it happens), you are going to be an emotional wreck. Your common sense may take a backseat to your emotions, so plan to ease up on the internal and external drama throttle. If you aren’t careful, you’re going to spill the beans about something you should have kept completely quiet.
Mercury is also the planet that rules logic, and your sign is very much into creativity. Expect to be even more out to lunch and engaging in daydreams during this time. Schedule your workload lightly if you can, and don’t overload your schedule.