Karina Tess

How To Protect Your Peace This Month, According To Your Zodiac


To protect your peace this month, Aries, you need to embrace a little more spontaneity. Allow yourself to follow your impulses and explore new experiences without overthinking. Trust in the Universe’s guidance, especially when it comes to those little nudges, and let go of rigid plans. How can you invite more joy into your life? You never know what peace you’ll invite in when you follow that inner compass of yours. 


Taurus, your peace thrives when you indulge in the simple pleasures. Take time to savor delicious meals (any excuse to try that new local hot spot, right?), lay back in soothing baths with your lotions and potions, or even treat yourself to some freshly cut flowers. By nurturing your senses, you can ground yourself in the present moment and hopefully cultivate a deeper sense of happiness and contentment. 


In a world filled with distractions, Gemini, protecting your peace this month requires you to cultivate a little more mindfulness – something that can feel challenging to you in your busy day to day schedule. But it can be done. Practice being fully present in each moment, whether you’re engaging in conversation, enjoying a solo date, or even just driving in the car. By quieting the chitter chatter of your mind, you’ll be able to tap into inner calm and clarity.


Cancer, protecting your peace involves establishing boundaries that honor your emotional needs. But you knew we would say that, right? Be picky about the company you keep and prioritize relationships that nourish your soul. Is this the month you take a look at who you spend the most time with and see if your cup is being filled or drained? By creating a safe space for yourself within your friendships, you can navigate the ebbs and flows of life with more balance. 


For you Leo, protecting your peace means embracing authenticity in all aspects of your life. When you lean into your you-niqueness and stop hiding parts of yourself you dream about sharing with the world, peace becomes your default state. Sometimes you fear what others think, focusing on the shadows cast from your light instead of what is being highlighted, but peace comes from staying true to yourself knowing the right people will be magnetised to you no matter what. 


Virgo, your peace flourishes in an environment of simplicity and order. It’s time to get organized. Take time this month to declutter your physical space, your digital space, and streamline your daily routines. Think about what is serving you in the best way and what is causing an energy leak – what can you fix and what needs to be thrown away? By eliminating unnecessary distractions, you can create a peaceful sanctuary that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit.


Libra, protecting your peace this month requires prioritizing those self-care rituals that replenish your energy. Invest time and attention into things that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it’s indulging in a spa day, spending more time on passion projects (what hobbies have you wanted to try lately that you’ve not found the time for?), or curling up with a good book and your favorite cozy snacks. The most important thing? Do not feel guilty for making self-care a priority, your peace depends on it.  


For intense and passionate Scorpio, protecting your peace this month involves releasing the need for control and surrendering to the flow of life. Trust in the Universe’s divine timing and allow yourself to embrace a little vulnerability, even though there might be resistance to doing just that. By letting go of your tight grip on the ‘when’ and ‘how’ your month will play out, you get to experience all of the magic the Universe has available that you can’t even imagine right now.


Sagittarius, your peace thrives on exploration and it feels like you might have been staying put for a little longer than you’d like in certain areas of your life. This month, shake up your energy and step outside of your comfort zone, both literal and metaphorical. This is where your true peace lies. Embrace the unknown with a curious spirit, knowing that every experience holds the potential for magic to occur.


As an earthy Capricorn, protecting your peace requires grounding yourself in the healing energy of nature. Over the next month, make it your priority to spend time outdoors, whether it’s walking (or even hiking!), gardening, or simply spending time with the warmth of the sun on your face to get a much-needed boost of vitamin D. By connecting with mother earth, you can find solace and renewal amidst any challenges you might be facing right now.


Aquarius, your peace is found in the bonds of friendship. This month, prioritize cultivating meaningful connections with those soulmate friends who inspire and uplift you. You know the ones that leave you feeling full to the brim with goodness? Share your big dreams together openly, knowing that together, you can manifest amazing moments into your life – and in turn, leaning into a feeling of peace that comes with spending time with those that ‘get’ you. 


Pisces, protecting your peace this month involves embracing the power of surrender. You might have found yourself overthinking a number of situations recently, but now is the time to trust in the wisdom of your intuition and allow yourself to flow with the currents of life. Surrender to the Universe’s guidance and embrace the beauty of the unknown, knowing that you are always supported and guided.