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How You Can Be Better At Accomplishing Your Goals, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Page of Pentacles 

In order to make your dreams become a reality, you’re going to have to be more disciplined when it comes to planning. Be intentional in setting the steps required to achieve your goals. It all starts with naming what you want, deciding to be committed, and going for it. Stay focused when it comes to building a solid foundation. 


Your Card: The Sun, reversed

To be more disciplined in achieving your goals, you have to set realistic expectations for yourself and find a positive outlook. You can’t attract what you want with a pessimistic attitude. You can’t chase after your dreams with a lack of enthusiasm, either. Don’t let setbacks or challenges along the way make you look at the glass half empty. Keep your end goal in sight. 


Your Card: Ten of Cups

You can’t be disciplined in your goals if you’re not chasing after what you find meaningful and fulfilling. You also need to put yourself in an environment in which you can truly thrive—your living situation, the people you surround yourself with, your habits and patterns. Only then, can you feel secure enough to go after the things you desire. 


Your Card: Knight of Cups

You have to let your coherent vision for the future drive your every action. Remain true to your desires and act in alignment with your values along the way. Make sure you’re taking every step with grace and an open heart. Don’t let yourself become too serious that you lose the excitement that drove you in the first place. 


Your Card: Eight of Pentacles

Leo, you’re going to have to put in more dedication into accomplishing the things you desire. This includes refining your skills. Your efforts will not be in vain, no matter the challenges on the way. Your concentration should be purely on consistently working towards your aspirations. Maintain a strong work ethic and don’t let yourself be led astray by any distractions. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles

You have to believe that you have what it takes to manifest your dreams. The opportunity and abundance you seek is possible, all you have to do is plant and water the seeds. Set your intentions and speak of them as if they’re already yours. Invest all your resources into what you want—your time, energy, and money. 


Your Card: The Chariot

You need to implement more self-discipline when it comes to working towards your goal. You’re going to have to find the willpower to say no to some things, so that your focus stays where it should. To be better when it comes to making your dreams a reality, you must remain unwavering in your determination. 


Your Card: Temperance

You have to start going easier on the indulgences and focus on what truly matters. To put it simply, you have to find a balance between work and pleasure. You’re playing too much, and not working as much as you should. Make the necessary adjustments to establish a better equilibrium between the two. 


Your Card: The World, reversed

You’re going to have to get yourself out of this stagnant place that you’ve been stuck in. This may mean taking a different approach, or even course correcting and figuring out where your true path lies. Dreams, just like people, are dynamic and ever-changing. It’s okay if you have to tweak them a little bit. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

Right now you’re juggling too much in your life at once. It has left you feeling drained and exhausted, and it’s starting to wear away at your motivation. You’re going to have to prioritize what’s meaningful to you and cut out what you could do without. Stop stretching yourself too thin and focus on what you want to accomplish, Capricorn. 


Your Card: Page of Wands, reversed

There are too many distractions that you need to clear in order to focus on what’s important. You need to take your ideas from some abstract concept to something tangible in the world. Spend some time developing your vision and brainstorming a plan to get you there. Don’t let your fears get in the way. 


Your Card: Nine of Wands

Just because it’s proven challenging to accomplish your goals, doesn’t mean you have to be discouraged. It may not feel like it, but your hard work is paying off. You’re closer than you think you are, Pisces. Every day you persevere and stay focused is bringing you closer to your dream. Try to remain hopeful and don’t let the obstacles keep you from trying.