Nesrin Danan

Pet Or Plane Ticket?: What 2024 Has In Store For The Zodiac’s Introverts And Extroverts


Plane ticket. Aries will be invited on a group trip involving friends or family that will be the perfect excuse to get out of town. Extend the vacation for some solo adventuring and you’ll have the best of both worlds. Time away from your routine will give you much needed R&R as well as a refreshed perspective upon your return.


Pet. Something just feels right about the timing, Taurus. You’ve really upgraded your home base in the last few months, and everything is just the way you like it. The only thing missing a furry friend to curl up next to you on the couch. Yes, you may have to pet proof a few areas, but the company will be worth it. 


Plane ticket. You need peace and quiet on a warm beach this year, Gemini. You don’t want to be disturbed, want to finish multiple books, and have someone refill your frozen drink for a reasonable tip. This vacation is an exorcism for all of the stress you’ve been dealing with, so that do not disturb sign means business.


Pet. You want a buddy who is going to hop in the back of your car and accompany you on an outdoor adventure, Cancer. To you, a getaway doesn’t have to involve airline miles. A pet means regular walks, dog parks, and playing fetch on the beach. They fit seamlessly into your active lifestyle.


Plane ticket. You’re ready to do a group tour of the pyramids, or a month as a digital nomad in Argentina, Leo. Something big, something epic, something that is going to generate major content for the gram. You find safety in a group of co-travelers of pre-planned itinerary so the pressure isn’t on you to figure it all out on your own.


Pet. Your pet will be the goodest pet, Virgo, the greatest pet. A pet worthy of the new American novel. One readers aspire to all their life but never quite reach. Your pet will be the town hero, and a statue will be erected in their honor, and you will never have been prouder.


Plane ticket. You’re doing Europe, Libra, but you’re going to do it right. You’ll pop into the most important museums, make a designer purchase that will last you a lifetime, and dine in restaurants you will never forget. You’ll run all over, but still have time to lounge in bed. The best of both worlds indeed.


Pet. You’re ready to take on new responsibilities, Scorpio, and there’s a little witchy vibe going on, no matter what animal you choose. Even if your pet is as beat up as Scabbers, you’ll have made a friend for life and a constant companion. Plus, you’ll always have an excuse to leave a party early.


Plane ticket. The truth is there are more countries than you can travel to in your life time, Sagittarius, but you’ll do your darnedest to fit as many as you can in on your budget. You have some experience under your belt, so 2024 is a time for bold choices, but pack a few books because the flight is going to be longgg.


Plane ticket. You’ve racked up those PTO days, Capricorn, and it’s high time you used some to get the hell out of town. Hit the spa or the slopes as your personality sees fit, but leave the laptop behind. Really unplug and give in to those desires you’ve put on the back burner while pursuing your goals.


Pet. And a rescue at that Aquarius. You’re the friend of a friend who will take a pet in need in 2024. The personal connection makes you feel closer to this animals story, and you’ve secretly been aspiring to become a pet parent, but didn’t want to shop around. This opportunity is the chance you’ve been waiting for.


Pet. You’re going to find a soulful companion who is past their puppy or kitten phase, Pisces. A pet that needs the patience and intuition only you can provide. You will make them feel safe and stable, and they will express their gratitude in a million little ways you’ll grown to love and cherish.