Tarotscope For Today: Friday, February 7, 2025
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Your Card: Knight of Swords
Embrace the chaos, Aries. Don’t overthink anything right now, this will only hold you back. Don’t worry about planning everything out perfectly and just take a leap of faith today. Right now is the moment for taking action and if you make mistakes, embrace it and learn from those mistakes. Don’t get caught up in perfection or with what could go wrong because you have more to gain than lose in this moment.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune
Today is about paying it forward, Taurus. You are in a really good position where you can afford to give. So with that said, give without expecting anything in return as much as you can. You will be rewarded in ways you wouldn’t expect.
Your Card: King of Pentacles
It might help to go to a trusted friend or family member who will give you that blunt yet honest advice, Gemini. Consider what it is they are telling you because they may offer some much- needed insights that you might be seeking. It seems that right now, you might need a bit of honesty and clarity from an outside observer to help you move forward.
Your Card: Page of Wands
Today you are able to wipe the slate clean regarding a certain situation or conflict, Cancer. It’s never too late to start anew and the Page of Wands offers some encouragement to start off on the right foot.
Your Card: Ten of Wands
You’re holding onto things from the past that you need to let go of eventually, Leo. You’re typically the type of person who holds on to grudges and has a hard time forgiving others whether or not they intentionally or unintentionally caused you pain. But at the end of the day, that resentment, that hatred, and that bitterness is only going to hurt you in the long run and not them. Though you feel justified in your dislike, is it worth holding onto any longer because it will continue to haunt you unless you find a way to let go? You don’t have to forget but try to forgive. For your own sake.
Your Card: Justice
Though you don’t owe anyone anything, Virgo, the Justice card carries with it a very profound meaning. Regardless of whether we owe anyone anything, this doesn’t mean we have cart blanche to do whatever we want while ignoring the effect it might have on others. Don’t let your actions become other people’s consequences. You may be acting mindlessly in ways that you feel are harmless but in actuality are deeply affecting the people around you. You could argue that you have nothing to do with their reaction but were the choices that you made worth their pain? How would you feel if the same was done to you? The Justice card is also a reminder that what comes around, goes around times three. Be mindful of that today.
Your Card: Queen of Swords
Embrace the spirit of the Queen of Swords today, Libra. She is connected to your sign and represents that stern yet compassionate side of you. You may have forgotten about this side of you. The side of you that is precise in your communication and can discern between the truth and bullshit. Channel these abilities to help you read between the lines. It may come in handy as you face the day. It is time to remind the people around you that you stand on business.
Your Card: Six of Pentacles
You might be spending more time than you realize worrying about what others have versus what you lack. While it’s okay to aspire for more, these feelings of jealousy can become toxic and self- destructive. Getting into a mindset like this will only bitter your outlook causing you to ignore the blessing that you already possess. If you continue with this scarcity mindset, then nothing will ever be enough. Just some food for thought as you go about your day, Scorpio.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
Don’t confine yourself to short-term results, Sagittarius. Think bigger than that. Consider the long term as you go about your day and figure out what direction you want to move towards next. Remember to have patience as the Seven of Pentacles represents steady investments that will grow over the long term. Don’t expect instant results. Sometimes the best rewards in life or the most satisfying wins come from long-term work and dedication. Allow time for those payoffs to manifest.
Your Card: Three of Wands
As I went to pull your card of the day from my deck, I fumbled slightly which resulted in the cards exploding everywhere. This is either indicative of my clumsiness, a profound sign from the universe, or a mixture of both. With that, the intensity with which the Three of Wands made itself known indicates to me that perhaps today you are moving forward with a long-term goal or plan that you’ve had. Perhaps there was some sort of project you had in the back of your mind yet never followed through with due to insinuating circumstances. Or a certain important milestone that you have yet to cross. However the Three of Wands manifests in your day, you are moving forward with something you doubted was ever possible. You are getting the opportunity to bring something cherished to fruition.
Your Card: King of Wands
You may be hearing the exact words you need to hear from someone close to you, or even more likely you might be hearing what you need to hear from a movie or TV show you stumbled upon at the right moment. It’s strange the way certain works of art find us at the right time. Like we were meant to come across it at these very specific moments in our lives when it resonates the deepest. Just know it wasn’t by sheer coincidence you happened to hear this wisdom. Take it to heart and let it be the thing that drives you towards following your deepest desires.
Your Card: The Magician
What most people don’t realize or choose not to believe is that almost anything we passionately desire (for the right reasons of course) we are capable of manifesting into our reality. The trick is to simply believe in yourself and continuously remind yourself that you are capable of living in the reality you want. The Magician depicts a person with all the tools that they need to accomplish their dreams at their disposal. Whatever setbacks you may face or unfairness might occur, this should never be enough to make you think that what is possible is impossible. Practice telling yourself this, Pisces. And you might find that simply believing in yourself will generate real results.