Kieran White

Love Starts Off Slow For These 4 Zodiacs


Libra has a lot of acquaintances. They are one of the friendliest signs of the zodiac, smiling at strangers they pass on the sidewalk, making small talk with neighbors, greeting people they see regularly at cafes or bookstores. So it takes awhile, for relationships to progress to the next stage. They don’t just jump right into a romantic relationship. They let things evolve at a natural pace, let friendships develop, and then let time dictate whether there is truly something more to the connection. They are never in a rush or a race to any destination. They never feel the need to compete with peers or replicate anyone else’s partnership. They just live in the reality of the moment. If the chemistry is there, it will become apparent. 


Leo is really successful in the dating sphere. They know how to “sell” themselves by putting their best qualities on display like a perfectly curated store window. But real love isn’t about desiring the good in someone, it’s about seeing the full picture, flaws and strengths side by side, and committing to the entirety of a person. Opening up to that level of vulnerability is not Leo’s strong suit. People aren’t baring their souls at the parties they frequent or the settings they thrive in. And that’s okay too. They use that experience, their knowledge of the broad spectrum of personalities to allow them to be selective about who they really go deep with. And that takes time. They give everyone a chance, but are slow to decide who is truly worthy of their heart.


Capricorn has a lot of things going for them in life. And they don’t toss everything out the window once a whiff of romance is in the air. It’s not that they assume things won’t work out and come off guarded, it’s just that they let the relationship build up to become their main priority. In the beginning, their new parter has to share their time and attention with work, family, and friends, and although that never really ends, it evolves over time as the relationship becomes more serious. Capricorn knows there’s a difference between a second date and a spouse, and they behave accordingly. The trust and commitment have to be built over time. Both partners have to grow into the relationship together. It isn’t something that can be forced.


People think the romantic delay with Virgo is a result of their pickiness, that they don’t think anyone is ever really worthy of them. But on the inside, they struggle with private fears and self-esteem. That someone may not be able to truly appreciate or love them for who they are. That it’s easier for them to just love themselves, then to ask someone to put up with all of their eccentricities. To truly believe it, they have to see it, have to find a partner who is able to demonstrate, consistently, that they are in it and committed to Virgo. It takes a really long time for Virgo to stop waiting for the other shoe to drop, and occasionally it does, but eventually they will find the kind of love they’ve been waiting for.